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What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? ->画像>61枚

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1名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:25:27.50ID:XKGTo7b80HAPPY
Screw the Switch. Buy a ps4 instead, and you can enjoy your gaming life more.

2名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:26:34.26ID:JolxZb+m0HAPPY


3名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:27:42.44ID:iqczZS080HAPPY

4名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:30:44.09ID:XKGTo7b80HAPPY
The ps4 including Spider-Man is 199 dollars in the U.S. Why don't you buy one? It's worth it.

5名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:31:01.07ID:FjfXhdNMpHAPPY

6名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:40:28.08ID:NpWijbMVaHAPPY

7名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:41:51.42ID:XKGTo7b80HAPPY
When Nintendo are winning against Sony, they always start exploiting children.

8名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:55:45.71ID:aMK0gIA30HAPPY

9名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:56:01.06ID:lOXkuGinaHAPPY

10名無しさん必死だな2018/11/20(火) 23:58:26.25ID:uB0J8KFo0HAPPY

11名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:09:40.40ID:FNq402qI0
I can never admit the Nintendo's sales protection program to third partys.
It would destroy the game industry. If a third party gets the program,
they would try to make a game for Nintendo, not users. Actually
Panasonic did the same thing on 3DO before. They gave a lot of money
to third parties, and made them make games. They also promised to
buy certain amount of copies to third parties. But as a result it destroyed
the 3DO market. Most third parties made very cheap games
with low costs
and got Panasonic to buy their games, and got a profit with no risk.
And thd 3DO market had too many shit games and was over.

12名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:14:03.53ID:FNq402qI0
Fucking Nintendo. Stop being hypocrite. Protect children against them.

13名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:17:44.83ID:FNq402qI0
No third parties
No game
Poor online service
Higher price than the ps4.
There is no reason you buy the Switch.

14名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:20:42.72ID:FNq402qI0
I wonder what games the Switch users are playing.

15名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:23:24.62ID:FNq402qI0
Have they been playing Splatoon through a whole year?

16名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:28:48.10ID:FNq402qI0
300 yen a month for Nintendo online service
is too expensive for children. Many children are crying. What an evil company.

17名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:37:33.48ID:FNq402qI0
Why are many people buying the Switch? Basically it seems to be the same as the WiiU. They completely ignored the WiiU in spite of having had many Nintendo games. But they buy the Switch now. I wonder if the handheld mode is so important for them. Weird.

18名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:40:33.94ID:FNq402qI0
All lewd games gather to the Switch. Are pigs happy with that? You perverts.

19名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:43:29.99ID:FNq402qI0
I can't help but say most pigs are perverts. Protect children against them.

20名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:48:23.27ID:0DLsnLXo0
are buyiingwwwwwwwwww

21名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 00:48:50.36ID:FNq402qI0
Many lewd games are coming to the Switch. Naturally many children get interested in them and it might turn children into perverts. Why does Nintendo permit it?

22名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 01:20:08.92ID:FNq402qI0
If only the ps4 was 199 dolllars all over the world. Why does Sony give the amazing price to the U.S. only? Is it because their HQ is there?

23名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 01:33:39.69ID:FNq402qI0
Basically pigs don't buy/play games. They just criticize everything Sony does and praise Nintendo. I feel they are just shill hired by Nintendo.

24名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 03:08:02.03ID:FNq402qI0
I thought that now that playing games on smartphones was a thing, consoles wouldn't sell well anymore here. Let alone the Switch.

25名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 03:26:48.22ID:FNq402qI0
The ps4 has sold more than 80 million units worldwide in five years. What about the Switch? When does it exceed the ps4? Can't wait.

26名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 03:47:42.92ID:PkR2B0PV0

27名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 04:22:06.99ID:O39TEJ8qK

28名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 04:23:06.49ID:Q7Z361xo0

29ゲハ ◆GhXkFJ1Xak 2018/11/21(水) 07:32:02.86ID:Ey/FqeM90

30名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 11:50:26.28ID:fJtrJXtDM

31名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 13:04:06.60ID:FNq402qI0

32名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 22:45:06.01ID:FNq402qI0

33名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 22:59:25.84ID:1sXvqY9j0

34名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 23:16:48.73ID:FNq402qI0
Sony HQ is in California now, they are already an American company.

35名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 23:29:32.30ID:FNq402qI0
I'm surprised that Pokemon Pikachu sold more than 600k copies in a week. The Switch is dominating the JP market.

36名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 23:33:52.85ID:GMQC6y8D0
あとdo youで聞かないで is itって普通の英語には感じられない。変

37名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 23:35:13.10ID:FNq402qI0
No, it's natural.

38名無しさん必死だな2018/11/21(水) 23:39:48.21ID:FNq402qI0
Screw your English text books. They are just garbage. No one is using such weird English.

39名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:21:42.83ID:ZIBCQtwL0
The Switch sales number. 200k units? Incredible.

40名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:24:55.69ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I'm curious about how many Switch would sell during the Chrismas season.

41名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:25:22.15ID:rMqz0tYB0

42名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:25:54.95ID:AotpBjkg0

43名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:29:10.95ID:ZIBCQtwL0
No, the thread title's sentence is correct. It's a common expression.

44名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:34:57.47ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I guess you don't understand the meaning of that sentence.

45名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:37:06.51ID:ZIBCQtwL0
That thread title doesn't mean that "Why are many people buying the Switch?"

46名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 00:50:50.27ID:ZIBCQtwL0
The ps4 is over. What's wrong with the ps4?

47名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 01:36:35.21ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I wonder what Switch game would sell the most during the Chrismas season.

48名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 01:49:54.14ID:PpZ+vlMXH

49名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 01:53:43.42ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Like I have been saying it over and over again, the thread title is absolutely correct. You don't just know the expression.

50名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 02:02:57.93ID:1jasJO0u0

51名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 02:03:24.86ID:oIJNak4m0
What's your point?

52名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 02:12:35.34ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Look at this tweet, and you would understand that the thread title is correct. It's a common expression.


WHAT IS IT about @Netflix that makes me perfectly willing to watch an
entire season of something in a single sitting, but as soon as I see I'm 3
episodes behind on a cable show I have recorded, I get overwhelmed
and delete them?
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

53名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 02:20:31.48ID:ZIBCQtwL0


What is it about me and my office that other people like to come in and
have their conversations there?
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

54名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 02:33:53.50ID:ZIBCQtwL0
That translation is wrong.

55名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 03:33:23.46ID:oIJNak4m0
so,whats your point?

56名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 10:05:11.08ID:AotpBjkg0

57名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 12:29:10.09ID:ZIBCQtwL0

58名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 12:45:52.81ID:ZIBCQtwL0
The Switch. It's natural.

59名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 12:51:42.98ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Honestly the grammer isn't important so much. Don't mind.

60名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 12:57:30.67ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Grammatical sentences aren't necessarily natural ones.
You should try to write natural ones.

61名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:04:45.38ID:T67+C53I0
We Are The Penis

62名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:06:57.85ID:kXjpWATlM

63名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:10:22.30ID:T67+C53I0
Krazy Pook Die

64名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:11:17.81ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I wonder why you are curious about the English of the thread title. Funny.

65名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:17:07.61ID:ZIBCQtwL0
It's a common expression. Look at >>52

66名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:54:05.95ID:ZIBCQtwL0

@meduza_en Gosh! What is it about this job that carries such a high risk of mortality?
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

67名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 13:56:27.64ID:cDDA5ddN0
I hate sony's sexual restriction.

68名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:00:40.16ID:5aQny/1f0
同じ「許可」でも あんたの意図する使い方ならadmit じゃなくて allowを使えと

69名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:01:25.95ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Mindfulness Wellness @HealingMB
2018/11/22 12:00:02

“What is it about our expectations, plans, or ideas that hold such sway
over us? It is as if we've written a script for a play of our lives that runs
about a month ahead of actual life; if reality varies from what we've
created in our minds we disengage or pout.”

- Holly Sprink
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

70名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:01:28.65ID:hl/sEVZAp
'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off

71名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:03:42.81ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Doris the Finkasaurus @troutsbastard
2018/11/22 11:07:17

What is it about holidays that make people so angry?
50 yr old women in stores ready to throw down over a chocolate pie.
Jesus Wanda, go home take a Xanax & evaluate your shit.

Twitter for iPhoneさんから
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

72名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:07:05.24ID:ZIBCQtwL0
This expression is used so much in everyday conversation.

73名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:29:46.90ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Why are the Switch selling so much!

74名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:34:48.77ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Did pigs buy Pokemon Pika?

75名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:39:32.64ID:ZIBCQtwL0
No more censorship

76名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 14:53:12.13ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Do pigs want to play lewd games so bad? Congrats. Sony excluded lewd ones from the ps4, so all lewd ones are starting to gather to the Switch. You can play them as much as you want. Lucky.

77名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 15:01:52.22ID:ZIBCQtwL0
The Switch including Mario Cart 8 Deluxe is 299 dollars in the US. And you can get a 50 dollar coupon when you buy one at GameStop. How much did you buy just a Switch? About 30,000 yen? I'm sure that you are exploited by Nintendo. You're poor.

78名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 15:59:17.84ID:ZIBCQtwL0
What is it about Sony that will exclude lewd games and scenes? It's funny and weird. Don't buy Sony products.

79名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 16:01:42.45ID:ZIBCQtwL0
What if Nintendo and MS excluded lewd games as well. It's a nightmare.

80名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 16:15:36.06ID:ZIBCQtwL0
What is it about Nintendo that tries to make more gacha games? Did they forget what Iwata was saying about them? What an evil company. I miss the Iwata era.

81名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 16:45:08.21ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Laser beams everywhere on ps4 games now.

