Jim-san. Please explain us a reason why we must submit our own names and addresses to the melon shop. I am sure that those personal informations are not necessary to purchase the melon points by using the credit card or PayPal. Did you forget the terrible affair of last year?
It seems to work very nicely now. http://i.2ch.net/ Please let me know if you find some bugs. Probably we can improve this a lot more. I am writng from my android phone now using the chrome browser.
Discussed over 2weeks, we decided to apply regular indication of ID. It has merits for us and almost got agreement We held a vote about this, and most people cast a vote for agreement. Receiving this result, please let us enable 旧シャア専用板 regular indication of ID and end indication setting. We also want you to restore to original anonymous name.
>>41 Hmm, there were some problems with the maguro server yesterday. Maybe an older version was put on. I am not going to put display IP on. I did change it to force ID.
Dear Jim-san. Personally identifiable information is divulged in "地下アイドル板". http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1409393453/520 This writing is in breach of Law for the Protection of Computer‐Processed Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.
>>48 That(http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1409393453/520) is not my posting. So I dont know a means. Certainly 2ch's volunteer know only user's IP. If there aren't any problems. . . I think I should be going now. I'm sorry for upsetting you.
Jim-san Since the introduction of the prefecture name displayed by the vote Similar movement has come out in the other board. Do you be accepted if the applicant, such as the same has been made?
>>62 Those folks talked about it a long time. I followed it for at least a month. I think it is a mistake and probably they will be voting to change it again later. Please be specific, what board and why?
>>63 Thank you for giving me answer As far as I know, residents of the plate the following showed such opinion Has become the most motivated and Anime sales thread They were driven out by the jack because it was invaded plate existing seeking prefecture name display for troll measures. It was invaded another plate again, but there is no prefecture name displayed there. They will consume one thread in a few hours talking vigorously very.
>>67 So, that looks like you are asking me to create a board for the pirated information of Blu Ray sales, that seem to popup all over the place. Honestly I don't understand the appeal, but I do know that information comes from another site. It is in their protected area, and you need to pay to get that information. Probably copy and paste of all of that information is not good, or nice, or appropriate.
the DNS entry for irc.2ch.net was removed on 2ch.net. but it is not deleted on 2ch-dot-sc.
IRC server itself is not changed anything, but currently it accessible only as irc.2ch-dot-sc.
IRC server ops are keeping silent for this problem. just updated "2ch@IRC wiki" about access to IRC server for peoples.
peoples on 2ch@IRC are very confused. irc.2ch.net is run by volunteers and no explicitly troubles with 2ch.net. I think you can just resume DNS entry for irc.2ch.net.
And also, I hope to communicate with Jim-san with e-mail. I'm op of 2ch@IRC 3rd server. I do not accomplice either Jim or Nishimura. I hope just stop confusing on 2ch@IRC.
The regime of the past, Live act at the board is not a live system was strictly prohibited. However, volunteer status quo does not address even if there is a report. Jim-san are you condone it from doing live a board other than the live system? Load on the server if no longer be a problem, it should be known to the user. Also, you should take some action if problem if.
>>77 So, Tateisu-san has decided to keep his server independent. I have put an irc server on at irc.2ch.net:6667 If someone wants to use it. If you find a bug let me know. It has been since the last century since I played with IRC.
>>82 I am using an app on my android phone. AndroIRC. http://www.androirc.com/ It seems to work well for those that don't have an iPhone. I noticed there are currently 84 users. That is pretty cool. I didn't think there would be that man users.
Jim-san, I have a problem with PROXY restriction. My ISP is Plala and I use Jane Style as 2ch browser. I don't use proxy server. But when I try to post to 2ch, my post is rejected because of Proxy restriction. I bought ronin and I can post now, so it's OK. but I want to know why my ISP is rejected.
(Vote for changing rules of ジャニーズ2板 was finished.Of about 200 votes with ips more than 140 votes are 賛成=agree. ジャニーズ2板名前欄および仕様変更投票スレ http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1411206667/ Take it into account,please Jim
>>130 I have ordered a new server to replace awabi. How about you post that request in the appropriate thread. That would be a good time to do it, if it is a good idea.
Hello,Mr jim. I want to a pri-cure board. Pri-cure is the famous anime which will continue in Japan for ten years. Many threads are built also in 2ch. There is a thread exceeding 40 also in animecharacter(Individual) board. Please think.
>>147 I suggest a new name for "Awabi" server, new name is "Yomogi". This word means Japanese traditional weed, and often eaten as a Tempura. Incidentally, I like this weed and sometimes eat.
I would propose Chinese (Japanese) Zodiac. 2014 is the year of Horse, which will be followed by Goat, then by Monkey(Ape). So horse.2ch.net will be the name for the new one, but let us celebrate 2 more. Have fun!
>>170 Hmm. AKB is iconic. They are patriotic. They are what Japanese girl aspire to be. We need to talk about it a lot before we change anything about AKB.
but many users had built live-thread in akb board. i thinnk if we will make new live-akb board, but user will continue to make new live-thread in akb-board. so, at first, we have to think any ideas that user cant make live-thread in akb-board. it is not settled to make new live-akb board, i think.
>>181 I think this. Sorry for my poor English. "dancesite" is a board of live-only. Is LIVE category. The problem does not solve this.
Our aim is to isolate the chat. LIVE and chat is a different thing. Is "morningcoffee board" is ideal. "morningcoffee board" is a chat board. Is also LIVE board. There are two roles. We want to make the AKB chat board.
