Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. Xth and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. Xth, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. Xth and reapplied on Dec. Xth 2018. Thank you.
Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. Xth, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.
Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. ▲th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.
3. The reasons for change (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi (the fixed handle name) function.
4. The change contents Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(●月▲日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 (Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. ▲th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.)
3、変更理由 @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 (3. The reasons for change (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi (the fixed handle name) function.)
4、変更内容 Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
After: BBS_SLIP=vvvvv BBS_USE_VIPQ2=0 (4. The change contents Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. ▲th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.
3. The reasons for change (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi (the fixed handle name) function.
4. The change contents Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
>>262>>265 の最終版です。キツイですね 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 以下、申請内容(仮) 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 A Note: In the square brackets [ ] are English translation of the original Japanese.
日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(●月▲日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 [ Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. ▲th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.]
2、議論したスレッド [2. The thread we discussed] 【自治】欅坂46板ID無しスレ規制議論スレ(前回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 1st]
【自治】欅坂46板ワッチョイIDIP議論スレ(今回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 2nd]
3、変更理由 [3. The reasons for change] @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 [ (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command] A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 [ (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi , the fixed handle name function]
4、変更内容 [4. The change contents] Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
アカウント名の問題を具体的にお知らせください。 Help us understand the problem. What issue with are you reporting? 不審な内容またはスパムです It’s suspicious or spam アカウントが乗っ取られている It appears their account is hacked 私や他の利用者のなりすましをしている They’re pretending to be me or someone else ツイートが攻撃的であるか、暴言、脅迫、差別が含まれる Their Tweets are abusive or hateful プロフィールの情報や画像に攻撃的な内容や暴言、脅迫、差別が含まれる Their profile info and/or images include abusive or hateful content
このアカウントはどの点で不適切または攻撃的と思われますか? How is アカウント being abusive or harmful? 無礼または侮辱的な行為をしている Being disrespectful or offensive 特定のユーザーにいやがらせをしている Engaging in targeted harassment 一部の国や地域で規定されている保護対象のカテゴリー(人種、宗教、性別、性的指向、障害など)の人々を誹謗中傷または差別している Directing hate against a protected category (e.g., race, religion, gender, orientation, disability) 脅迫行為や暴力を助長している Threatening violence or physical harm 自殺または自傷行為を助長、示唆している Encouraging or contemplating suicide or self-harm
(1) To prevent slandering or anti-activities against KEYAKIZAKA46 (idol group) and its members by using a very large number of threads which ID is not displayed by using !extend command
日向坂46板新設に伴うお願い [Request related to the opening of Hinatazaka46 board]
A Note: In the square brackets [ ] are English translation of the original Japanese.
日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(2月▲日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 [ Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. ▲th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.]
2、議論したスレッド [2. The thread we discussed] 【自治】欅坂46板ID無しスレ規制議論スレ(前回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 1st]
【自治】欅坂46板ワッチョイIDIP議論スレ(今回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 2nd]
3、変更理由 [3. The reasons for change] @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 [ (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command] A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 [ (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi , the fixed handle name function]
4、変更内容 [4. The change contents] Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
日向坂46板新設に伴う欅坂46板からのお願い [Request related to the opening of Hinatazaka46 brd: from Keyakizaka46 brd]
A Note: In the square brackets [ ] are English translation of the original Japanese.
日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(2月15日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 [ Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. 15th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.]
2、議論したスレッド [2. The thread we discussed] 【自治】欅坂46板ID無しスレ規制議論スレ(前回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 1st]
【自治】欅坂46板ワッチョイIDIP議論スレ(今回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 2nd]
3、変更理由 [3. The reasons for change] @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 [ (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command] A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 [ (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi , the fixed handle name function]
4、変更内容 [4. The change contents] Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
日向坂46板新設に伴う、欅坂46板の板設定変更願い [Request for changes in setting.txt in Keyakizaka46 brd, related to the opening of Hinatazaka46 brd]
A Note: In the square brackets [ ] are English translation of the original Japanese.
日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(2月15日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 [ Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. 15th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.]
2、議論したスレッド [2. The thread we discussed] 【自治】欅坂46板ID無しスレ規制議論スレ(前回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 1st]
【自治】欅坂46板ワッチョイIDIP議論スレ(今回) [【Autonomy】Discussion thread for controlling proliferative threads w/o ID in Keyakizaka46-board, the 2nd]
3、変更理由 [3. The reasons for change] @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 [ (1) To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command] A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 [ (2) Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi , the fixed handle name function]
4、変更内容 [4. The change contents] Before: BBS_SLIP=verbose BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16
>>440 We highly appreciate you for creating a new board for our old friends. But we'd like to change setting to cordinate between the new brd and our Keyakizaka46 brd, from which the new brd had moved.
427 名前:欅坂46板岡山県 ◆onAmW4xqds [] 投稿日:2019/02/15(金) 02:16:43.74 ID:kcbmkKrF0 日向坂46板新設に伴う、欅坂46板の板設定変更願い [Request for changes in setting.txt in Keyakizaka46 brd, related to the opening of Hinatazaka46 brd] A Note: In the square brackets [ ] are English translation of the original Japanese. 日向坂46板の新設(2月12日)および板設定変更の申請(2月15日)の動きを踏まえ、 分離元である欅坂46板の利用者のための板設定のあり方を再度協議した結果、 既に昨年8月8日に申請(9月3日、12月29日に再申請)した変更案の必要性が一層高まっていることが判明いたしました。 つきましては、以下の内容で再申請させて頂きます。 [Along with the opening of Hinatazaka46 board on Feb. 12th and the application of changes in its setting.txt on Feb. 15th, we re-examined the better setting for users of Keyakizaka46 board from which the Hinatazaka46’s residents have moved. As a result, we are quite sure that the modification in our setting.txt also gets more necessary than before and decided to change it. We will re-apply for the following modification in setting.txt. Its contents are exactly same as those applied but unprocessed on Aug. 8th, Sept. 3rd and Dec. 29th 2018. Thank you.]
3、理由[Reasons] @!extendコマンドを使用し作成したID非表示スレッドによるグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制する為 [To control slandering or anti-activities against Keyakizaka46 and its members by using abnormally many threads without ID made by !extend command] A現在、本スレやメンバー応援スレといった主要なスレの7割以上がワッチョイ機能を使用しグループ及びメンバーへの誹謗中傷やアンチ活動を抑制している為 [Actually, in the over 70 percent of major threads for supporting this group or each member, the aforementioned activities are effectively controlled by the so-called Wacchoi , the fixed handle name function]