82名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:17:37.15ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Hinnyuu is called pancake in the west. That girl's boobs are small like a pancake.

83名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:29:40.45ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Which one do pigs like? The girls with big boobs or the ones with small ones? You like Xeno Blades 2, so I guess you like the latter.

84名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:31:24.42ID:ZIBCQtwL0
No, it was the former. There are many big boobs there.

85名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:33:05.91ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Big boobs are justice.

86名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:39:38.44ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Don't worry. Nintendo would protect girls' boobs. They never censor them because they love them as well. Look at Homura from XenoBlade2. It's their tastes. They are perverts.

87名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:50:26.47ID:ZIBCQtwL0
All girls' boobs and nudities are moving from the ps4 to the Switch. I like how Sony threw away Gokis.

88名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 17:55:42.18ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Do pigs lick girls' boobs on the Switch screen?

89名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 18:27:27.51ID:ZIBCQtwL0
When does Tencent buy SIE?

90名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 18:38:36.29ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I wonder who would play the sequel of Sakura Taisen now. No one remembers the old games. I guess most fans have been away from gaming as they get older.

91名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 18:59:07.55ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Apparently IGN gave Fallout76 a rating 5.

92名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 20:07:49.13ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Go up

93名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 20:36:24.43ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Do pigs want to knead Homura's boobs?

94名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 20:45:12.14ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Homura's boobs have weird shape. I wonder if she wouldn't get stiff shoulders with the big ones.

95名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 20:48:28.85ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Homura is called Pyra in the west. Why did they change her name?

96名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 21:46:30.95ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Famitsu have been getting a lot of money from Sony as ad rate, so they praise ps4 games , like JoJo got a 40/40. Famitsu's reviews can be bought by money. Sony money is dominating Famitsu.

97名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 22:06:24.88ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Oh, the Pokemon game sold 3 million copies worldwide during the first week. It's the Pokemon power. I like how gokis get mad at it.

98名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 22:53:49.85ID:ZIBCQtwL0
The Switch is 10 yen off on Geo. I guess Geo has excess inventory for Switch.

99名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 23:13:29.42ID:ZIBCQtwL0
I wonder if Geo would go bankrupt because of the excess inventory for Switch. What's up with the cardboard's inventory?

100名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 23:38:03.93ID:ZIBCQtwL0
FF13 finally got the backward compatible on Xbox one. And with 4k on Xbox one X

101名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 23:39:45.48ID:ZIBCQtwL0
Well certainly SFC and PS1 era is the heyday of JP game market it seems.

102名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 23:42:08.28ID:ZIBCQtwL0
2D sprite arts felt much more beautiful than current 3D ones.

103名無しさん必死だな2018/11/22(木) 23:59:57.36ID:ZIBCQtwL0
FF15 is a homo game. The script writer is a fujoshi and she gave FF15 a
homo elements. Maybe fushoji can enjoy the homo game. But FF series
was games for children and many RPG fans before. Many people got
impressed by the stories, battle systems, and graphics and went crazy
about them. But they threw away such awesome elements that FFs had
before and turned a FF into a homo game. What is it about FF series that
became a game for fujoshis?

104名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 01:08:16.57ID:7QFd06Gn0

105名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 01:34:31.70ID:7QFd06Gn0
No one is using the 3D feature on 3DS anymore. That feature was just garbage in the first place.

106名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 01:58:13.49ID:7QFd06Gn0
The switch is expensive, right? I don't want one for that price. Well I kinda want to play Xeno2 and Octopath though.

107名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 02:00:05.31ID:7QFd06Gn0
The graphics on Octopath is so beautiful. The dot arts are the best.

108名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 02:05:30.78ID:7QFd06Gn0
I like how they evolved dot arts with the current technology.

109名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 02:17:39.13ID:7QFd06Gn0
Native 4k is so beautiful? I don't have a 4k tv.

110名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 02:19:24.23ID:7QFd06Gn0
When do the 4k shows get started on bs/cs?

111名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 02:53:54.07ID:7QFd06Gn0
How many ps2s sold in ten years?

112名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 03:07:53.08ID:7QFd06Gn0
Xeno2 has no GOTY? My GOTY only?

113名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 11:02:21.56ID:7QFd06Gn0

114名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 11:07:38.77ID:7QFd06Gn0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

What is this liquid?

115名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 11:35:45.21ID:7QFd06Gn0
DQ10 lost many players because of poor updates and insulting remarks for players. Making a mmo for DQ itself was wrong in the first place. No fans wanted it.

116名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 11:42:09.41ID:7QFd06Gn0
Most players who have been playing DQ10 for years are becoming addicted. They can't stop it. Netgame addiction is scary.

117名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 11:59:16.17ID:7QFd06Gn0
The vr market for gaming is over. It's only for porn videos. I guess many of those who buy a psvr are watching porn vr videos. They're perverts.

118名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 12:24:34.40ID:7QFd06Gn0
That word "CS old men" sounds weird. So many people who are playing
smartphone games are over 30 years old, and they spend a lot of
money for gacha games. They haven't played console games anymore.
Not "CS old men" but "CS children" is a right word.

119名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 12:46:16.24ID:7QFd06Gn0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

The scalper is buying many ps4s. I guess he will sell them at an auction.

120名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 12:57:56.33ID:7QFd06Gn0
The meta score for Fallout76 is 45 points. What a fucking shit game. As I recall, there was recently a news that a guy who wanted to return his one but refused it got angry and messed up a Gamestop.

121名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 17:12:41.92ID:7QFd06Gn0

122名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 22:09:35.44ID:7QFd06Gn0

123名無しさん必死だな2018/11/23(金) 22:22:49.33ID:xGenY8n60
You stupid!

124名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 00:54:18.25ID:9r3bsrG70
Nice to meet you

125名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 02:52:23.35ID:9r3bsrG70
Long time no see

126名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 03:38:04.73ID:9r3bsrG70
Don't break emulator culture!, Nintendo. It's your bad point.
Use their knowledge, not fight against them.

127名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 11:09:06.61ID:9r3bsrG70

128名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 18:47:10.32ID:9r3bsrG70

129名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 19:00:04.80ID:9r3bsrG70
Nintendo, Don't forget that word " there is no patent fot how to play."

130名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 19:06:01.06ID:9r3bsrG70
Who buys a new iphone for 100k yen? Android phones are good enough to use.

131名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 19:19:21.54ID:9r3bsrG70
I think Amazon Prime is cheap if you often buy stuff on amazon or watch prime video. And the prime fee in jp is much cheaper than one in the US. In the US it's 120 dollars a year. I wonder if western people don't care about subscription costs so much.

132名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 21:51:51.39ID:9r3bsrG70
Why did Doukyuusei 3 come out?

133名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 21:53:52.73ID:9r3bsrG70
Oh. *didn't* come out

134名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 21:57:14.87ID:9r3bsrG70
Alicesoft has their own building.

135名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 21:58:29.04ID:9r3bsrG70
It's a shame that Elf stopped their business.

136名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 22:18:59.92ID:9r3bsrG70
In my opinion Doukyuusei 1 was more fun than the 2.

137名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 22:19:29.12ID:9r3bsrG70
Cuteness is justice.

138名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 22:28:03.21ID:9r3bsrG70
Do you know how much the golden Mario statue was ? Many game shops bought it for 1,5 million yen to have a good relationship with Nintendo. But after that, PS era came out and they became just garbage.

139名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 22:35:45.33ID:9r3bsrG70
Why do fujoshis like homo games? Homo games could turn you into a gay. Very scary. I wonder why such terrible games are put on the market.

140名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 22:39:19.55ID:9r3bsrG70
The eroge industry is over. No one plays eroges nowadays. Well I miss the eroge era though.

141名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 23:42:05.69ID:9r3bsrG70
There is a company that makes games for fujoshis. They were making
their games for Vita, but the Vita is dead, so I moved to the Switch.
But unfortunately a lot of fujoshis don't have a Switch and not will buy
one. Fujoshis just say why their games are not for Vita. Naturally many
games that the company made on Switch didn't sell at all. The sales
numbers of their games are under 10,000 copies. I hope the company
wouldn't go bankrupt. But this is a very big problem for many moe game
companis too. No Vita no moe market. Where should they go?
The PS4 censors lewd games now, and they can't make moe games
without laser beams anymore. On the other hand the Switch is basically
a console for children and family, I can't help but say lewd games are
out of place on the Switch market. Well I also feel moe games
themselves are already out of date though. They have been doing
the same thing for more than 20 years and have hardly evolved.
Their games aren't even games, just digital novels.
So they were naturally involved into a competition with light novels
and lost many of the market. I wonder if moe game companies can keep their business running.

142名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 23:56:19.55ID:9r3bsrG70
Fighting games in 90s are the best.

143名無しさん必死だな2018/11/24(土) 23:57:19.62ID:9r3bsrG70
The future is now. 100 Mega shock NeoGeo!

144名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 00:00:27.25ID:M+eAOzNg0
Do pigs play Mario Party alone? Is it fun?

145名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 00:05:09.87ID:M+eAOzNg0
I like how gokis have gotten mad about sony excluding lewd scenes from ps4.

146名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 00:30:37.83ID:M+eAOzNg0
Do pigs want to touch Homura's boobs? Momimomi.

147名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 00:33:59.52ID:M+eAOzNg0
I can't help but say the employees from Monolith are perverts. Boobs fetish?

148名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 00:36:52.70ID:M+eAOzNg0
Certainly boobs are important though. But too big ones aren't good.

149名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 01:07:46.49ID:M+eAOzNg0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Haha, no one preorders a PS classic. I don't feel nostalgic at all too. I wonder if the PS1 can be called a retro console in the first place.

