😭I think maybe he should be taken to a doctor. 😠You think maybe he should be taken to a doctor? 😭Yes. 😠When do you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor? 😭As soon as possible? 😠As soon as possible? 😠You think his health might be at stake. 😭Yes! 😠You are concerned about him. 😭Yes! 😠And are you concerned about me? 😭Of course I am! 😠Of course you are! Have you ever thought about my responsibilities? 😭Oh, Jack, what are you talking about? 😠Have you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities? 😠Have you ever thought for a single solitary moment about my responsibilities to my employers? 😠Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first. 😠Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a letter of agreement, a contract, in which I have accepted that responsibility? 😠Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principal is? Do you? 😠Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future, if I were to fail to live up to my responsibilities? 😠Has it ever occurred to you? Has it?