>>189 Keeping relevant is important. Pink Channel as an example, needs new boards to be more relevant. The interests there have changed. Kogal and Gangaru are not so popular anymore. The things that are popular should have new boards. Splitting films by genre, might be a good idea.
So Maguro crashed again today. We have time to move it to the new server now. Since hayabusa5 will move to this server as well, I am thinking to name it hayabusa6. What do you think?
>>203 Oh, you know it very well ! Setsuna is given between "Danshi" and "Rittoku". Danshi means flicking, and Rittoku means "Six Virtues". Both derive from the word of Buddhism.
>>204 It is an exciting new term for me. It has a yin/yang feel it it setsuna. We already starting setting up hayabusa6. Please don't forget to remind me when we put another server on.
Good night,Jim-san. I have a question. I will make a summarizeing the contents of the 2ch(called 2chmatome site). I remember 2ch net's copyrights attributable Jim-san.(from 2ch net's homepage) Can I make a 2chmatome site without affiliates? I won't post affiliate that site. A many 2chmatome site quote writing from sc.I will quote 2chne t if you admit my site. Would you think about it?
2.That there is a similar thread above thread write even if there is no account of the Ronin and Be in "Unyou Jyouhou Rinji" board, it is left untreated the change request is coming there too did you know?
3. Cause various types of change request thread on board configuration is not working, (Except Mango Mangue) Do you know that is because not even one person volunteers to handle the change tools?
4. Current situation of you are supported by receiving change requests directly from the users of each board, or probably because not even one person volunteers to handle the change of the board tool set?
5. Are you going to make it to prepare the volunteer to handle the change of the board tool set as soon as possible, to function again the above thread?
6. (In the case of a "no" answer to the question of the No.5 is) future, directly from the user of each board for most of the change of the board setting Do you probably going to support in response to the change request?
Note. Question No. 6, please answer, except to change requests regarding modifications to revert to the original settings and change the link destination.
It is the Japanese translation of six questions about >>222. I add it and >>222, and, please confirm it. 1.運用情報板の各種変更依頼スレが機能してないのをご存知ですか? 2.浪人もBEも要らない臨時板にも1で挙げたのと似たようなスレがあって、そっちにも変更依頼が来てて放置されているのをご存知ですか? 3.上記のスレが機能しない原因は、現状変更ツールを扱えるボランティアが1人もいないからだということをご存知ですか? 4.現状Jimが各板のユーザーから直接変更依頼を受けて対応してるのは、変更ツールを扱えるボランティアが1人もいないからでしょうか? 5.早急に変更ツールを扱えるボランティアを用意する予定はありますか? 6.(5の質問に「いいえ」の場合)今後、リンク先の変更や元の設定に戻す修正以外の変更の大部分をJimが直接ユーザーから変更依頼を受けて対応するつもりですか?
How do you think about matome site ?(ex: hamusoku,sonikkusokuhou) These sites use sc's thread and put affiliates. I think these site hinder 2ch.net's operation of 2ch.net's affiliates. Are you going something to do these site?
>>234 Probably,2ch.net is ran by rounin's money and affiliate?I fear 2ch.net is lost by a lot of affiliated matome site because 2ch.net's affiliate doesn't work. And,VIPPER and NAN-J peoples and kenmo peoples against reprint by affiliated matome site. Some of theard get rough. I think there needs to be cleared or that all rights reserved Better yet, strengthen the movement of all rights reserved.
I talk about 2ch's copy site.you said VIP thread can't reprint,but matome site reprint this thread now. I think that If such be allowed, then the I would also like to do.Of course,without affiliate. That is kuragesokuhou. Can you allow me?
>>237 So you believe that copying a copy is a good thing? I have an idea, why not make a web page with the title of a thread, then link to the uniform resource locator for the information about that title. I can not understand your reasoning for wanting to make a copy of a copy.
I forgot put my trip. >>239 I won't make a copying a copy. I would like to make a Accredited 2ch matome by 2ch.net. For more information, I'm glad you found me here. アフィ対策考えようぜ 対策本部★1 http://ex14.vip2ch.com/test/read.cgi/part4vip/1411651910/ If,you allow my 2ch matome,I'll make non-affiliates 2ch matome. It will be made also to the interests of 2ch.net probably. Here's my site but We are preparing now. http://kuragesokuhou.blog.fc2.com/ Can you support the activities of us?
>>241 The only link I found on that site was a link to the sites that we are constantly harrassing 2ch.net. This is basically a feeder site for them. I would not spend much time on it.
>>242 You say my site doesn't allow to reproduction?← By the way, how do you think about other matome? I think if you go unchecked other matome,you don't care about HIROYUKI…
>>243 Please make a thread on your favorite board of 2ch.net. And use that for the consolidation of posts you like. That might help 2ch.net. Whether you are directly doing it, or someone alse, the site you just showed me is stemmer hell.
I'm sorry.To run Perfectly non-affiliates needs much money. Fc2 affiliate display forcibly by free fc2 member. If you do not let me even then, I will choose not to this plan.
>>252 Many threads would have been created from 15:40, and can not be identified. If you can, please regulate to write Orpheus board or person, written in the thread below.
/livejupiter/ proud of attacking other board by power. Their origin is /livebaseball/. They attacked /livejupiter/ and ruled there. So they are proud of their power to attack other board.
Please let a couple of questions about >>231. 1.When, what else has failed because of board configuration changes tools 2ch? 2.Do you have any plans to recover these tools you? When the time does it become if to recover if?
