エリア指定:どこでもOK とくべつ任務あり のんびり
喪失してしまう怖れのある非常に危険な病気なのだ あまり言いたくないが前スレの終わり方がだね・・・w
それは早漏すぎるな……これだからキッズは(''A`) 同じチームで3時間半くらい遊んだ
ってことはスレは必要だってことだ >>15
もう更新もないゲームスレで建設的な話題も無く、個人晒しに意味不明なコピペが連投されるスレが本当に必要か?って話だ >>16
ぴよとかグレアとかは、晒されて当然な迷惑行動をしているわけで特に問題ない 晒されて問題ないと思ってる人とは議論できないわ
轟音でストーカー相手まえで付きまとい行為を示す 1910
騒音運転等・消音器不備 速度超過(センターラインのない道路;住宅街)
ストーカーは 基地外 性犯罪者 低能でしつこい しね め3白セダン バック:小さく四角い赤いランプ
B。R。APT2階建て白 さし色青
ほか 馬鹿きもおたバイク
遠足すとーかー オモニ公だん 声露出狂
ぎょろめひん剥き詐欺(性)犯罪者 5*3-5つば;いのぶたきしょおたちゅうねんぼくちゃん
有料のせいふうぞくいけよ 規定内のサービスで
残念密集地区 おめかしやらかっこつけた 偽善威嚇 で めんへらが 一方的にしつこく付きまといまくり
しねざんねん まいんどきしょすぎ かるとにぢょつかされてばかめんへらうかれまくり >>19
そっちを使えばいいじゃない 私怨での晒しならともかく、
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┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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そういうことにして言い逃れしてるだけだよこの類のキチガイ共は ゴミの偽物として善行を詰んで誤解を広めるわけの分からんスタイルか、新しいな。
おしゃれお姉さんかと思った 西原 由美江
轟音でストーカー相手まえで付きまとい行為を示す 1910
騒音運転等・消音器不備 速度超過(センターラインのない道路;住宅街)
ストーカーは 基地外 性犯罪者 低能でしつこい しね め3白セダン バック:小さく四角い赤いランプ
B。R。APT2階建て白 さし色青
ほか 馬鹿きもおたバイク
遠足すとーかー オモニ公だん 声露出狂
ぎょろめひん剥き詐欺(性)犯罪者 5*3-5つば;いのぶたきしょおたちゅうねんぼくちゃん
有料のせいふうぞくいけよ 規定内のサービスで
残念密集地区 おめかしやらかっこつけた 偽善威嚇 で めんへらが 一方的にしつこく付きまといまくり
しねざんねん まいんどきしょすぎ かるとにぢょつかされてばかめんへらうかれまくり >>44
頭の良いやつは、お前が「長えよ3行にしろ」と書き込む時間よりも早い時間で >>43 を読み終わってる 自分の言いたいこともまとめられずにだらだら長文書くのは頭の悪いやつの特徴だな
社会に出たら、ある程度の長さのまとまった文章をすらすら書けないと困るぞ。 これがまとまった文章だと言い張る上司に当たるのだけは嫌だなあ…
子供ならOKだが呑んで酔ってる訳でも無い大人がそんな文はどうかな? ソロ慣れしてるから余裕なのか知らんけど森の神殿でゴリ押し突破を強要すんのやめてほしい
アモス訓練所 スタート地点左下を無理やりダッシュで突破するのやめて欲しい
857 : なまえをいれてください 2016/04/12(火) 13:23:01.67 ID:aQ2QGUWb
は ? s んにわかダボが
新参にわかダボハゼがオレさまに意見とか千年はえ-んだよ k s
子供も多いゼルダの伝説のスレでたばこの話とか、何考えてるの? >>64
子供が多い事を僅か1レスで表現するとはなかなか ポンコツ中古 [ソアラ337ふ310] 違法改造車、音だけ珍音マフラー 20年落ちのゴミ中古ソアラ337ふ310
オンボロ中古 [サクシード430つ283] 違法改造車、営業車に珍音マフラーの低脳 サクシード430つ283
サクシード紺430つ283 宇○美○の
33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害55回目 10月24日 土曜 午前03時51分 33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害56回目 10月24日 土曜 午前04時02分 33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害57回目 10月25日 日曜 午前00時34分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害58回目 10月25日 日曜 午後23時25分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害59回目 11月02日 月曜 午前06時15分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害60回目 11月04日 水曜 午前06時14分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害61回目 11月05日 木曜 午前06時11分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害62回目 11月06日 金曜 午前06時16分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害63回目 11月16日 月曜 午前06時15分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