150名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 01:18:42.93ID:M+eAOzNg0
The ps1 ports from neogeo were terrible. Especially Samurai Shodown 3 was the worst. It was not even a game. Just a defective product.

151名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 02:03:52.31ID:M+eAOzNg0

Apparently you can get a refurbished Xbox 360 for free at Gamestop.
You pay 70 dollars and after two months, you get a 70 dollar cash back.

152名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 02:19:08.28ID:I0fA6QlH0

153名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 02:36:37.41ID:M+eAOzNg0
Do gokis like girls' butts? Too bad. They are already censored with laser beams.

154名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 03:28:01.23ID:M+eAOzNg0
Goki: The ps4 is the most selling console in the world.
pig: Here is Japan. How many ps4s sold in Japan?
Goki: I'm the Sony. Do you know it, right?
Pig: Huh? You're kidding me?
Goki: I'm a Sony warrior. You're a Sony one too.
pig: Weren't you a classy restaurant ?
Goki: Yes, I am. You're just a staff restaurant.
Pig: Btw the square button on my psp doesn't work. Isn't it a defective product?
Goki: I made the most beautiful product in the world. Who criticizes what an artist made?

155名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 11:03:16.79ID:M+eAOzNg0

156名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 12:31:44.38ID:M+eAOzNg0
Gacha games are just ganblimg. Stay away from them.

157名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 15:53:53.41ID:M+eAOzNg0

158名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 17:12:12.10ID:M+eAOzNg0
The "Black" from "Black Friday" means that retail stores go into the black during the period.

159名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 17:24:08.17ID:M+eAOzNg0
Apparently the Switch including MK8 is sold out on many online stores.

160名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 17:50:55.79ID:NHNiBmQc0
Would you please, shut a hell up!

161名無しさん必死だな2018/11/25(日) 20:34:25.27ID:M+eAOzNg0
What game did you buy on Black friday?

162名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 00:45:16.96ID:sLydUJzE0

163名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 01:36:28.25ID:sLydUJzE0

164名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 03:51:17.01ID:sLydUJzE0
Who buys this?
I feel like it's more troublesome than you break an egg open by yourself.
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

165名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 11:15:01.89ID:sLydUJzE0

166名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 14:17:39.07ID:sLydUJzE0
Gacha games are over.

167名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 15:58:18.19ID:sLydUJzE0
The ps4 including RDR2, and another DS4 controller is 199 dollars at a store in the US. What an incredible price.

168名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 16:08:57.44ID:sLydUJzE0
The Switch including a 50 dollar store coupon and 35 dollar Nintendo online one is 299 dollars at Gamestop.

169名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 16:12:37.21ID:sLydUJzE0
Did you buy your Switch for 30k yen? You're poor. Nintendo is looking down on Japanese people. People in the US are more important for them.

170名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 16:57:33.12ID:sLydUJzE0
I remember that Shenmu was not popular at all at the time. I wonder who wanted the sequel. Mainly in the west?

171名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 17:02:42.63ID:sLydUJzE0
What is Yukawa doing now? I'm sure that it was clearly a stealth marketing. I guess such a marketing way destroyed the Sega's identify.

172名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 17:19:22.06ID:sLydUJzE0
Isn't that a stealth marketing? If not, what is the definition of that word?
They tried to sell Yukawa himself first, and he got popular in casual people, and casual people was going to get intetested in the Dreamcast. Well actually casual people knew Yukawa, but was not interested in the DC at all though. Isn't it a Stealth one?

173名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 18:44:57.78ID:sLydUJzE0
Fallout76 went half off. Do you guys not have phones?

174名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 20:50:58.23ID:sLydUJzE0
I'm back.

175名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 22:28:55.42ID:sLydUJzE0
Hello all

176名無しさん必死だな2018/11/26(月) 22:30:07.42ID:sLydUJzE0
Welcome back

177名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 01:20:31.22ID:FWB69q3+0
I'm back

178名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:04:48.39ID:FWB69q3+0
The ps classic is criticized so much in resetera because of pal version. Tekken3 in 50Hz is insane.

179名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:13:55.66ID:FWB69q3+0
GameStop. Why is it "stop"? That place is a must-stop place. And do shopping. There are many "stop" shops. PizzaStop, SushiStop and so on.

180名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:20:17.66ID:FWB69q3+0
I guess GameStop will go bankrupt sooner or later. Like Blockbuster did.
The download and cloud game era is coming.

181名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:26:52.07ID:FWB69q3+0
What games are Nishikuns playing on Switch?

182名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:30:22.40ID:FWB69q3+0
I'm a nishikun. You're a nishikun. We are nishikuns. The Nishikun world is spreading all over the world.

183名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:36:20.74ID:FWB69q3+0
I heard nishikuns have been playing Splatoon since the launch. Is it true? Do you get tired of it?

184名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:38:14.39ID:FWB69q3+0
Don't you get tired of it ?

185名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 02:42:43.64ID:FWB69q3+0
Have Nishikuns been reading a CoroCoro magazine every month? It's enjoyable? CoroCoro magazines are basically made for children. How old are you? Elementary school students?

186名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 11:23:45.14ID:FWB69q3+0

187名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 12:39:17.72ID:FWB69q3+0
Fatal Fury Special was more popular than SSF2 in 94. It upset Capcom, and they made SS2X quickly and launched it several months ahead of schedule.

188名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 14:01:46.89ID:FWB69q3+0
Most companies here are heading in the smartphone market, but only Capcom is sticking to the consoles. They have MH series, which is one of the most popular game brands here. I wonder why MH series can't take off on smartphones. MHX is a shit game?

189名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 14:23:28.05ID:FWB69q3+0

190名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 14:26:31.91ID:BcbLPfA80
おk in English

191名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 15:48:53.88ID:FWB69q3+0
Subscription models are the future of the game industry.

192名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 16:15:20.96ID:FWB69q3+0
Basically Nintendo start doing it after other companies launched
a service and the service took off. Nintendo keeps critcizing it
when it's not sure whether a serive takes off or not, and
once the service gets popular, they finally start the service as well.
Like gacha or subscription online service.

193名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 22:49:35.34ID:FWB69q3+0
I'm back

194名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 22:53:28.70ID:BU5WN66x0
Only PS4 games
KICHIGAI Okayama crazy gameshop XENOcomp But I don’t buy it Give me Give me
Wow I think these line naps are great

195名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:23:32.56ID:FWB69q3+0
If only the crazy okayama gameshop went bankrupt.

196名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:26:18.27ID:FWB69q3+0
Crazy shops are only for PS4.

197名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:28:51.35ID:FWB69q3+0
The team GK has 1,200 people. Scary.

198名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:36:42.52ID:FWB69q3+0
Why are Nishikuns and Gokis fighting each other?

199名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:39:14.39ID:FWB69q3+0
Stop fighting for me!

200名無しさん必死だな2018/11/27(火) 23:47:06.27ID:FWB69q3+0
Do Nishikuns make love to girls on the Switch screen? Like how?

201名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 00:21:05.70ID:OZfGbMK20
The ps classic is much worse than I expected. What's wrong with Sony?

202名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 00:26:46.83ID:OZfGbMK20
I wonder why some people spend money for gacha games. The items that you can get on gachas are just digital data. You can't change them to real money. The items aren't worth the money. I feel they are just gacha addiction.

203名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 02:19:29.79ID:OZfGbMK20
Welcome back

204名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 11:15:45.89ID:eY/njfJL0
I'm back.

205名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 16:51:41.61ID:eY/njfJL0
Welcome back

206名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 19:12:15.09ID:eY/njfJL0
Apparently the Switch is selling less than Nintendo expected. The Switch trend is over?

207名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 19:17:24.66ID:eY/njfJL0
I wondered why the Switch were selling so much from before.

208名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 19:19:56.92ID:eY/njfJL0
Did people finally realize that the Switch was just garbage?

209名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 22:57:53.10ID:eY/njfJL0

210名無しさん必死だな2018/11/28(水) 23:28:17.14ID:eY/njfJL0
The Switch sold 100k units this week. The ps4 is only 25k ones.

211名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:40:23.01ID:ovGhxEG20
Do you like girls' butts? Want to lick them? If so, you're a nishikun.

212名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:42:23.48ID:ovGhxEG20
Nishikuns everywhere

213名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:43:12.03ID:ovGhxEG20
Nishikuns are dominating this board.

214名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:46:02.38ID:ovGhxEG20
Apparently gamers who want to become a Nishikun are increasing more and more these days. They like Nintendo when Nintendo's console is selling so much.

215名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:50:45.52ID:ovGhxEG20
The Switch sales numbers during from BlackFriday to Thanksgivingdays exceeded the Will's ones? Really?

216名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:52:32.42ID:ovGhxEG20
Nishikuns like to play Mario Party alone.

217名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 00:55:08.66ID:ovGhxEG20
Do Nishikuns want to lick Homura's nipples? Stop being pervert. Nishikuns should be decent persons. Only gokis must be perverts.

218名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 01:30:56.12ID:ovGhxEG20
IGNJ says that they will not buy a ps classic even if the price was half.

219名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 01:32:11.88ID:ovGhxEG20
What games are Nishikuns going to play next year?

220名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 01:33:57.87ID:ovGhxEG20
Shenmue sold 37k copies during the first week. Sold better than I expected.

221名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 02:14:17.66ID:ovGhxEG20
Why does stuff on many thread titles have "san" these days?

222名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 02:31:01.59ID:ovGhxEG20
I heard Gokis were collecting girls' pantsu. Is it true? If so, it's a crime.
You should give them back to girls.

223名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 03:08:21.06ID:ovGhxEG20
Apparently the Switch's sales number exceeded the Vita's ones.
I don't think it is awesome though. Who gets happy even if something outsold the Vita?