It is the Japanese translation of two questions about >>257. I add it and >>257, and, please confirm it. >>231に関して2つ質問させてください。 1.いつ、何が原因で2chの板設定変更ツールは故障したのでしょうか? 2.変更ツールを復旧させる予定はありますか?復旧させるならそれはいつ頃になりますか?
>>261 No, I'm not. I'm just worried about whether or not to become as various settings change request threads of 2ch to function again. I want to convince that there is no if there is no possibility that those threads to function anymore. I'm sorry to associate till late at night.
It does not mean that stated 2ch operated by the corresponding terms of the five threads of "Unyou Jouhou Rinji" board. But I think many users do not have both an account of Be and Ronin, also a lot of inconvenience for those threads is not functioning. (運用情報臨時板の5つのスレッドに関しては2ch運営が対応すると明言した訳ではありません。ですが多くのユーザーは浪人とBeのアカウントを両方持っていないので、それらのスレッドが機能していないと不便も多いと思います。)
That I want to know is as mentioned in No.262, but I say it again so there are no surprises. I'm just worried about whether or not to become as various settings change request threads of 2ch to function again. I want to convince that there is no if there is no possibility that those threads to function anymore.
>>273 Hello, Jim-san. Thank you for your attention for LoveLive! board.
A while back, we discussed and make a consensus for our new local rule.
・Discussion in announcement and preparation for vote: In this thread, regidence of aotonomy thread publicly proposed a draft for inhabitant. After a week discussion, we finalized the text of local rule. http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/lovelive/1409863383/
It seems to have been measures. Do you have any intention of go to court against the sc ? Although I think forever become a cat-and-mouse game not to do…
It is in the state more than one user owns the global IP of one.
There are currently regulated under BBx 2ch. Therefore, global IP of one becomes BBx, many people will be regulated at the same time automatically
Example1: as-SmartPhone Bad user(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userA(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userB(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userC(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userD(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
BBx can be avoided by changing the global IP. This is the case of bad user successfully exploited it. Changing the global IP address of the smart phone is very easy.
Example2: as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244140.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244141.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244142.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Bad userA(KD182249244144.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
as-SmartPhone Good userA(KD182249244140.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userB(KD182249244141.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userC(KD182249244142.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userD(KD182249244143.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx as-SmartPhone Good userE(KD182249244144.au-net.ne.jp) → BBx
In other words, bad au-SmartPhone users 1 person is driven into the regulations a lot of people.
Conclusion: au-SmartPhone it to identify the global IP address is impossible So the only way to identify a Be system.
Is there any problem with the request >>282 ? It is just a cosmetic issue, but we board residents are waiting your action. Could you please fix the text of local rule?
Jim-san. Dedicated browser is in a very inconvenient state. 2本 ->画像>24枚 ' border=no /> This is the list of tabs in the dedicated browser. It is not possible to identify the thread.
[転載禁止] is displayed on the front by default with the current settings. We want to display the [転載禁止] in the backward.
Example old [転載禁止] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. (c)2ch.net new Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. (c)2ch.net [転載禁止]
Good evening, Jim-San. I will interpret statement of >>316.
>>316 says about mandatory indications of "Prefecture Name". He doesn't want to indicate "Prefecture Name", cause of the past incident that personal information escaping.
He proposes that it should adopt the plan of >>314, or plan of evading mandatory indications by purchasing RONIN(浪人).
We checked it. Thanks very much! Since the discussion of our local rules has been completed , we need the original BBS title. Please change the BBS title.
>>334 We just made a beer board. Are our users really interested in Forex? Please explain more. That needs more discussion. We can drink a beer and discuss it. http://hayabusa6.2ch.net/beer/
>>335 Depreciation of the yen has advanced rapidly in one week. In Japan of news, foreign exchange news very often. People's attention has been focused.
>>336 I would hope to discourage regular people from playing the forex market. It is rigged and controlled by people that don't have the same interests as normal folks. Are there a lot of people actually interested in forex? Other then how it will effect their pay or the price at the gas station?
Hello, Jim-san. geino Board and uwasa Board. Since the number of characters is small, we have been inconvenient. Please have a lot of writing characters.
Hello, Jim-san. I'm came from TV-program board. The concent of the argument about a name-of-a-prefecture display isn't obtained at all. Nevertheless, the vote was performed on November 3. The notice and common knowledge for the vote were insufficient. The supporter group said that they could ignore the application for BBS_BE_TYPE2 settings by our self-governing thread. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1347285863/717
Please don't change this BBS settings. It will become impossible to tell local viewership and TV programs freely because a name-of-a-prefecture displays.
>>348 I guess we better talk about that more then. What is wrong with BE by the way? Try to make me understand what you are talking about. Japanese is ok, but don't use slang.
I can read any thread here, but when I try to write some posts on "hello sever","mastiff sever","hope sever" by jane xeno, it juts show the error "500 internal server error".
Someboy say the reason is maybe that 443 port is on, and I can't turn off it as you know.
I can write on carpenter server, and yomogi, and kanae, so I think it is not too concerned with my company and the goverment.
Anyway,. I hope that as a RONIN user, I can write here without the proxy check(?), is it too difficult? thank you!
*I write here with my phone now, my company IP is
>>359 The solution is on the page I showed you. If you can't do that in your company. Please use your phone. It should work very well on this page. http://i.2ch.net/
>>359 I have an idea. I could telephone your employer and ask for permission for you to be using 2ch at work. That might be successful. Just give me your name and your employers telephone. I will call for you. I really don't mind helping.
