Ask an American anything.
I will answer every question with as much detail as I can.
Write in Japanese or English. It can be hard to understand some Japanese translation's though, because it is not as direct and bold as English. So please give as much detail as possible with a question and I will write as much as I can.
I can discuss politics, religion, current events, questions of America or Americans, culture, US states, corruption, anything I will try to answer or discuss. It doesn't matter to me if it is politically incorrect or controversial.
I know many Japanese people are reserved. But I hope people can be as honest as possible so I can understand Japanese people a lot better.
You can tell me America is an evil country, or we are all fat, or corrupt and I will not take offense, so say or ask anything.
I may ask some questions too.
It is very difficult to discover what is going on in Japan outside your country, and I know a lot of the dinosaur media write propaganda novels instead of cover stories.
Sorry if I posted in the wrong board.