224名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 03:12:32.04ID:ovGhxEG20
Where did the excess stocks of Labos go? Is there still a lot of cardboards in many stores?

225名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 03:37:03.35ID:ovGhxEG20
Ex-chief editor Otsuka from Famitsu says that " The PS Classic is getting
popular right now.
Well it's natural though. How awesome the 20 games included are.
Do you already know what games are included? How strong those titles
are. Those are like an army. Those games not only will make people
who have played them before feel nostalgic, but also will make young
people who have not played them at all get intetested in it."

226名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 12:05:08.20ID:ovGhxEG20NIKU
I'm back

227名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 12:17:36.49ID:ovGhxEG20NIKU
Sony money is dominating Famitsu.

228名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 12:21:17.87ID:ovGhxEG20NIKU
What is the "NIKU" from my ID? Meat?

229名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 20:44:56.63ID:ovGhxEG20NIKU
Welcome back

230名無しさん必死だな2018/11/29(木) 22:57:23.34ID:ovGhxEG20NIKU

231名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 01:45:56.01ID:meke9hdD0
Terrible English

232名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 01:48:34.73ID:meke9hdD0
To be honest, don't believe what Japanese English learners are saying about how to study English.

233名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 01:59:11.80ID:meke9hdD0
You're welcome

234名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 11:03:37.40ID:P2mHoz5Sa

235名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 13:08:59.06ID:meke9hdD0
No problem.

236名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 13:10:26.84ID:meke9hdD0
Fair enough

237名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 13:57:41.69ID:meke9hdD0
Certainly Geha is just a garbage forum, but 4chan is ass hole as well.

238名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 14:01:04.47ID:meke9hdD0
I feel Resetera is a relatively decent forum.

239名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 14:04:31.73ID:meke9hdD0
The big three of western game forum are reddit, Resetera, and 4chan.
Reddit is the easist to post a comment.

240名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 14:06:44.17ID:meke9hdD0
The intent is to provide players with sense of pride and accomplishment.

241名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 23:34:24.02ID:meke9hdD0

242名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 23:44:11.08ID:meke9hdD0
oh man Famicom jump is a fucking shit game

243名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 23:44:38.73ID:meke9hdD0
Holy shit

244名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 23:50:15.53ID:meke9hdD0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

It's a Famitsu.
I wonder how much they are getting money from Sony.

245名無しさん必死だな2018/11/30(金) 23:54:56.86ID:meke9hdD0
Switching Hub is the most popular word on Geha in 2018.

246名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:09:46.86ID:ppEHbyZU0
Nishikuns like boobs.

247名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:11:31.91ID:ppEHbyZU0
The ps classic doesn't make me feel nostalgic for some reason.

248名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:13:25.65ID:ppEHbyZU0
You can play ps1 games on Vita any time.

249名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:14:15.00ID:ppEHbyZU0
The Vita is practically a ps1 portable.

250名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:19:30.28ID:ppEHbyZU0
Apparently the subscription numbers from WoW are decreasing drastically these days.It doesn't mean FF14's ones are increasing though. Well who plays mmos right now? Most mmo players went to smartphone games.

251名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:23:53.93ID:ppEHbyZU0
Bethesda is losing fan's faith quickly after diable mobile and FO76.
Do you guys not have phones?

252名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:25:25.65ID:zH+RnQqsd
Nice boat!

253名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:39:13.03ID:ppEHbyZU0
SquareEnix is changing your memories into money with gacha games.

254名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 00:48:24.38ID:ppEHbyZU0
In gacha games you have to do the same thing over and over again every day over the years. Very troublesome. No motivation to play such shit games. Their games aren't worth spending money or time.

255名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 01:56:13.04ID:ppEHbyZU0
No problem

256名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 03:13:31.23ID:ppEHbyZU0
Gokis got Nishikuns to buy lewd game on Switch.

257名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 11:14:37.43ID:ppEHbyZU0

258名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 11:48:34.94ID:iPDLCWBX0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

259名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 11:58:45.83ID:iPDLCWBX0
extra♪ :@)

What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

260名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 12:04:54.85ID:iPDLCWBX0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

261名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 12:07:30.64ID:iPDLCWBX0
Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format.
Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom,
two third parties happened to meet all together outside Nintendo’s meeting room.

262名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 12:16:45.78ID:iPDLCWBX0
Zen kishu maruchi
All models Multi?

263名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 12:29:27.31ID:iPDLCWBX0
My id is lucky enough to DLC :^)

Nintendo believers was hate DLC long time ago

264名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 14:38:06.10ID:ppEHbyZU0
Which one Nishikuns like? Big boobs or small one?

265名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 14:43:07.25ID:ppEHbyZU0
Nintendo hates Nishikuns.
Nishikuns love Nintendo.
What do Nishikuns think about it?

266名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 14:49:47.03ID:ppEHbyZU0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

You have been criticized that Sony sensored lewd scenes on ps4 games.
You will criticize Nintendo as well, right?

267名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 15:33:55.14ID:ppEHbyZU0
Fair enough

268名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:36:16.21ID:ppEHbyZU0
Are Nishikuns going to play Smash Brothers with little girls?

269名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:39:20.28ID:ppEHbyZU0
Nintendo suddenly dropped the price of N64 games from 9,800 yen to 6,800 yen. Can Nishikuns explain why?

270名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:40:16.20ID:FWOdSiAR0

271名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:41:44.80ID:ppEHbyZU0

272名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:42:13.00ID:FWOdSiAR0


273名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:46:52.32ID:ppEHbyZU0
When I heart about the Nintendo's sales protection program, it's called "kaitori hosho", I really felt sad and angry to Nintendo. It would never bring a profit to users.

274名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:47:37.32ID:ppEHbyZU0

275名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 16:53:59.96ID:ppEHbyZU0
I saked Nintendo about Kaitori Hosho on the phone before, but they never spoke about it. I even felt like the operator was fearful of something. What's wrong with Nintendo?

276名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 17:15:16.00ID:ppEHbyZU0
I like how nishikuns have been running away from speaking about Kaitori Hosho.

277名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 18:06:36.43ID:ppEHbyZU0
Only Nishikuns who don't know anything about the Yamauchi Nintendo
age argues that Nintendo is a clean company.
Nishikuns don't know at all how much money Nintendo was immoraly
getting from users. Nintendo was exclaiming at the time that "Users
must buy our games even if they were 10,000 yen, if they were
enjoyable." Such a shit company is clean? It's funny.
Imanishi, a spokesperson for Nintendo, was also very overbearing
attitude at the time and you will be surprised at it if you read old interview articles for him.

278名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 18:46:43.62ID:ppEHbyZU0
Nintendo is clean? Huh?
Nintendo held an event for SFC one month after the MD launched and
exaggeratingly showed off features that the MD didn't have, but
Suprisingly you had to keep waiting for SFC to come out for two years
after that event.
It means they only announced it to ruin the MD business. Such an evil
company is clean? lol

279名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 19:19:18.85ID:ppEHbyZU0
Nishikuns and gokis shouldn't criticize each other. Your biggest enemy is the smartphone market. You can become friends.

280名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 20:55:20.92ID:ppEHbyZU0
I'm back.

281名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 21:51:37.51ID:ppEHbyZU0
How many amiibos Nishikuns have?

282名無しさん必死だな2018/12/01(土) 22:15:51.64ID:uP/54uywa

283名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 00:03:06.38ID:PqPN28DZ0
Why are Homura's boobs that big?

284名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 00:05:28.79ID:PqPN28DZ0
I guess Nishikuns want to lick them. That's the reason why they play Xeno2.

285名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 00:09:00.37ID:PqPN28DZ0
You're perverts. Being a pervert isn't good. You shoud become a decent person.

286名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 00:12:10.64ID:PqPN28DZ0
Where are there the excess stocks of the cardboard game? Retail stores are crying with the garbage.

287名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 00:32:32.67ID:PqPN28DZ0
Welcome back

288名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 02:03:46.24ID:PqPN28DZ0

289名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:03:52.47ID:PqPN28DZ0

290名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:07:46.90ID:mU0JE6FN0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

291名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:24:05.98ID:mU0JE6FN0
"I do not want to lose to Sony "or, no just don’t get it!






292名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:33:20.09ID:mU0JE6FN0

=> I'm do not want to hear that say Sony.

293名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:57:14.43ID:PqPN28DZ0
Good afternoon all

294名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 11:57:58.98ID:PqPN28DZ0
How are you? I hope you have a nice day.

295名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 12:01:07.43ID:PqPN28DZ0
Are nishikuns going to play Pokemon a whole day?

296名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 12:28:24.28ID:PqPN28DZ0
I'm kinda sleepy since I went to bed later than usual.

297名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 13:03:58.98ID:PqPN28DZ0
The PCE had cheaper graphics than the SFC, but the cpu on pce was
surprisingly faster than SFC's. It also means that the SFC's cpu is a
fucking garbage. Why did the SFC have to have such a slow cpu?
The performance is just about two times faster than SFC. I can't believe it.

298名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 13:05:12.66ID:PqPN28DZ0
than pce

299名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 13:37:32.80ID:PqPN28DZ0
Recently someone said to me that there was a nishikun who was trying to suck Homura's boobs displayed on the switch screen. Nishikun....

300名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 13:47:28.28ID:PqPN28DZ0
Like I always say, being a pervert isn't good. Being such a lewd fan pn Switch has a bad influence on Nintendo and Switch sales. Does someone want to give their child such a lewd console?

301名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 13:48:43.97ID:PqPN28DZ0
On Switch

302名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 14:14:24.82ID:PqPN28DZ0
Than fc

303名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 14:20:14.59ID:PqPN28DZ0
I have been so sleepy today, so I was writing them in my sleep.