I don't know why you are angry, my English is very terrible, so I don't know how to use a soft tone to talk with you.
but Ronin Shopping page said 規制対象のホストからも書き込める You can write with Limited host by Ronin. 海外からの書き込み You can write when work overseas. This is also why I pay for the service, and now it have no effect so I think 2ch staff will do something about it. If It's too difficult, ok, I know, just this.
by the way, mobile site is usually not better than pc browser such as jane, If possible I perfer to view 2ch by jane.
>>363 I am not angry sir. I just want you to realize what you are asking me. If your company has the service blocked. Probably they have a reason for that. The only solution is to follow the directions I gave you.
>>364 I guess you didn't understand what I said. My company never blocked 2ch.
I cann't write here maybe because the port 443 is on, and 2ch looks like have a rule when your port 443 is on, you can not write here. I cannot make sure.
but I know, my company let 443 to on for https sevise, not for block some site.
In fact today I can write in anyboard, but I cann't yesterday. I don't know why. maybe cookie? I can write easily at home with the same notebook.
The vote was held along the rules. (投票はルールに沿って行われました。) However, the remote host that is biased to the voting results was found. (しかし、投票結果に偏ったリモートホストが見つかりました。)
【The remote host which was voted for more than five votes】 Approval xgsspn.imtp.tachikawa.spmode.ne.jp (docomo) : 29 eatkyo******.adsl.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp (tokyo) : 11 hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp (kanagawa) : 11 osk2.eonet.ne.jp (osaka) : 7 au-net.ne.jp (au) : 5
This result produced a new discussion. (この結果は新たな議論を生みました。) We were not able to put an end to the discussion. (私たちは議論に終止符を打つことができませんでした。) So we decided to ask a judgment of Jim-san. (そこでJimさんの判断を仰ぐことにしました。) TV program Board to whether or not to introduce Name-of-a-prefecture display, and we would like to leave it to Jim-san's judgment. (テレビ番組板に県名表示を導入するかしないか、Jimさんの判断にお任せしたいと思います。)
Please make wiki which 2ch lends officially. The present wiki is inconvenient. It can't change the side menu. This is inconvenient when using as game Wiki.
Today, I went to see ken.2ch.net. But, I can't look at the page for maintenance. But, who would do not manage now? If there is person in charge now, and I want to add. If there are person in charge , I want to add me.
>>380 Don't to say the same thing. I am not interested in your thoughts. I don't ask to you. I have asked the idea of Jim-san.
>>371 Jim-san We can not determine whether either favor the opposite is large in the user. Would you please reply for >>366-367? What do you think about this vote result?
>>381 I noticed someone said you are psychotic. I am disregarding that. What is the problem on the board? Why did they have the vote? What purpose other than discrimination will this prefecture display serve?
The purpose of the prefecture name display is counter to defamatory statements changing ID and ongoing continuous posts. Promotion of discrimination is not a purpose. Based on the above description, I will ask for advice what to do.
>>384-386 One by one and noisy. Don't to say the same thing over and over again. I am not interested in your thoughts. I don't ask to you. I have asked the idea of Jim-san.
>>378 I'm "停止信号(StopSig)". I and trick-san made ken.2ch.net/hantei/index.cgi , adddns and other. I have added a new hostname. ex: vmobile However, no one can update recently. I want you to add me to Basic authentication.
Half a year ago, someone appealed to operation(Jim-san) to decrease a TATESUGI value of wcomic board(*1). It was performed without the consent of an self-governance thread. As a result, the TATESUGI value was set to 64. However, the serious problem for this board has occurred now. The "duplication thread" and "a thread which violate the rule of this board" are mass-produced(*2).
We wishes to restore a TATESUGI value to 300 to solve this problem. This was obtained consent in self-governance thread. In addition, there were no problems while the TATESUGI value was set to 300.
Or would not you sent to so Although it is about thread stop function of "ニュース速(嫌儲)" do is about one person operation with a thread stop can be authority without the money "fox mackerel"?
So would it also erected allowed to stop the thread there is no Kiri
This object is pretty much takes even time and money to stop the thread
At the same I was inquire about the ability to thread stop if you put it to "kill" the thread does not have a reaction to MANGO
I ask whether it is because I With reliable person of JimsanSee whether examination please because it does not matter in the way that Jin san trusts
I also if you are satisfied and I want the authority that can be a thread stop without spending money please the message to "be"
>>403 I recommend looking through http://fox.2ch.net/poverty/ There is an active BE NG community there. You can add these to browsers like http://i.2ch.net/ and then never see the posts of the bad guys.
Jimber Melon-san is a wonderful volunteer. He is not a paid employee. I suppose that Jimber Melon-san has more important things to do at times. We all have a constitutional responsibility to work. Maybe his job has become to difficult to do his volunteer activities. 頑張ってください、あなたをいいです。
In the board entrance page (shown by the URL above), there are three links to other boards and three to major threads in the board. Five of these six links are obsolete. Would you change them to current boards/threads?
<Note> Currently, the links refers to specific threads, so we need to update them every time when a thread got full and succeeding thread is up.
I was suggested by Mango Mangüé that we use dig.2ch.net search engine which lets us free from changing at every succession of a thread. Then I proposed this idea to the board's autonomy thread and there was no objection.