英国民主主義の成熟 :
スコットランドのUK (United Kingdam) からの分離独立の賛否を問う住民投票は、9月18日に実施され、独立賛成票が 44.65%、独立反対票が 55.25% で独立反対派の勝利に終わりました。
スコットランドがもし独立することになれば、UK 国内だけではなく、同じような民族問題を抱えるスペインやベルギー の分離独立運動に与える影響は大きく、
日本のTV でも、連日スコットランド問題について特集を組み報道を続けてきました。グラスゴーやエディンバラへ住民運動、街頭演説の様子が放映されていました。
スコットランド議会で多数を占めるスコットランド国民党(Scottish National Party、SNP)の原型は、1920年代末に結成された独立運動支持の政治グループ(National Party of Scotland) ですから100年近い歴史があるわけです。 その正式な名称は「若年性陰茎萎縮症」とよばれている
喪失してしまう怖れのある非常に危険な病気なのだ カーズはブッカーズの下位互換って感じかな。
むしろオールドボトルに手を出されても困るし現行品で満足してんなら一生それでええと思いますよ。 最初のフル充電は8時間やれって書いてあったから、寝る前に始めて朝まで放置した
ブナハーブン 1988 27年 53.7% シェリー・バット 27,080円(予価)
・グレンタレット 1988 26年 48.2% ホグスヘッド 24,770円(予価)
喪失してしまう怖れのある非常に危険な病気なのだ そもそもゲイリブが他のゲイの弱味に漬け込み食い物にし、飯の種にしてるHIV利権は
鼻糞…塩味。ほどよい食感で食べごたえがあって美味 。緑色が高品質とされる 。空腹時の定番。
フケ…粉っぽい。1か所に大量に集めて食うのがベター 。まれににフケの中央に小さいカサブタが付いてくる事があるが、これはまぎれもなくプレミア物。まさにダブルネームの価値を再認識されられる程の希少品。
劇的ではないが、全然オッケーなレベルになった。 最初のフル充電は8時間やれって書いてあったから、寝る前に始めて朝まで放置した
不安がいっぱいだろうけど、頑張って乗り越えて戻ってきてねー >>64 その正式な名称は「若年性陰茎萎縮症」とよばれている
喪失してしまう怖れのある非常に危険な病気なのだ ゲイ議員だと公表して立候補した同性愛政治家は
ただれた>>80のケツマンコ調査させないといけないと思います。 最初のフル充電は8時間やれって書いてあったから、寝る前に始めて朝まで放置した
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┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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ポンコツ中古 [ソアラ337ふ310] 違法改造車、音だけ珍音マフラー 20年落ちのゴミ中古ソアラ337ふ310
オンボロ中古 [サクシード430つ283] 違法改造車、営業車に珍音マフラーの低脳 サクシード430つ283
サクシード紺430つ283 宇○美○の
33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害55回目 10月24日 土曜 午前03時51分 33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害56回目 10月24日 土曜 午前04時02分 33スカイラインGTS25tタイプM(笑) 白330む3345
睡眠妨害57回目 10月25日 日曜 午前00時34分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害58回目 10月25日 日曜 午後23時25分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害59回目 11月02日 月曜 午前06時15分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害60回目 11月04日 水曜 午前06時14分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害61回目 11月05日 木曜 午前06時11分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害62回目 11月06日 金曜 午前06時16分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
睡眠妨害63回目 11月16日 月曜 午前06時15分 ゴミ糞サクシード430つ283