304名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 14:27:28.86ID:PqPN28DZ0
Yes, the cpu power of SFC is just two times faster than FC.
A shit cpu like Wiiu's one. But luckily at the time RPGs were so popular, so the slow cpu didn't cause a trouble so much on game production.

305名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 14:34:43.99ID:PqPN28DZ0
I feel like Kaitori Hosho violates antitrust law. Why doesn't the fair trade commission investigate it? This is the power of Nintendo?

306名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 14:39:16.01ID:PqPN28DZ0
The day Nintendo dominates Japan.

307名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 15:54:36.24ID:PqPN28DZ0
Nice to meet you

308名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 16:01:56.80ID:PqPN28DZ0
Hey long time no see. I saw you for the first time for years. How are you? I'm fine, and you? I'm good.

309名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 16:02:54.30ID:PqPN28DZ0

310名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 18:05:41.25ID:PqPN28DZ0
I had a nap a little.

311名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 18:32:27.76ID:PqPN28DZ0

312名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 18:36:37.42ID:PqPN28DZ0
SquareEnix lost faith of their fans because of too many shit games.

313名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 18:54:35.28ID:tlPQF4YL0

is this correct?

314名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 18:59:53.76ID:PqPN28DZ0
Oh, you are the winner!

315名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 19:08:01.51ID:tlPQF4YL0

316名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 21:57:12.70ID:PqPN28DZ0

317名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 23:20:00.75ID:PqPN28DZ0
Are Nishikuns licking Homura's boobs right now? Delicious?

318名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 23:25:16.51ID:PqPN28DZ0
Which one do Nishikuns like? Girls' boobs or butts?

319名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 23:29:39.34ID:PqPN28DZ0
no girls' boobs no game
Who buys moe games that boobs and butts are sensored with laser beams in?

320名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 23:34:38.64ID:PqPN28DZ0
I feel moe animes are censored sooner or later too. Although Takagi from Marvelous was saying do as well.

321名無しさん必死だな2018/12/02(日) 23:35:11.93ID:PqPN28DZ0

322名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 00:02:42.95ID:8hSmu12H0
If only all gacha games were forbidden. I wonder why such dangerous
games can be played with children. They are so similar to gamblimg
addiction. Nintendo was supposed to protect children against gamblimg
games. But what are they doing now? They have started making gacha
games and giving them for children. Did they already forget what Iwata
was saying about gacha games?

323名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 01:13:02.25ID:8hSmu12H0
You're welcome

324名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 11:02:33.20ID:8hSmu12H0

325名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 15:16:00.33ID:8hSmu12H0

326名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 15:44:50.22ID:8hSmu12H0
I'm pretty sure that MS is contacting Japanese third parties fot their upcoming subscription services. Obviously including a cloud service.
The age of sell-out games and physical ones would be over sooner or later.

327名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 16:00:14.46ID:8hSmu12H0
Many companies except Japanese ones often use poor parts for their
products because lower prices bring more sales.
It's sort of convinced criminal.
Japanese one were defeated in a price battle because they were using
expensive parts for quality.

328名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 16:14:30.49ID:8hSmu12H0
The SFC had a transparent feature. Although even Neogeo didn't have it.
It was a game machine delicated to graphics feature.
The SFC was for RPGs, so Square used the features to the limit.

329名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:19:08.23ID:8hSmu12H0
A pancake is delicious

330名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:23:03.17ID:8hSmu12H0
The pancake is also called hotcake. I like a hotcake with honey.

331名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:26:09.37ID:8hSmu12H0
A pancake is flat, so pettanko oppai are called pancake in the west.
Like it's called washboard here.

332名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:30:22.71ID:8hSmu12H0
The girl's boobs are flat like a pancake. A very useful English.
Nishikuns can use this phrase on 4chan.

333名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:45:25.31ID:It0hbgW50
go back to v.

334名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 17:59:14.49ID:8hSmu12H0
4chan is enjoyable, right?

335名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:00:26.81ID:8hSmu12H0
What's wrong with Nishikuns?

336名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:02:25.08ID:8hSmu12H0
You're a zoomer.

337名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:03:22.21ID:8hSmu12H0
Zoomer means yutori.

338名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:04:35.40ID:8hSmu12H0
/v/ is fucking ass hole.

339名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:06:52.32ID:8hSmu12H0
A damage controll

340名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:11:50.64ID:8hSmu12H0
I'm using Mimi for android to see 4chan, but I can't post on Mimi for some reason. can do on browser. Does someone know why? Very annoying.

341名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 18:39:31.01ID:8hSmu12H0
I know there are some Japanese gamers on /v/. Why do I know that they are Japanese? Their English is very easy to read.lol. I can notice it soon while reading. Basically they often appear on threads about Japanese games like DQs.

342名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 19:45:38.82ID:8hSmu12H0

343名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 19:50:57.50ID:8hSmu12H0
Too bad. The nipples are censored with laser beams. Please buy a BD if you want them.

344名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 19:51:37.26ID:8hSmu12H0
To want to watch them

345名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 19:54:47.31ID:8hSmu12H0
Anime's BDs are too expensive, right? Who is buying them?

346名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:04:03.32ID:8hSmu12H0

347名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:07:37.53ID:TQNSxTrb0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

348名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:08:47.19ID:TQNSxTrb0
Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format.
Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom,
two third parties happened to meet all together outside Nintendo’s meeting room.

349名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:19:05.02ID:TQNSxTrb0
Nasty Plot Nintendo’s meeting room. :@)

350名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:24:41.75ID:TQNSxTrb0
d(´・ω・`) Royal symbol !(´・ω・`)b

351名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:32:29.42ID:8hSmu12H0
We have to spread truth of "kaitori hosho" all over the world.
I feel angry towards Nintendo. What do nishikuns think about it?

352名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:35:57.60ID:8hSmu12H0
Kaitori☆hosho by Nintendo

353名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:39:41.98ID:8hSmu12H0
Kaitori Hosho will become the most famous Japanese word in the world in the near future.

354名無しさん必死だな2018/12/03(月) 22:47:28.95ID:TQNSxTrb0
Oh my god!! !Ohh.

MY ID is it NS.


355名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 00:32:26.62ID:4cxw/BTf0

356名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 01:34:28.97ID:4cxw/BTf0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Retail stores are suffering from the excess stocks of the cardboard.

357名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 01:37:43.18ID:4cxw/BTf0
Who buys this garbage?

358名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:04:52.81ID:4cxw/BTf0
What the fuck!
Sony is doing a sales protection program to MHW?

359名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:06:06.38ID:4cxw/BTf0

360名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:08:37.59ID:4cxw/BTf0
Sony bought 4 million copies' MHW from capcom with the sales protection program.

361名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:09:41.04ID:4cxw/BTf0
What do Gokikun think about it?

362名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:11:54.61ID:4cxw/BTf0
I like how Gokichans have been getting mad at it.

363名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:18:56.19ID:4cxw/BTf0
It came back as a boomerang and hit gokichans directly.

364名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 02:27:11.98ID:4cxw/BTf0
Nintendo is kaitori hosho.
Sony is seisan shukka.
What's wrong with the game industry?

365名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 11:01:14.92ID:4cxw/BTf0

366名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 11:10:46.43ID:4cxw/BTf0
When did Sony take up farming?

367名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 13:46:31.63ID:4cxw/BTf0
What about seisan shukka,?

368名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 13:56:49.42ID:4cxw/BTf0
Which one do you choose? Kaitori hosho, or Seisan shukka? It would be a mightmare if you had to choose one out of these two.

369名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 14:26:55.48ID:4cxw/BTf0
Buy a ps4 with PayPay. Save 20% off.

370名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 14:28:56.29ID:4cxw/BTf0
But PayPay is a fucking crazy name, sounds like a scam

371名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 16:02:13.32ID:4cxw/BTf0
How many amiibos did nishikuns buy? Are those displayed in your rooms?

372名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 16:18:23.23ID:4cxw/BTf0
I often hear that the left stick on Switch Pro controller is easy to break.
Is it true? Does Nintendo keep selling such a defective one? I will ask Nintendo about it on the phone in the near future. Can't wait for how they justify themselves.

373名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 18:18:30.29ID:4cxw/BTf0
Hey a nishikun is here.

374名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 18:36:29.68ID:4cxw/BTf0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Kutatan... Why do you say lying like that?
Clearly you made the ps1 to get revenge against Nintendo.
Maruyama from SME was saying so as well.
Only you are saying such a ridiculous thing.

375名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 18:53:42.00ID:4cxw/BTf0
Laser beam here
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

376名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 18:54:33.13ID:4cxw/BTf0
All boobs are censored with laser beams.

377名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 19:06:39.36ID:4cxw/BTf0
Kutaragi and Iwata.
Which one is more of a liar?

378名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 19:31:19.26ID:4cxw/BTf0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Is this stuff included in $200's limited edition?
Certainly too cheap

379名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 19:36:11.37ID:4cxw/BTf0
These days Bethesda is literally heading in the wrong direction.
"Do you guys not have phones?"

380名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 21:28:28.08ID:0WvmQIaI0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

381名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 21:30:06.58ID:0WvmQIaI0
Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format.
Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom,
two third parties happened to meet all together outside :@) Nintendo’s meeting room :@)

382名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 21:53:57.39ID:0WvmQIaI0

What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

383名無しさん必死だな2018/12/04(火) 22:44:09.74ID:4cxw/BTf0

384名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 00:18:36.20ID:7QlT4Oji0
Welcome back

385名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 01:31:09.69ID:7QlT4Oji0

386名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 01:33:48.02ID:7QlT4Oji0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Did gokichans buy this garbage?