Sorry, some people may face 'too busy' error when you click the followingURL: > I am from メンタルヘルス (Mental Health) board <http://peace.2ch.net/utu/>. The trailing two letters '>.' are not part of the URL. If your browser draws underline over these letters, try the following: http://peace.2ch.net/utu/
Perhaps the earthquake nortification malfunctioned in some servers. It notified seismic intensity of the earthquake which had happened about 7 hours ago.
Regarding the board called “skate”, we have made a long discussion to decide whether or not to use “prefecture name of their IPs” appearing in each response. On December 7th 2014, we have made a “VOTE” and was adopted that the “prefecture name of their IPS should be indicated in each response of Skate Board” by majority as follows.
Please change your settings accordingly.
Board Name: Skate (スケート) Board Address :http://peace.2ch.net/skate/ The change requested:To indicate prefecture name of IPs in NAME section
>>466 Happy new year Jim-San By the way "BEPoint" I Will not spatula? 930,000 → change should be addressed to the 686,000 Please try talking to code monkey m (_ _) m
Wonder if the way is wrong tell ... And I want to reduce to the speaking "my BEPoint" easy to 686,000 ... Will the BE does not reduce the point? I I'm in trouble with too many "Point" ...
We have a Cisco switch that is starting to fail. It will be rebooted shortly. That will effect the mastiff server, and a few others. This switch will be replaced as soon as possible. maybe even this evening, if the stars align properly.
>>471 https://alice-shop.myshopify.com/ "Melon point" a large amount of purchase convert "melon point" to "BEPoint" It is a little repentance To be honest ...
or would not you ask someone to create a function to reduce the BEPoint to code monkey? I am honest embarrassing...
You're welcome And I came up, but I can not reduce the BEPoint in "saku"? "saku the person in charge" I am and get to tell because people do not know of!
Hayabusa2 will have maintenance. Tomorrow morning at 4 AM. It is expected to be offline for 3 hours. I hope it will be faster, but I am expecting 3 hours. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
>>487 Oh, maybe we should release BBQ? I have a feeling that would cause results like the opening of Pandora's box. Please describe what is to harsh with BBQ.
I'd like you to know some problems about displaying prefecture in Inuneko-daisuki board. Also, there is a favor I'd like to ask you. Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1408850375/489
First, let me explain the change of the name setting. The change is decided by only 1 ◆GZv1czS6sw. Therefore, users except him are confused by the change. Could you return the name setting to the previous state? I'm sorry to cause you trouble.
Second, please note the voting date is not yet confirmed at this time. January 24-25 was chosen from an incorrect questionnaire made by 1 ◆GZv1czS6sw. In addition, the voting number was only 1.
Most of users affirm the status quo. They oppose 1 ◆GZv1czS6sw's firm stance and this spooky vote.
意訳 こんにちはJim-san。 犬猫大好き板の県名表示についてあなたにいくつか知っておいて頂きたい問題とお願いがあります。 Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1408850375/489 まず、名前欄の変更についてですが、変更は1 ◆GZv1czS6swが一人で決めたことなので、変更によって彼以外の住人に混乱が生じています。 お手数をお掛けして申し訳ありませんが、名前欄を元に戻して頂けませんか? また、投票日も現時点では未定であることをご承知ください。 1/24、1/25という日程は1 ◆GZv1czS6swの作った不適切なアンケートから選ばれ、投票数はたったの一票でした。 殆どの住人は現状維持を支持し、強硬姿勢を見せる1 ◆GZv1czS6swとこの不気味な投票に反対しています。
>>494 I see what happened. Drunker-kun is working on cleaning it up. I am happy to be posting here right now. Please let me know if you have a problem posting.
Hello Jim-san. Would you do me favor? We want to make a "akb salon board".
underground idol board (http://mastiff.2ch.net/akb/) This board is very overcrowded. it is not possible to talk about the underground idol. dat fall is frequent. underground idol thread, akb thread Want to disperse.
Hi, Jim-san. Thank you for making Yu-Gi-Oh Board! And, we discussed and decided board's name setting and 1001 text. So, please change settings as below.
I'm posting from the smartphone version because i.2ch.net is ugly. By ugly I mean full of ads when I've paid for ronin.
itest.2ch.net has problem posting in Japanese fonts when I use it from PC. Ofcourse it's not meant for PC,but it it posts from PC then it has potential.
Now I'm on my PC posting via itest.2ch, but it only works because I'm writing in alphabets.
Jim-san, you really have to use these programs for yourself! Chika is an add-on for forefox, and it makes everything look so organized and it pretty much turns your firefox window into a very organized 2ch browser.
If you could work with developers who actually make pretty interface, I think 2ch experience would be better all together don't you think?
Dear Jim: I'd like to express my hearty thanks for your constant endeavors in managing 2-channel for us.
I'd like to ask you what you think now about the issues I'm about to ask you.
Do you allow users to transfer any posts on 2-channel to the Matome Wiki (Summary Wiki) run by another ISP operator?
Now that the issue has remained pending for so long, please forgive me for my inability to give you a general overview of the situation and for my lengthy message.
The situation I'm about to describe, having been triggered by a comment by the administrator of the Matome Wiki in a 2-channel thread, has become an issue affecting the whole thread. It has now remained controversial for a long time as a case of a suspected income fraud affecting an affiliate of the Matome Wiki website.
"Please help us maintain our Wikiwiki by giving us a chance of income by buying a product through the purchase page. lol" (An English translation of part of the text written in Japanese)
Regrettably, the administrator of the Matome Wiki website commented in the same thread as quoted below including even the amount of their remuneration. That has aggravated the problem even further.