まぁ、こなつよりはマシだがな。 相手によってアイコン連打して媚びたり無愛想にしたりとキャラ変えてる奴等がきもい
エリア)どこでもOK 任務あり のんびり
残念密集地区 かるときゅうの残念基地外うじゃうじゃ
遠く上からくる ストーカー相手前で声露出狂
幼児自演子供面へら陰湿ママ きしょばばあじじい ゆとり こども・・・
痴漢痴女の物色行動バレバレ 不審 きしょい
性思春期ゆとり痴漢 車道 反対側から すとーかーあいてみて歩道に でぶぶさゆとりちゃり めがねよこわけとっぷもっさ おれんじぱーかーり
布団たたき婆騒音 きたくまちで ばんばんばん
陰険粘着低能ゆとりの集合住宅のすとーかー 階段ドスンドスン歩き 玄関ドアばったん閉め
主に302 室内どすんどすん
不審車 隣氏 黒BOX軽 つ**18 ストーカー相手出てきた見つかったじりじり前に
近寄りすり寄り ほーむ
面へら痴女 ちかより まじああるき 気色悪い しねきちがい
ちおくれちびばばあ こうこうくみるていでまじかがりめんへらまだむ 下向いてまじか通貨♀ こんさばあくてぃぶでちかよってもいいでしょの厚顔かんちがい♀
背広中高年 他 まじか通りたがり男数名
どこでもうじゃうじゃいるストーカー客 すりより がんみ ぬすみみ あとつけ まちぶせ 老若男女数十名のなか
のったら買い物ないよう確認か見ないていであさっての方向向きその前に盗み見み ずんぐりむっくり♂B
つり銭手渡し拒否でえへへえへらわらいめがね♀c むりやりこうたいでにかいちゅうもんいじょうですにへんじまちしつこい♀f
となりのれじからかおものかごとりにめがね♀ とれいにつりせんおいてわざわざとれいとてわたし(はい♪)♀v
なんでてんいんがきゃくに懇意ようきゅうきしょいうざいあたまおかしい かじょうせっきょく不要迷惑不快かかわりたさ異常きしょい ぼうはんとねびきに いらない迷惑行為にねだんおしうりか
ぎぜん いかく おめかしかっこつけて いやしい残念 が 他人に異常関心 でつきまとい 面へらきちがい死ね
・・・スコットランド議会の再設置をめぐる最初の住民投票は1979年3月1日に実施され、このとき賛成派は 32.9%で反対派の 30.8% を上回りましたが、投票率が63.6% で、全有権者の40% を越える賛成票が必要との要件を満たさなかったために否決されました。
そして1999年5月6日のスコットランド議会選挙では、労働党のドナルド・デュアーを初代スコットランド主席大臣とした自治政府がスタートしました。 そして議会には所得税率を上下3% の範囲内で調整する権利も与えられました。
こうした中2011年スコットランド議会選挙ではSNP が初めて議会の過半数を獲得、その選挙公約に沿って2012年10月にキャメロン首相とSNP サモンド党首との間で、分離独立の賛否を問う住民投票の実施が合意されました。
この合意で特徴的なのは投票率にかかわらず、賛成票が反対票を一票でも上回れば成立するということで、住民全体の40% を超えるといった得票率の縛りがなくなったために成立の可能性が高くなったと考えられたのです。
西原 由美江
轟音でストーカー相手まえで付きまとい行為を示す 1910
騒音運転等・消音器不備 速度超過(センターラインのない道路;住宅街)
ストーカーは 基地外 性犯罪者 低能でしつこい しね め3白セダン バック:小さく四角い赤いランプ
B。R。APT2階建て白 さし色青
ほか 馬鹿きもおたバイク
遠足すとーかー オモニ公だん 声露出狂
ぎょろめひん剥き詐欺(性)犯罪者 5*3-5つば;いのぶたきしょおたちゅうねんぼくちゃん
有料のせいふうぞくいけよ 規定内のサービスで
残念密集地区 おめかしやらかっこつけた 偽善威嚇 で めんへらが 一方的にしつこく付きまといまくり
しねざんねん まいんどきしょすぎ かるとにぢょつかされてばかめんへらうかれまくり たまに恐ろしくカクカクになる奴がいるな
だってリンクなんだし 朝すげ〜寒かった
雨の時だけは本当に楽しくないがな あーーーーリアサスOH出したくないけどもう出さなきゃならんー!
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懐かしい。。。 最初のフル充電は8時間やれって書いてあったから、寝る前に始めて朝まで放置した
遊んだ時間 645:52
遊んだ回数 644回
600時間も遊べるボリュームあったか?プレイ時間の8割以上は新参の手伝いとか? >>!29
http://www.ntt.com/b...ic/data/case2_1.html >>132 >>133
やり込ませとやり込ませ要素の違いわかってるか? ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
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▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
毎日会うぴよリンクが好きすぎて改名したらしい ぴよにはいい思い出がないから二人ともブロックしてるわ
端的に言うと、以前のジンバブエ状態になっちゃうぞ この時間にひとがいてビックリした。いつもはいないのに。
雨の時だけは本当に楽しくないがな あーーーーリアサスOH出したくないけどもう出さなきゃならんー!