387名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 01:44:24.34ID:7EqZ6bu9K


388名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 11:05:57.56ID:7QlT4Oji0

389名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 15:22:24.76ID:7QlT4Oji0
I'm a nishikun.

390名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 15:55:22.53ID:7QlT4Oji0
The new Samurai Shodown is coming to the Switch.
SNK is obviously getting active after they were bought by a Chinese company. I'm ok with this. SNK playmore era was literally terrible.

391名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 15:59:27.94ID:7QlT4Oji0
Do you remember "100M Shock NeoGeo"?

392名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 16:09:35.71ID:7QlT4Oji0
The future is now.
I'm not boy.

Apparently Metal Slug 1 for NeoGeo is 1 million yen at an auction, because it is so popular in the west. Many foreign people bought them in Japan and took them back to their countries, so the price here dramatically went up.

393名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 17:01:40.19ID:7QlT4Oji0
Capcom says "Other game companies shouldn't release their games in January as much as possible, because we will release our games in every January"

SquareEnix "Huh? I will release KH3 in January too"

Do you think which one will win in sales numbers?

394名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 17:33:47.69ID:7QlT4Oji0
The ps classic is the worst game machine that Sony made ever.


It's a sony.
I guess retroarch works better that this garbage.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

395名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 17:38:05.27ID:7QlT4Oji0
Better "than"

But this is 10,000 yen?

396名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 19:15:16.92ID:7QlT4Oji0

397名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 19:31:09.17ID:7QlT4Oji0

398名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 20:29:39.95ID:7QlT4Oji0
I'm back

399名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:20:02.34ID:7QlT4Oji0
Media Create Sales: Week 48, 2018 (Nov 26 - Dec 02)

05./00.??[NSW] Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble Zi-O # <FTG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2018.11.29} (??6.800) - 14.465 / NEW??

Why don't you buy Kamen Rider?
Don't you like games that don't have cute girls?

400名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:25:56.02ID:7QlT4Oji0
The Switch sold 120k units this week. It's fucking crazy sales numbers.
Nintendo is too strong during the Christmas seasons.
The ps4 only sold 20k ones. Poor sony. Why don't the PS4 sell?
The ps4 is selling like a hotcake all over the world, but it doesn't only sell
In Japan. Weird.

401名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:27:42.46ID:gH/nd12v0

402名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:32:58.07ID:7QlT4Oji0
What games have Nishikuns been playing lately?
Mario Party?

403名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:37:30.98ID:gH/nd12v0

404名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:38:39.39ID:7QlT4Oji0
Wow, COD is almost 500k copies. And this numbers don't include digital ver.

09./09. [PS4] Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII <ACT> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.10.12} (??7.900) - 8.039 / 478.982??(-20%)

405名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:45:26.28ID:7QlT4Oji0
13./06. [PS4] Fallout 76 # <RPG> (Bethesda Softworks) {2018.11.15} (??7.980) - 5.669 / 90.958??(-52%)

Why does this shit game sell so well?
Don't they read reviews before they buy a game?

406名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:48:27.67ID:7EqZ6bu9K
I'm Takuya Kimura.

407名無しさん必死だな2018/12/05(水) 23:52:24.06ID:7QlT4Oji0
Remember Kaitori Hosho.

408名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 00:11:27.42ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Are Gokichans going to buy a Switch for moe games?
The ps4 already censored lewd scenes, you can't watch ecchi ones on ps4 anymore. Or do you stop playing moe ones? Can you do it?

409名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 00:23:35.57ID:wuGAM2Gr0

410名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 00:44:29.61ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Why are Nintendo fan boys called "Nishikun"?
"Ni" from Nintendo, and "shi" from "shinja" , it means an enthusiast,
and "kun".
Ni Shi Kun. Nishikun.

And the reason why they are called "pig"
At first they were called "Ninshin" here.
"Nin" from Nintendo, and "Shin" from shinja.
This word "Ninshin" also means pregnancy in Japanese.
Pregnant females are fat and look like a pig.
So they started being called pig.
Also pigs go "Buu" "Buu"
So they are also called "Buuchan"

411名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 01:07:47.20ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Welcome back

412名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 01:59:54.20ID:wuGAM2Gr0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

It's the Christmas season.
But the ps4's sales don't go up.
The ps4 might be over in japan.

413名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 02:38:19.40ID:Ma1na/Pq0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

414名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 09:19:28.15ID:/XaDSYUV0

415名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 11:00:46.98ID:wuGAM2Gr0

416名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:24:57.59ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Hellow nishikuns and gokis

417名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:35:06.18ID:wuGAM2Gr0

418名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:40:56.90ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Nishikuns are playing mario cart for sfc

419名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:48:03.26ID:wuGAM2Gr0
I wonder if games censored with white ray can be called decent product.
They would be defective products.

420名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:50:54.26ID:wuGAM2Gr0
There are many shill on Geha.

421名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:51:36.72ID:ztqNmfbAM
fuck off

422名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:55:25.78ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Many nishikuns are just shill. I don't know who is hiring them though.

423名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 15:59:58.69ID:wuGAM2Gr0
No nishikuns are coming to this thread.

424名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:06:51.75ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Are nishikuns going to play Smash Brothers with little girls?
Well it's not a crime though if they are your cousins. If she is someone
who you don't know, it's so dangerous. Just play it alone.

425名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:10:58.97ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Nintendo fan boys were called Yoshida before. Does anyone remember it? Sony fan boys were called Degawa because he was wearing a ps2's T-shirt on a tv show.

426名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:17:49.13ID:9Gmdsxk80

427名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:18:15.23ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Sony fan ones were called Degawa until the GK issue came out.

428名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:22:31.11ID:wuGAM2Gr0
GK. Gate Keeper. It was a shocking fact.

429名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:26:00.34ID:wuGAM2Gr0
GK >G(o)K(i) >cockroach

430名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:34:05.43ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Surprisingly Nisa and Nipponichi are famous in western gamers who like Japanese moe games. Probably they are more famous in the west than you think it is.

431名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:44:02.01ID:wuGAM2Gr0
I asked Nintendo about Kaitori hosho on the phone before, but
they never addressed my question. I even felt the operator was afraid of something. What's wrong with Nintendo?

432名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 16:47:05.35ID:wuGAM2Gr0
The "Kaitori Hosho" seems to be a top secret in Nintendo. Very scary.

433名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 18:33:55.51ID:wuGAM2Gr0

434名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 20:49:37.54ID:wuGAM2Gr0
I'm back

435名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 20:50:43.87ID:wuGAM2Gr0
A lot of Gokis are shill.

436名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 21:05:16.29ID:wuGAM2Gr0
What percent of people on Geha are shill?

437名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 21:06:08.16ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Fucking shill.

438名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 23:27:39.17ID:wuGAM2Gr0

439名無しさん必死だな2018/12/06(木) 23:49:27.24ID:wuGAM2Gr0
Playstation Now Earned $143M in 2018, the most of any game subscription service.

What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Nishikuns, what do you think about this?
Nintendo doesn't offer any game subscription service yet.
Even PS Now that you are laughting at earns 143 million dollars a year.
When will Nintendo launch a game subscription service?
Will they start it after the subscription ones of Sony and MS took off?
Like gacha games or paid online service.

440名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 00:00:33.99ID:UcKYxIbS0
The Best Nintendo Switch Games
By Matt Espineli on December 3, 2018


No Xenoblade2.
No one is intetested in it.
Only Nishikuns play it, and only Gokis who can't play it envy Nishikuns who are enjoying it. It is what it is.

441名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 00:04:23.43ID:UcKYxIbS0
Xeno complex is kind of sick.
Do gokis realize it?

442名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 00:32:29.74ID:UcKYxIbS0
Do you think Kaitori Hosho is a lie that Gokis made?
No, please read this comment below.

Yamashita stated:

“I’ll give you a scoop! Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just
on the PS4 format. Then last year an opportunity happened at
Gamescom, two third parties happened to meet all together outside
Nintendo’s meeting room. The first meeting was between NIS America
and Nintendo of Europe (NOE) and the next meeting was between SNK
and NOE. Of course, these two were separate meetings. Then after their
meeting influential people from SNK came to our booth and said: ‘Hey
Mr. Yamashita, is it possible to cancel our contact on PS4? Nintendo
wants to work on this title on an exclusive basis!’

So these third parties come together and the team at NIS and SNK
decided to go with Nintendo for the western market. Physical copy-wise,
it’s going to be a Switch exclusive. PS4-wise it’s going to be just digital.
That’s the deal. We will not release a packaged version for PS4 format. Then Nintendo will act as a distributor for this game. Then they promised
to buy a lot of units. I can’t reveal the number of units they’ve
guaranteed, that’s secret talk.”


Look at this part!

"Then Nintendo will act as a distributor for this game.
Then they promised to buy a lot of units.
I can’t reveal the number of units they’ve guaranteed, that’s secret talk.”

This is the clear evidence for Kaitori Hosho.
Don't run away from it, Nintendo

443名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 00:51:24.59ID:UcKYxIbS0
That's alright

444名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 11:19:04.18ID:UcKYxIbS0

445名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 11:23:48.12ID:UcKYxIbS0
That's alright

446名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 17:28:39.83ID:UcKYxIbS0
That's alright.

447名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 17:33:20.86ID:UcKYxIbS0
Amazon Cyber Monday is Today?
It's friday today. But monday?

448名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 17:35:20.80ID:UcKYxIbS0
Games on steam are not cheap these days, it is a reason why steam is decreasing.

449名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 17:51:05.79ID:UcKYxIbS0

Do you do such a ridiculous thing?
Will you sell them at an auction?

450名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 18:05:36.76ID:UcKYxIbS0
The image url on that thread can not be posted on Geha.
Nintendo forced 5ch to set the url to a NG word?