"All I know now is the count of the clicks we've got. The amount of our remuneration is perhaps around 300 yen." (A translation of part of the text written in Japanese)
In the latest thread, the Matome Wiki administrator denied the accusations entirely and commented as quoted below.
They instructed their users, if they wanted to transfer any post, to modify it into plain text at first. This, together with other comments the administrator gave, gives us some room to suspect that you, Jim, had given them permission to transfer such posts. (The following is a translation of part of the text written in Japanese.)
(1) I haven't received a single yen as affiliate reward through my Wiki account. (2) I've negotiated directly with Jim and the 2-channel management and obtained their consent in connection with the external Wiki website. (3) They've given permission to summarize statements in a specific thread on 2-channel at that time. The condition given at that time is that the transferring party should not perform "1. transfer of a whole thread" or "modification of a post to lead readers to a different website." (4) The Wikipedia is not for 2-channelers alone to read. You've been deleting posts of banter, teasing, verbal abuse, slander, and other inappropriate posts and have been rewriting such posts into "plain text" with the cooperation of the posters themselves and otherwise. I appreciate it.
(5) "2-channel Wiki" is a summary of management information and definitions of buzzwords. It's currently not a general "thread summary wikipedia." (6) For the above reason 5, we wouldn't be surprised if the website were closed any time. (With not enough thread summaries available, the administrator seems to be having a hard time. I may be being impolite to say this, but I don't think it'll turn out to be a success after all. (7) For the above reasons, the appeal to Jim transferred to this thread has turned out to be insignificant. I therefore take back my "Questions in English and Japanese" and retract my statements. (8) I sincerely apologize that my careless statements have considerably disturbed the thread users and many people who were trying to use the thread as a precious source of information without having gained any affiliate income and without any intention of obtaining any such thing. I am very sorry. (The above is an English translation of part of the text written in Japanese.)
I believe it's wrong to do anything to cause a problem that may destroy a wiki organized by thread users from scratch at their own will.
Consequently, I had first asked the management to freeze the wiki. And then I made a proposal to the Matome Wiki administrator regarding that point, together with the issue surrounding the relocation of the website to the 2-channel Wiki that you had initiated. However, the Matome Wiki administrator stubbornly argues, as quoted above, that they cannot move.
"Thank you very much for operating and managing the 2-channel Wiki. I'd like to compile the posts made in a 2-channel thread in the form of a Matome Wiki (summary wiki). Would the administrator Jim's permission make the 2-channel Wiki accessible? I'd appreciate your reply."
I believe it is desirable that posts on 2-channel should be managed within 2-channel without external intervention. That's why I hope, in a humble manner, that you might allow us to use the 2-channel Wiki on a website designed to summarize posts from 2-channel
We therefore don't need two summary websites. I'll convey your views to the wiki administrator and thread users in the thread. We'll then follow your instructions.。
Moreover, although the summary wiki is entitled "Disaster Prevention Wiki," it's turned out to be a low-urgency summary. Under normal conditions, the summary turns out to be effective in reducing and preventing disasters. However, the present thread is for giving summaries centering around disaster prevention equipment and emergency food. The summary website may therefore, in the early days of a disaster, develop into one linked directly to turmoil induced by forestalling or resale. Regrettably, no discussion has been held regaring the way the Disaster-fighting Matome (Summary) Wikipedia ought to be, and we are faced with heaps of problems.
The above situation has long been controversial.
Is it allowed to transfer posts from 2-channel to the Matome (Summary) Wikipedia run by a different ISP operator? I'd appreciate it if you'd share what you now believe.
In the news plus bulletin board, articles related to South Korea seem to have instruction drunker and allow only exclusive coverage of only one company that Asahi Shimbun.
Also looks pretty unfair editing attitude. Do you think Jim and this situation is correct?
3、変更理由 Is not recognized because the URL of Imus plate has become "aimasu" instead of "imas" abbreviation notation , it has become a part of the depopulation of the cause . Therefore , I think want to give me a change to the "aimasu" from "imas". I think that's trouble , I will somehow please. Since I was also pleased discuss and vote on matter of local rules , thank you because you put an application in accordance with the local rules change of rules .
448 名前:名無しですよ、名無し!(東京都)[sage] 投稿日:2015/06/27(土) 16:52:47.85 ID:GY6DYpyE0 >>445 Mr.Jim. Reply Thank you. In other words, it is possible to make a new board as a URL "imas", It is to say can not change this board to the URL "imas"? If you as the newly founded, Is it possible to make a imas board to take over the setting of the current aimasu board?
Changes of Board Setting: current BBS_HEISA= new BBS_HEISA=checked
Reason for changes: Now, there are 2 board used for idolmaster. Thanks to you, the idolmaster board, http://wktk.2ch.net/idolmaster/ , was established. But, the same board name is twofold, which make user confusion in where they should go. So, we want you to abondon the old board aimasu, and in order to collect the user to new board, idolmaster.
* * * * ( \ ヽ ⊂⊃ / / ) Dear Jim-san. (,_\ヽ 〈>´´`7`くl / /_,). My name is Ryoco. I live in 魔法少女(Magical Girls) board. (,_(,_> 〉 i/i LLL/i) 〈 <_,)_,) I wonder if you change BBS_USE_VIPQ2= from 256 to 255. (,_(_ヽゝ,,ヽ|||。゚ ー゚ノ|||イ,,.ノノ_)_,) If Your favorite thread die suddenly,Why don't you feel sad? *ヽしし ,ノ||({'ミ☆ミ'})ハヽしし'* 巛|||ノ,ノハヽ|ミ http://tamae.2ch.net/magicalgirls/ `''-tッァ-''´ * *
Hi, Jim-san. Now, it is very heavy operation in jane. Apparently, not in their own environment. It seems that one of the server-side problem. As he used the 3rd this state, but expected to be improved we'll have to?