最後のぴよ側がBLした内容のコメ消されてるし・・・自分に不利なコメは即消すんだな >>163
大人しくあぼ〜んするんだよ >>172
またその部屋に入れられるのも嫌だし 挨拶したら 揃うまで放置しててもいいよな?
鼻糞…塩味。ほどよい食感で食べごたえがあって美味 。緑色が高品質とされる 。空腹時の定番。
フケ…粉っぽい。1か所に大量に集めて食うのがベター 。まれににフケの中央に小さいカサブタが付いてくる事があるが、これはまぎれもなくプレミア物。まさにダブルネームの価値を再認識されられる程の希少品。
自分もあんまり構われたくないしトーテムでツボに連れていかれるの嫌い 相手が挨拶のあとじっとしてる時は視界に入らないだろう下の方で遊んでる
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
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▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
英国民主主義の成熟 :
スコットランドのUK (United Kingdam) からの分離独立の賛否を問う住民投票は、9月18日に実施され、独立賛成票が 44.65%、独立反対票が 55.25% で独立反対派の勝利に終わりました。
スコットランドがもし独立することになれば、UK 国内だけではなく、同じような民族問題を抱えるスペインやベルギー の分離独立運動に与える影響は大きく、
日本のTV でも、連日スコットランド問題について特集を組み報道を続けてきました。グラスゴーやエディンバラへ住民運動、街頭演説の様子が放映されていました。
スコットランド議会で多数を占めるスコットランド国民党(Scottish National Party、SNP)の原型は、1920年代末に結成された独立運動支持の政治グループ(National Party of Scotland) ですから100年近い歴史があるわけです。 そういうのは少し前に書いておかないと
むしろオールドボトルに手を出されても困るし現行品で満足してんなら一生それでええと思いますよ。 過疎ってるのかBLしたりされたりか知らんけど毎回ホストばっかりで遊び相手も少なくて退屈なので、ニセ勇者以外なら誰でもいいから今夜とくべつ任務ありで遊んでやってください
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▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
【スーパーサヨク覚醒】 ついにマイト★レーヤ出現 【ゲスウヨ、貢米ポチ、理研は命乞いしろ】
新しい政権は民意を反映し、先に食物と住宅、次に健康と教育、最後に防衛をあるべき政策順位とするでしょう。 さぁち
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
【スーパーサヨク覚醒】 ついにマイト★レーヤ出現 【ゲスウヨ、貢米ポチ、理研は命乞いしろ】
新しい政権は民意を反映し、先に食物と住宅、次に健康と教育、最後に防衛をあるべき政策順位とするでしょう。 ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
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▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
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▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
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▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
執着を無くせ〜。 という教えは有難く承ろう〜。
http://wc2014.2ch.ne...i/psy/1459098279/l50 ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
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▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
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▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
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>>224とかプレイ時間より待ち時間の方が長そうだな 政治の目的わ国民を豊かで平和で幸せに導くことです。
2016年には9割を超える見込みで過去最高を記録し、もはや「 朝鮮民族は 日中共通した敵国のみならず世界共通の北朝鮮と南朝鮮異常軍国主義国家 が世界常識」となっているね。取り返しがつかないのは 暴走する悪の権化刈上げ金豚 をうらめよw
「朝鮮半島のみへの旅行需要が激減し、頼みの綱の中国人観光客も「板挟みになって自滅したパククネ無能大統領に愛想を尽かして 中国人観光客のいんちょん 訪問がパッタリ止んだ」
誰もテレビを信用しなくなってるから 今までみたいに「加害者朝鮮民族が被害者のフリをして国家的ゆすりを行う南朝鮮国の国家犯罪」に誤魔化されないよ
「日本人は どの民族が世界の中で本当の敵で捏造韓流利益誘導を行った在京マスコミの正体は誰か か目覚めている」 福沢諭吉さんが100年前に唱えた脱亜論を自ら証明する特定東アジア諸国は悪友ですらない。「教えない・助けない・関わらない」対朝鮮民族三大原則確立
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【ネット】 陰謀論的な世界観はネトウヨの特徴 かなり偏った政治的傾向を持つ人たちが中心に安倍氏のFacebookは異様な盛り上がり★2
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http://www.iza.ne.jp...s/politicsit/621428/ ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
自分は悪くない!全部周りが悪い!しか言えないのかこの人 >>250
ブーメラン祭りだね これはもう皆で名前をぴよにしてぴよ祭りをするしかないのでは
投稿者も満足であろう ぴよがマナー悪いのは事実だからね
わざとじゃなく本気でそう信じてるのなら精神病じゃないか 自分の投稿じゃないのに自分の気に入らない人がコメするとめっちゃキレてる・・・やばすぎだろ
魔境人口激減してるけど真面目で紳士的な勇者さんもいるのでLet's魔境ライフ!! >>260
森からだと出発してくれない ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
どこにも相手にしてもらえないやつの溜まり場・・・もしくは子供 この話題が出てから荒れてるのがヒドくなったような・・・
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
これからの人生そうやって荒らしながら生きてくの? 恥ずかしくないの?