451名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 18:20:29.04ID:UcKYxIbS0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Oh Fallout76....
Actually it's free.
I bet Amazon has a lot of FO76's excessive stocks.

452名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 18:44:00.86ID:UcKYxIbS0
That's alright

453名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 20:38:06.73ID:hnM7xZzW0
That's alright

454名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 22:27:02.96ID:hnM7xZzW0
I will not play Romancing Saga RU. Gacha games make me feel bored.
Screw all gacha games.

455名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 22:38:29.91ID:hnM7xZzW0
All gacha games are just a gamble.

456名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 22:40:25.40ID:hnM7xZzW0
Are nishikuns playing Dragalis Lost?

457名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 22:41:32.71ID:hnM7xZzW0
I thought nishikuns hated gacha games. Nintendo's gacha games are clean ones?

458名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 22:58:46.93ID:hnM7xZzW0
Previous nishikuns: Gacha games aren't games. Just gamble.
Nintendo will never make such gamblimg games.
They will continue to make games that children can enjoy with safety.

Current nishikuns: Nintendo's gacha games can be played enough
without pulling gachas. You don't need to spend any money playing
them. Nintendo's gacha games are quite different from other ones.

459名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:01:48.34ID:hnM7xZzW0
There are no clean gacha games.

460名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:03:12.02ID:hnM7xZzW0
SquareEnix's shill is making RS threads. Very annoying.

461名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:04:10.25ID:hnM7xZzW0
SquareEnix's shill is called Kasesan.

462名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:13:38.61ID:hnM7xZzW0
I got tired of gacha games and multi player ones. I don't want to play with other players anymore. After all single player games are the best for me.
When I play gacha and multilayer games, I have to do the same thing over and over again for years. I fucking hate it. I have to play them as if I am working in games. It isn't something enjoyable.

463名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:18:23.85ID:hnM7xZzW0
Where did chikan go?

464名無しさん必死だな2018/12/07(金) 23:21:40.50ID:hnM7xZzW0
Chikan means Xbox fan boys here.
I hardly see them thede days. They became extinct?

465名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 00:53:01.71ID:NgaKVo130
That's alright

466名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 00:53:27.76ID:NgaKVo130
My tablet is dying

467名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 00:55:13.36ID:NgaKVo130
Are nishikuns playing Smash Brothers right now?
Is it fun?

468名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 00:57:19.32ID:NgaKVo130
What will nishikuns buy on Cyber Monday?

469名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 00:59:27.96ID:NgaKVo130
Amiibos are too expensive, right? How much are the production costs?

470名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 01:31:16.06ID:NgaKVo130

471名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 02:21:34.18ID:NgaKVo130
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

All lewd games are gathering to the Switch.
Nishikuns perverts

472名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 11:10:24.53ID:NgaKVo130

473名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 13:56:05.35ID:NgaKVo130
Steam is Banning Sex Games With Young Looking Characters

Over the past few weeks, the company has removed the store pages of
several visual novels, including cross-dressing yaoi romance?Cross Love
, catholic school visual novel?Hello Goodbye, “story about the love
between siblings” (yuck)?Imolicious, and cat girl game??MaoMao
Discovery Team. The developers of these games all claim to have
received similar emails stating that their games could not be released
on Steam.

“While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does
feature themes of child exploitation,”??read the email received by Top Hat
Studios, makers of?Cross Love. “Because of that, the app has been
banned and cannot be reused.”

Steam is over.
The Switch is the only hope. 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:b73a9cd27f0065c395082e3925dacf01)

474名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 14:06:05.31ID:NgaKVo130
Back from lunch.

475名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 14:06:30.65ID:NgaKVo130
https://t.co/MBs7AzQIB5 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:b73a9cd27f0065c395082e3925dacf01)

476名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 14:07:09.34ID:NgaKVo130
What is Rock 54?

477名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 14:12:55.33ID:NgaKVo130
I feel Nintendo will censor lewd games and scenes sooner or later as well. The trend that excludes lewd games is coming to the game industry. I don't think only Nintendo would permit it. Such lewd ones are against Nintendo's corporate image.

478名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:09:31.83ID:NgaKVo130
No one is interested in DQ10 and FF14 anymore, but anyone keep making threads about DQ10 and FF14 here. Obviously shill hired by SquareEnix.

479名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:10:43.43ID:NgaKVo130
I'm from Australia. Nihon no minasan konichiwa

480名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:12:32.67ID:NgaKVo130
Nishikuns are famous as crazy Nintendo fan boys in Australia

481名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:14:43.05ID:NgaKVo130
I have been learning Japanese for six years, so I can read/write Japanese a bit. Kanji is so hard though.

482名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:30:30.56ID:NgaKVo130
No lewd games no life

483名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:31:39.95ID:NgaKVo130
Nishikuns is a thing now.

484名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:33:13.60ID:NgaKVo130
Tell me how to become a nishikun.

485名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:36:32.13ID:NgaKVo130
I guess Gokis started calling Xbox fans Chikan.

486名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:37:25.06ID:NgaKVo130
Stop chikan

487名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:39:21.83ID:NgaKVo130
Apparently 50% of women have experienced chikan. Is it true?

488名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:48:39.33ID:NgaKVo130
Gokis are shill hired by Sony.
Nishikuns are shill hired by Nintendo.

Those are already a thing in the game fans.
Most people are posting here as a job.

489名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:52:00.91ID:NgaKVo130
"I am not seeing Geha anymore these days"
Some people often say such a thing, but I'm pretty sure that they are still reading Geha.

490名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:53:30.00ID:NgaKVo130
Mochizuki-san. You are still seeing Geha, right?

491名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 15:58:35.28ID:NgaKVo130
Honestly if there is no Geha on 5ch, there is no reason for me to be in 5ch.

492名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:03:21.35ID:NgaKVo130
/v/ is obviously an English version of Geha. It's is much more similar to Geha than you think it would.

493名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:08:04.72ID:NgaKVo130
Can you read /v/ as well as you can read Japanese? Honestly I can't.

494名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:20:03.87ID:NgaKVo130
I'm pretty sure that reading everyday conversations is much more difficult than reading articles. Actually, could you read the sentence of this thread title? I guess you couldn't. >>313 is the only person who could read it.
The words on this sentence are all easy. Even junior high school students know them. But you don't understand what the sentence means.

495名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:27:16.34ID:NgaKVo130
Writing everyday conversations is also much more difficult than writing articles. Many people don't understand it. They think writing difficult English is better. But no one is using such a weird English on forums, twitter, and everyday conversations.

496名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:44:09.79ID:NgaKVo130
When you talk in Japanese on forum/twitter, do you use the Japanese used on newspaper or articles? No one uses such difficult Japanese.
You will use Japanese used in everyday conversations. Why do you try to use the English used on newspaper or articles in everyday conversations? It's weird.

497名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 16:53:36.57ID:NgaKVo130
What did nishikuns buy on Amazon Cyber Monday? Amiibos? Any games? Figures?

498名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 17:01:14.68ID:NgaKVo130
That's alright

499名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 17:53:07.58ID:NgaKVo130
Why shouldn't you play Necro Manser alone at night?

500名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 17:55:52.69ID:NgaKVo130
Current games aren't enjoyable. FC games were more fun.

501名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 17:58:31.17ID:NgaKVo130
Capcom says "We will announce important things about Monster Hunter in several days"

502名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:01:20.09ID:NgaKVo130
Can't wait! I haven't played any MHs though. Another MH is coming to the Switch? Congrats, nishikuns. It's time you will buy a Switch.

503名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:16:58.22ID:NgaKVo130
Yodobashi Umeda says "You can buy Smash Brothers at any registers in Yodobashi Umeda"

504名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:28:20.11ID:NgaKVo130
I went to a game shop to buy a ps4 and Witcher 3, but bought a Switch and Zelda for some reason instead.

505名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:31:50.03ID:NgaKVo130
I wonder why Persona series that has the outdated command type of battle system is so popular.

506名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:36:30.06ID:+ZO9g3flp

507名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:39:52.95ID:NgaKVo130
Please tell me what games you hope are included in it if the DC mini comes out.

508名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:47:54.95ID:NgaKVo130
Why do only Nintendo's games sell well in the Japanese market?

509名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:50:38.92ID:NgaKVo130
Nintendo is dominating the Japan market

510名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:52:04.01ID:NgaKVo130
No company can win a competition with Nintendo.

511名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:53:58.01ID:NgaKVo130
The ps4 is over. Throw away your ps4. Buy a Switch and Smash Brothers instead.

512名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 18:57:41.03ID:NgaKVo130
I feel like Octopath Traveler will come out on ps4, xbox,and steam next year.

513名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 19:15:46.18ID:NgaKVo130
Valve back in 2013 on 3rd-party exclusives: "Put your games everywhere"


That's a fucking joke lol.
I'm dying with laugh.

514名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 20:28:56.12ID:NgaKVo130
That's alright

515名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 20:30:14.11ID:NgaKVo130
I'm from 4chan.
Jap games are over.
No one is interested in your games anymore desu

516名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 20:31:41.53ID:NgaKVo130
Hey jap land.
I want to live in jap land desu

517名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 20:34:17.74ID:NgaKVo130
I like "damage control" that is often used on /v/.
It means " line sage kousaku"

518名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 20:45:17.09ID:NgaKVo130
OP: "I'm gonna go to a used gameshop to sell my Switch and buy a ps4 instead"

"But you don't have a Switch. How can you sell it?"

There is actually such a conversation on /v/.
it's very similar to Geha.
So weird. I wonder if anyone who is on Geha is posting on /v/.