Please Jim-san, restore Coenobita-board to Pet-animal-category! This previous forced removal was carried out without consultation to a peaceful thread for several years.
>>634 こういうことを書く人が… http://hayabusa6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/pet/1393862268/184 > 184 名前:名も無き飼い主さん[sage] 投稿日:2016/05/19(木) 00:27:48.73 ID:Z0agsTPI > >180-183 > GET LOSE yo troll from board insect AKA fuckin abuser from board cat. > i hope yo're bitten and torn into pieces to restore peaces by ugly orc.
Hi Jim-san. I'm sorry the poor English. It is a proposal for the new board.
We have discussed in ghard. http://krsw.2ch.net/ghard/ ghardBBS is dealing with the topic of the game hard game industry. ghardBBS is beyond the capacity. Too many threads. It is inconvenient state. We want new BBS.
Popular game company in Japan. SonyBBS is already. http://mint.2ch.net/sony/ [NintendoBBS] [MicrosoftBBS] [SegaBBS] Please create this three BBS. It is a game category.
Ronin Vicious wasting 1. The act which wastes and accords with that by a script 2. Multiple posting 3. The thread busting by KOPIPE 1. スクリプトによる荒らし、およびそれに準ずる行為 2. マルチポスト 3. コピペによるスレッド潰し
We would like to inform you that we are facing about offevent board flaming issue. Regarding this isuue, we have discussed on 3 threads and voted as below.
Hence, could you kindly ask you to change just one item in the SETTING.TXT as below? http://echo.2ch.net/offevent/SETTING.TXT ・current BBS_USE_VIPQ2 = ・new BBS_USE_VIPQ2 = 2
We are in trouble in different remarks to the thread title from the same kind of human beings in marine sport board. Could you change the SETTING .txt in the following content?
We would like to inform you that we are facing that SF=FT=Horror board flaming issue. Regarding this isuue, we have discussed on 2 threads and voted as below.
Hence, could you kindly ask you to change just one item in the SETTING.TXT as below? http://echo.2ch.net/SF/SETTING.TXT ・current BBS_USE_VIPQ2= ・new BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2
I am using this web site from about 20 years ago. I like the old days of the atmosphere of this web site. However, fewer people because of Watchoi, recently I feel boring. Since most Japanese are shy, Watchoi does not fit the Japanese. I want you to understand the Japanese temperament. Since the measures Watchoi is a failure, I hope and I want to abolish it. May the force be with you.
[why we want to show IDs] CeremonialOccasions-Board is talked that 【Bungaku】. Both are very very delicate topic. But there are users who troll threads. Now we can't NG they. So We need IDs. 【Bungakuita arasi】 is a problem in life for us. we are hoping to show IDs.As soon as possible.
We ckeck 'fusianasan & ID'. Result here. Approval : 11 Opposite : 3
Please change the IDs settings in SETTING.TXT, BBS_FORCE_ID=checked and remove the check from BBS_NO_ID.
[why we want to show IDs] Literature-Board is talked that 'Literature' That's a very important topic for us. But there are users who troll threads. Now we can't NG they. So We need IDs. 'Literature' is a problem in life for us. we are hoping to show IDs.As soon as possible.
A 521 error occurs because the origin web server refused the connection from CloudFlare. This means we tried to connect to your origin on port 80 or 443 but received a 'connection refused' error.
This commonly happens under two conditions:
The origin web server process (e.g. Apache or Nginx) isn't running, or has crashed. You should check that your web server is running normally. You may also wish to check your server's error logs to see what caused this. If you are not sure how to do this, or don't have access to your logs, your host should be able to advise you. Something on the web server or hosting provider's network is blocking CloudFlare's requests. Since CloudFlare acts as a reverse proxy, all connections to your server come from a CloudFlare IP. Since the same amount of traffic now comes from a smaller number of IPs, server-side security solutions can mistake the increase in connections from this smaller set of IPs as an attack, when they are legitimate. This leads to some of our IPs being blocked or rate-limited.
We are now currently, suffered on the bulletin board vandalism. Bulletin board vandalism person, do the copy-and-paste action of the first writing of the thread. Bulletin board vandalism person is repeat the over and over again same copy and paste. The number of threads that had received the damage reach the lightly three digits. we has been hampered peaceful bulletin board use and discussion by vandalism, we was wondering if you could introduction of copy-and-paste regulatory functions of the SETTING .txt.
We are now currently, been plagued of bulletin board vandalism. Many threads have been indiscriminate attack. Copy-and-paste attack of vandalism person has been going everyday. vandalism person write will change each time every time ID. A number of response are consumed unduly many by vandalism person, function of the bulletin board is paralyzed. Perhaps, this vandalism person and SFX vandalism person is the same person . We, we have lamented it is not possible to use the peaceful bulletin board. we was wondering if you could introduction of copy-and-paste regulatory functions of the SETTING .txt.
We are in trouble in different remarks to the thread title from the same kind of human beings in livemarket1 board. Could you change the SETTING.TXT in the following content?