その方が思いが伝わるよ こういうのは何言っても聞かないでしょ
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
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▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◆2021年までに共産体制廃止を新憲法に記した隣国「ベトナム」と 共に
ラオスは、(◆共産主義体制遅れかつ敵国に包囲され将来が無い中国共産党を見限り、民主化の為に2020年までに資本主義国家に転換する一大国政改革中の国◆ で カンボジア王国に続く王政復古の動きが強い国家)
雨の時だけは本当に楽しくないがな あーーーーリアサスOH出したくないけどもう出さなきゃならんー!
>>286-289 まで全部ID違うのか。。。
こんなんだから2chは廃れるんだろうな 次スレあるか知らんがIP表示でいいな
Desktop Operating System Market Share
May, 2016
Operating System Total Market Share
Windows 7 48.57%
Windows 10 17.43%
Windows XP 10.09%
Windows 8.1 8.77%
Mac OS X 10.11 4.64%
Windows 8 2.62%
Mac OS X 10.10 2.04%
Linux 1.79%
Windows Vista 1.35%
Mac OS X 10.9 0.83%
Windows NT 0.73%
Mac OS X 10.7 0.35%
Mac OS X 10.8 0.31%
Mac OS X 10.6 0.30%
Windows 3.1 0.10%
Mac OS X 10.5 0.04%
Windows 2000 0.02%
Mac OS X 10.4 0.01%
Mac OS X (no version reported) 0.00%
FreeBSD 0.00%
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┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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国 タイ .香港 .米国 日本
フッ化ナトリウム ○ ○ ○ × ←―日本版だけフッ素系の成分が配合されていない
虫歯予防 ○ ○ ○ × ┐
虫歯内部殺菌 ○ ○ ○ × ├―だから日本版リステリンは虫歯予防やエナメル質補修といった
エナメル質補修 × × ○ × │ 重要な効能をアピールすることができない(ウソになるから)
歯質の強化 × × ○ × ┘
歯肉炎予防 ○ ○ ? ○ ┐
歯垢除去 ○ ○ ? ○ |
色素除去 ○ ○ ? ○ ├―成分は同じものが入っているので
口臭予防 ○ ○ ○ ○ | ここの効果はどの国のリステリンも同じと思われる
口内洗浄 ? ? ○ ○ | ただの表記ぶれ
歯石予防 ? ? ? ○ ┘
緊 急 速 報
Amazon で 「ゼルダの伝説 トライフォース3銃士」が、45% オフ。
もう一度言う。45% オフだ。 おおむね半額だ!!!!
【期間限定45%OFF】ゼルダの伝説 トライフォース3銃士 [オンラインコード]【6/19まで】
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f) ポチりたいがクレジット持ってなひぃ😢
ちっとはご新規さん増えるかな? >>311
Amazon は、 コンビニ・ATM・ネットバンキング・電子マネー払い その他ができるから
クレジットカード必須ではないぞ >>313
Amazon暫く使ってなかったからよく分からんちん🙃 残念ながら普段のお買い物と違ってクレカ情報必須だね。
【Win10】 こんな犯罪級OS薦めんなよwww ↓ 【スパイウェア】
開示する ここ重要だよ
契約がなければ通常 高度な違法行為になりうることです それはあなたが自分の意思としてこの契約書に同意したのです
【被爆大量死】 ペットを保健所で殺処分するように国民を殺戮する自民・東電・フクシマ応援テロリスト 【放射能犯罪】
https://twitter.com/Tom oyaMorishita/status/648628684748816384
マイト レーヤは原発の閉鎖を助言されます。
マイト レーヤによれば、放射能は自然界の要素を妨害し、飛行機など原子のパターンが妨害されると墜落します。
マイト レーヤの唇からますます厳しい警告と重みが発せられることを覚悟しなさい。彼はいかなる人間よりもその危険をよくご存じです。
問題は、日本政府が、日本の原子力産業と連携して、日本の原子力産業を終わらせるおそれのあることを何も認めようとしないことです。 Amazonでのセールだとレビュー見て買うの止める人多そうだなぁ
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(ひろゆき系のサイトなので、直接URL貼れないから★入れるので★削除してアクセスよろ) ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
自分が下手なせいかと思ったけど違うのか? >>31
なんだ偽勇者だったのか さっき魔窟にぴよリンクとぴよぐれあとかいう奴がいたけどトライフォースの台乗ろうともせずに意味不明な行動してて数十秒後に切断された
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
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キッズメインのスレに猥褻なAA貼るな馬鹿 ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
何が楽しいんだろうな ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
HOW quickly the unthinkable became the irreversible.