519名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 21:33:56.26ID:NgaKVo130
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

520名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 21:35:00.15ID:NgaKVo130
This is kaitori hosho.

521名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 21:37:06.80ID:NgaKVo130

This image can't be posted because of a NG word.

522名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 21:40:38.95ID:NgaKVo130
Nintendo can decide which words are supposed to be set as a ng word?

523名無しさん必死だな2018/12/08(土) 21:41:52.27ID:NgaKVo130
I wonder if geha is controlled by Nintendo.

524名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 00:47:55.67ID:2lDwcENA0

525名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 01:01:54.43ID:2lDwcENA0
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Many Switches that were bought with PayPay are going to China.

526名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 01:05:01.85ID:2lDwcENA0
Nishikuns, what do you think about it? This is kaitori hosho?

527名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 01:06:45.60ID:2lDwcENA0
Do Chinese workers perform Kaitori hosho?

528名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 01:32:16.05ID:2lDwcENA0
I found a thread for nishikuns.
There are many friends of yours on it.

529名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 01:54:26.50ID:2lDwcENA0
"Resetera pedo are invading again"

This type of comment is enjoyable.
It's the reason I say 4chan is similar to geha.

530名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 02:27:50.58ID:2lDwcENA0
>>442161463 (OP)
A worse online experience than the fucking Wii U.
Remember when people were saying "NO this is a GOOD thing because
Nintendo's going to use that money to make online BETTER". Fucking
retards. Paid Online is such a scam.

This is the voice of the world., Nintendo.

531名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 11:11:14.41ID:2lDwcENA0

532名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 13:46:03.73ID:2lDwcENA0
I'm from china.
I will tell you truth about kaitori hosho.
My friend was working for kaitori hosho.
5 months ago, he went to japan and bought 5k copies of certain games
at real shops all over japan and took them back to china.
But he didn't know who his client was. He was just said to buy 5k copies at japan. What do you think about it? I'm not sure whether what he is saying is true or not. But he is a decent and moralistic guy. I don't think he is saying lying.

533名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 14:44:38.93ID:2lDwcENA0
Where's the online service Nintendo promised for Switch? Why did they lie?

Everyone knows Nintendo Online Service is poor.
This is how Nintendo do for new technologies.
They alway will start it after the services of other companies took off.
But their services are poor in spite of starting it later. 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:b73a9cd27f0065c395082e3925dacf01)

534名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 14:46:28.19ID:2lDwcENA0
This url brings Rock54. Weird.

535名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:36:12.64ID:2lDwcENA0
That's alright

536名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:38:01.66ID:vE114Zq8M
Is it 4chan here?

537名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:39:04.59ID:2lDwcENA0
No, here is Geha.

538名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:39:26.65ID:chyWWqCnd

539名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:58:54.22ID:2lDwcENA0
Why is Smash brothers that popular all over the world?

540名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 18:59:54.39ID:2lDwcENA0
I haven't played it and don't think I want to do it.

541名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 19:07:05.01ID:2lDwcENA0
That thread was deleted becase of pedo.
/v/ is severe.

542名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 19:23:16.22ID:2lDwcENA0
No one buys a ps classic

543名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 19:25:48.11ID:2lDwcENA0
Previous Capcom " We will grow the Switch with Nintendo!"

544名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 19:27:12.59ID:2lDwcENA0
Did gokis buy that garbage classic?

545名無しさん必死だな2018/12/09(日) 20:51:15.82ID:2lDwcENA0
We're gate keepers. We have to defend Sony with stealth marketing.
We're gate keepers. We have to criticize and abuse Nintendo.
We're gate keepers. We're sony warriors. We're classy restaurants.
Sony~Sony~Our Sony~
Sony~Sony~We're Sony~

546名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 00:18:30.14ID:jFU49aG20
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

547名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 00:21:30.03ID:jFU49aG20
Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format.
Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom,
two third parties happened to meet all together outside Nintendo’s meeting room.

548名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 00:59:10.94ID:PDwFE4510
That's alright

549名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 12:10:18.57ID:PDwFE4510

550名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 14:11:51.34ID:PDwFE4510
What did nishikuns buy on Cyber monday?

551名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 14:14:24.48ID:PDwFE4510
I wonder if Yamashita-san from Nisa got fired. Is he in Nisa?

552名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 14:17:23.02ID:PDwFE4510
Hey Yamashita-san, can you cancel our contact on ps4?

553名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 14:18:15.10ID:PDwFE4510
Can we cancel our contact on ps4?

554名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 14:19:09.71ID:PDwFE4510
Is it possible to cancel our contact?

555名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 15:22:59.85ID:PDwFE4510
I'm bored right now.

556名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 15:24:28.31ID:PDwFE4510
I'm from the US.
Can anyone talk with me?

557名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 15:26:03.64ID:PDwFE4510
I live in Illinois

558名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 15:59:53.20ID:PDwFE4510
That's alright

559名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:00:48.36ID:PDwFE4510
Are nishikuns licking girls' boobs? You're perverts.

560名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:01:33.51ID:FYjhyRRW0
You're lying:d

561名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:02:59.03ID:PDwFE4510
Hey yamashita san. Please tell me what happended to between you and Nintendo.

562名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:04:22.42ID:PDwFE4510
No, I'm from Illinois.

563名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:07:50.97ID:FYjhyRRW0
just in case, tell us your IP.
We know which state you response from :D

564名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:11:21.28ID:PDwFE4510
What? An anonymous forum here. No reason for me to make my ip address open.

565名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:14:17.87ID:FYjhyRRW0
No danger around you, if you are from states. pls!!!

566名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:17:18.09ID:PDwFE4510
It's funny. I wonder why you are curious about my ip address.

567名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:18:24.29ID:FYjhyRRW0
Or you can open first few IP letters.
Then we can know with your safe.

568名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:19:49.18ID:PDwFE4510
What's wrong with you?

569名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:23:49.77ID:FYjhyRRW0
Is that no way?
Sorry, Let us close talking.
I did not mean to scare you.

570名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:24:46.70ID:FYjhyRRW0

571名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:26:15.10ID:PDwFE4510
Ok, that's alright.

572名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 16:51:37.65ID:IvECAe7S0

573名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 18:18:02.69ID:PDwFE4510

574名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 21:40:26.24ID:PDwFE4510
When does Cyber Monday end? 12:00am?

575名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 22:46:11.24ID:PDwFE4510
Are nishikuns enjoying Smash Brothers?

576名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 22:56:11.72ID:PDwFE4510
Why don't fujoshis buy a Switch? A fujoshi game company is upset about it. Seriously maybe the company will go bankrupt. Please move from the vita to the Switch. The Vita will be over in the near future.

577名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 23:11:50.54ID:PDwFE4510
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

Please don't get mad at ps4 games that are never released on the Switch.

578名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 23:21:16.68ID:PDwFE4510
Over 550 games are backward compatible on the xbox one.
It's brilliant. MS is preparing for upcoming monthly subscription age.
Whereas the ps4 can't even run ps1 games.

579名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 23:26:58.15ID:PDwFE4510
MHW DLC will come out fall, 2019.
too late. Why does they announce it now?

580名無しさん必死だな2018/12/10(月) 23:54:20.52ID:PDwFE4510
Snes Classic can do better PS1 emulation than the PS1 Classic.

Gokis bought this garbage, right?

581名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 00:49:40.15ID:IZnMyGgg0
That's alright

582名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 01:19:16.64ID:IZnMyGgg0
Damage control

583名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 11:29:24.83ID:qEpIkKZk0

584名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 16:39:26.13ID:qEpIkKZk0
That's alright

585名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 18:37:34.80ID:qEpIkKZk0
Nintendo trolls everywhere

586名無しさん必死だな2018/12/11(火) 21:34:26.22ID:qEpIkKZk0
I like how Gokis are getting mad at the sales numbers of Smash Brothers. Fucking Gokis. Die with the ps4.

587名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 00:20:50.92ID:dRxNWbxe0

588名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 00:26:08.17ID:SvX8RNpo0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

589名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 03:28:38.19ID:dRxNWbxe0

590名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 11:08:28.80ID:dRxNWbxe0

591名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 13:37:25.89ID:dRxNWbxe01212
Famitsu: Smash Bros Ultimate sold 1,238,358 units in Japan in 3 days, 278,313 Switch sold

Gokis are crying with this? 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:b73a9cd27f0065c395082e3925dacf01)

592名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 13:47:37.72ID:dRxNWbxe01212
From Media Create Thread

Lelouch0612 said:

Top Best Week 49 (Famitsu, excluding launch week) :

Portable :
1/ 350k (3DS 2011)
2/ 317k (GBA 2003)
3/ 310k (DS 2006)

Home consoles :

1/ 264k (Wii 2007)
2/ 194k (PS2 2003)
3/ 184k (PS2 2001)

Last year : 193k (NSW 2017)

Nintendo Switch has the new record for Home Consoles !!!!!!!!!

Gokis lol.
How many ps4s sold last week?

593名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 16:39:20.16ID:dRxNWbxe01212
This package art of Chrono Trigger is cooler than Japanese one, right?
What is it about the Switch that many people are buying? 	->画像>61枚

594名無しさん必死だな2018/12/12(水) 21:35:33.90ID:dRxNWbxe01212

595名無しさん必死だな2018/12/13(木) 00:00:56.82ID:GuHYuMTV0

596名無しさん必死だな2018/12/13(木) 00:17:36.69ID:3k8uk8vj0
nisa yamashita! 
nisa yamashita!

597名無しさん必死だな2018/12/13(木) 00:21:42.78ID:3k8uk8vj0
Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format.
Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom,
two third parties happened to meet all together outside Nintendo’s meeting room.

このスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/ghard/1542723927/
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