346 :名無しさん [sage ] :2016/09/22(木) 21:26:58.51 https://twitter.com/xerxeswatkins/status/778920234480574464 ニライカナイ Hello. Dear Jim. Our reporter may want to listen to you. When we make a thread news of 2ch, can be full text copy? Jim すみません、わからない、多分日本語大丈夫です。
Hi, Jim I would like to ask you to extend the time for thread in Nan-J to be "DAT-ochi", it is simply too short each time when I think for a while and type a 40 character response, the thread is gone, or maybe I will do some searchs on the web, and its gone people have to have somebody who focuses to maintain to thread in order to talk properly I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who feels that way
A fast pace is definitely wanted, but this is too much. I would like you to double the time for the thread to be gone open a voting thread if needed, but please please just do something.
Dear Jim-san. I want you to change the setting of keiba - ita. 1、Board URL http://mint.2ch.net/keiba/ 2、Discussion thread http://yomogi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/keiba/1463658460/l50 3、Reason for change 成りすまし、荒らし、IDを変えた自作自演が多数居る ワッチョイを導入した事により、荒らしがワッチョイ以外のスレッドに居座る 即死判定を厳しくした事により、一般スレッドがすぐ落ちてしまう さらに荒らしが居座りたいスレッドは即死判定を免れるレス数まで書き込まれ、スレ落ちしない様に保守される 4、Changes we wish BBS_DISP_IP=siberia
It seems that the lounge classic board is being under attack. This is a screenshot. Someone, apparently kenmo person from the thread titles, has been creating about 300 garbege threads in a shot time.
could you please consider introducing Wacchoi into bulletin boards for pachinko models and the like? The aim is to ward off trolls and posters motivated by their own commercial interests.
Dear Jim-san. It is about the response to the person performing the nuisance like or landfill the thread. Or it has been allowed to man the thread of the user performs a nuisance to report to the provider you are using? If the IP address is known, reported resolved I think that attained for the nuisance to people who have a nuisance provider. 2ch will in the street as long as that "may be reported freely", but also subject to it if it said, "Please give us permission before reporting".
I have a question regarding how to deal with people who intentionally fill threads with meaningless posts. Is it allowed for us users of 2ch to report such acts to ISPs such trolls are using? When we have a chance to know which ISPs a troll is using, I think we can report such issues to the ISPs to resolve them.
If it is allowed here in 2ch for users to report to ISPs, we'd like to do that. If we first need to ask you for permissions before reporting to ISPs ourselves, we'll follow the rules here.
>>837 I know that it is usually not realistic for general users to report issues to ISPs, but here at 2ch, general users have to contact ISPs themselves when they want to have some posts here deleted. I wonder what is the difference.
By the way, in the terms of use at 2ch, it is written that reports to ISPs are limited to "important restriction issues." Ref: http://info.2ch.net/index.php/通報作業の手順
It means, acts like filling up threads by meaning posts are not supposed to be reported to ISPs. At the moment, restriction measures on trolls are undertaken by the こらこら団, who stopped their activities 4 days ago. Also, as regurations by them are lifted automatically as time goes, they don't have much effect on persistent trolls. (Actually, in the thread, by the situation of which I decided to post this message, destructive acts like above have continued after being reported accordingly, and 5 threads have already filled up with meaningless posts.)
However, when 2ch reports to ISPs, it is written that there's no such limitations mentioned above, and acts like copy and paste bombing are also reported to ISPs. Ref: http://www.2ch.net/accuse2.html What is the reason that we normal users are not allowed to report such minor issues to ISPs, but 2ch can. I'd like to know about it.
Jim san, It seems to me that Unicorn san has left his こらこら task. Could you please assign moderator(s) to the task sometime soon? I'm looking forward to good news from you.
Attackers have come back again. They are making about thirty meaningless threads per day at the hikky board. Some of us reported this issue to the operate borad, but our report got rejected without any clear reason. We suspect that these attackers are among the governing body of 2ch and that is why the attackers never get banned..
This is a screenshot of the newly created threads at the board. The latest 36 threads, shown in the red rectangle, were all created by the attackers and they're all meaningless threads. 2本 ->画像>24枚 ' border=no />
The board has not been functioning properly because of the attacks. We appreciate it if you look into the incident and take some measure to bring peace to the board soon. Thank you.
We reported this incident >>884 to some operating threads in 2ch. People threre say we should consult Jim-san and ask you for help at this case. The attack is very intense and persistent. It has been continuing for more than 3 years.
About 4000 random posts have been made each day at the board by using bots from more than 5 different ISPs. They are using Ronin. Also, They are creating 30 to 50 random threads every day at the board.
In the threads list below about 90% of the threads at the board are meaningless threads created by attackers. http://hanabi.2ch.net/hikky/subback.html There are about 500 of "雑談" (chat) threads in the list, but all the threads, except one, having "雑談" in their title are random threads created by attackers.
They are said to be attacking other boards as well. Operating people in 2ch advised us to consult you.
125 名前:Grape Ape ★ (★ 9928-FnwM)[] 投稿日:2016/11/22(火) 03:10:01.29 ID:CAP_USER9 >>119 I am very sorry the inconvenience. There is no credit card outflow. This is unfortunate, but credit card data is completely safe. It was not stored. Tomorrow, I will write something more about his, and probably reopen the be server.
Actually, I didn't intend anything, but it is true that it is more likely to draw Jim-san's attention if you write comments in English since it's his native language and he can read them without much effort.
>>922 Jim-san can't read Japanese much. He can read simple sentences, though. If you really care about only the content, why not write them in English? Or.. are you the one who care the language, not the content?