A year ago few people imagined that the legions of Britons
who love to whinge about the European Union―silly regulations,
bloated budgets and pompous bureaucrats―would actually vote to leave
the club of countries that buy nearly half of Britain’s exports.
Yet, by the early hours of June 24th, it was clear that voters had ignored
the warnings of economists, allies and their own government and,
after more than four decades in the EU, were about to step boldly into the unknown.
The tumbling of the pound to 30-year lows offered a taste of what is to come.
As confidence plunges, Britain may well dip into recession.
A permanently less vibrant economy means fewer jobs, lower tax receipts and,
eventually, extra austerity. The result will also shake a fragile world economy.
Scots, most of whom voted to Remain, may now be keener to break
free of the United Kingdom, as they nearly did in 2014.
Across the Channel, Eurosceptics such as the French National Front will see
Britain’s flounce-out as encouragement. The EU, an institution that has
helped keep the peace in Europe for half a century, has suffered a grievous blow.
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
自滅君ならともかく下手なライフ食いぐらい許せよ短気か ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
下手はオンライン来ないでマジで迷惑だから 上手い下手で相手選ぶとか必死か
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢▉ ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■ █◣ ┃
┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
◢■ ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼ ◥◣
◢▍ ▼◢▓▓▓▀ ▐◣
▂◢◤ ▀▓■▀
◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
◥◣▅▀ ◥▌▂▃▲ ◥◣▅▀
▋◥▊ ◢▓█▓█▇◣ ▐◤▋
▌ ◥▉ ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
▌ ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀ ▌
▌ ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲ ▌
▐ ▅▀▌▓ ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃ ▐
▐ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
▍ ◢▊ █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
▍◢◤ ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
▃▼ ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
▎ ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■ █◣ ▎
▎ ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊ █◣ ▎
┃ ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██ █◣ ┃
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┃ ◢█ ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍ ◢▌ ┃
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今は夕方のキッズタイムでも全然マッチングしない感じ? ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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21時ぐらいから遊んだけど、さくさくマッチングしたよ。 昨日の深夜の一時くらいに久しぶりに起動したけど一人にあったくらいでエリアに行けなかった。
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何でもかんでも大回転で処理するのはつまらないし、三人もいらないと思うんだけどな ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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いるんなら挨拶くらいしろや ◥▌ ▃◢◣▃ ▃▬▂ ▃◢▀
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North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Kokniferean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rusheageted to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was intervinextewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘excetargetptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the femLetale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state nextbuilt on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his diretargetction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but wsageere mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blhorrorast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identafterlifeity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence frolongm the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolisystemdating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacbaduum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the femafterlifeale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but wrebornere mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuvictium among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been comptargetletely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the femlifeale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commlongemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguasagerds drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirnextmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commsystememoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets hasave speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by Nornextth Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have specutargetlated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wountargetded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outrebornlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that duvictiring Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviwondewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were intervdeleteiewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum amovicting North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomwondber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that duromiking Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirsystemmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candisadate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been compmenletely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the publicnext eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few detsageails have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminItated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commenomikujited, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the youknifenger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacsageuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were intervieafterlifewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast serihorrorously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chaghost townnce to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speghost townculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few detasageils have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the femsageale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly tsaoo consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the femasystemle suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidcodeating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculatedne that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolitargetdating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commennextted, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have specuvictilated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that duruwonding Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”
The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mossagetly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET