更にテスト まちごた test てんしてすと ohayou one more post >>1 opo where are you now? :D 縺?繧上≠縺ゅ≠縺? こんばんわtest 시끄러 ハングル(HTML Ref.) 中文 にほんごのひらがな choayo! спасибо I update `get form` routine in bbs-entry.cgi 無問題? >>66 clownfare cache ホロホロ For mate >>1-123 45678901234567890 >>12345678901234567890-99999999999999999 >>74 Doesnt break read.cgi! ;D OKAY OKAY are you okay? I updated to go back page after posting. >>82 Go BBSPINK!! :D >>85 >>86 Ahh maybe problem with number >999. Ill check it. >>85 ,86,87 is this format supported? Oh Siri! おしり Ah, I noticed to change a submit button `POST` ははは 新着レス自動表示 ON だとOEKAKI できない説はどうですか? kinoko!!! testtest maybe Okay. I repaired the anchor links. test post with BE via JaneStyle てすーと pow !? Retry Umm, No good. :( ㉠ ㉡ ㉢ ㉣ ㉤ ㉥ ㉦ ㉧ ㉨ ㉩ ㉪ ㉫ ㉬ ㉭ ㉮ ㉯ e3 89 b0
Re-retry [img] 蜀榊コヲ Why... $response_body =~ s|http:// |http:// |s; # $response_body = qq|[img]$response_body|; Ah, Okay, I understand. Umm, the OEKAKI data remains... Never close? 蜀榊?榊コヲ Okay 縺励°縺励↑縺後i譁?蟄怜喧縺代☆繧具シSafari 9.0.1 (11601.2.7.2) blue back --ea636579-C-- FROM=&mail=&MESSAGE=Okay%0D%0A%E3%81%97%E3%81%8B%E3%81%97%E3%81%AA%E3%81%8C%E3%82%89%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%8C%96%E3%81%91%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%EF%BC%A0Safari+9.0.1+(11601.2.7.2) Query is `utf-8` encoded. オートリロード時について ・お絵描きデータが残ったままになります 手動で消さないとダメ? ・新たな書き込みにレスアンカーが付いている場合に バックリングが効かなくなります [US] QUERY:[] (ワッチョイ) **6b-3uZF HOST NAME: 9x254-dsl.nttec.com. IP: -- Results SPAMCOP: NONE BBC: NONE BBQ: NONE BBX: NONE BBM(BE):[249718815] NONE -- End of job. User-Agent: Monazilla/1.00 (BathyScaphe/847) 譁?蟄怜喧縺鯛?? garbled? >2147483647 For mate. hehe. は 縺ォ縺サ繧薙# 譌・ あ日 にほんご + no automatic post Fresh air is nice disabled 'Automatic post' 新着レス自動表示をオフ Ah- ぼくも真似できました! sssp?http? てすーと あ Hi code monkey! What kind of board is this?
>>169 Test board for new read.cgi 2015 version. >>170 This board seems like a live anarchy with IDs >>174 This board only has different read.cgi software. Let's debug this together!
? I want to see >>1001 Has AA decided? >>180 She is Hunami Yui. hehe Gokugoku...Sakurako! What is your pee tonight!? Did you eat many frenchfry today'dinner!? You will get height!
てすとてす i want drinking Sakurako's peeeeeeeeeee!! I want drinking Sugiura Ayano's pee~ :)
てすや ... >>191 ありがとうございます。 thanck you. >>200 Please make request on carpenter server. Carpenter-san asked me to create these boards. Carpenter-san can change the details for you. >>201 I got it. We will ask the carpenter's. Recently, orpheus server seems become weaker. It's gone down for many times though there're not too much burden on that. Can you detect why?
Hi Code Monkey-san. please new baseball bulletin board!
BBS_USE_VIPQ2=16 Yeah Damaged -35 pts. HP: 965 pts. Consumed 38 MP
foooooooo Damaged -38 pts. HP: 927 pts. Consumed 43 MP
Damaged -73 pts. HP: 854 pts. Consumed 71 MP
Healing +39 pts. HP: 893 pts. Consumed 38 MP
>>206 Probably orpheus needs to be replaced with a new machine. Status ♣4 ♣J ♠5 ♠8 ♣8 (1st.)HP: 893 pts. たぶん(2500) load averages: 0.15, 0.11, 0.08(3759.656250)
Good evening Code Monkey-san. Let's make a new board to potato server. Please create a NINTENDO board and SEGA board. It is a game category. It is a very hot company in Japan. Very famous president and creators.
>>213 That's good news for Baseball-min! Btw, Game hard board (http://wktk.2ch.net/ghard/ ) should be separated into 3 (Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft) There are too much quarrelling in there. This causes a meaningless burden on server, and it becomes a means of a making living for bad affiliate bloggers. test `GO BACK meta` スマホからテスト 書きこみが終わりました。(Mobile)[0.397691 sec.] 自分で戻ってちょ。 -- スマホからの書き込みは不便
ftp%3A// httpss:// httpps:// ... How peculiar. Thank you Code Monkey-san!
www.example.com www.example.com/go/to/end ipadから >>250 Is it available the Apple Pencil? >>252 I drew it by hand. hehehe I would like to get iPad Pro, but it's too expensive. >>253 Samsung note has a good pen attachment, but samsung's android build is terrible. おい、運営! なんでも実況(萌)を作れ! アニメ実況の専門板や!
>255 I think itest.2ch.net can oekaki. Which app are you using on ipad? >>258 了解です PCと同じく投稿元スレッドに戻るようにしてみます >>261 スマホでの書き込みでの対応を確認しました。 ありがとうございます! 気付いた点があればまた報告します。 >>259 >>255 pen have force touch. It will work with the App in blutooth It does not move of course in Oekaki. 縺ゅj縺後→縺?縺斐*縺?縺セ縺? 縺ゅj縺後→縺?縺斐*縺?縺セ縺? ふれんちふらい@2ちゃんねる掲示板 ありがとうございます! 設定してみました そうだ2ちゃんねるしよう!c2ch.net そうだ2ちゃんねるしよう!©2ch.net おい、運営! なんでも実況(萌)を作れ! アニメ実況の専門板や!>>256 test ajax 日本語はだめ? できてた テスト DEFLATEが効いてる? あれ?鯖時間が狂ってるw api 工事中なのかな 工事中みたい 多分直った あ、ほんとだ !pokerつかえない板増えてない?
そうなん? Status ♥3 ♥4 ♦2 ♠Q ♣4 (1st.)HP: 893 pts. たぶん(147644) load averages: 0.02, 0.04, 0.09(3622.476562) BBS_VIPQ2=2以上だったかな ありゃ? SETTING.TXTからBBS_USE_VIPQ2消えてない? 昨日なんJとかVIPでできたと思うんだが
名前欄に !no . >>274 「「 バルス 」」 , -‐''''"´ ̄``ヽ、 ____ / _ ヽ //´ __,,>、 /  ̄ ̄ { /::/ / ̄:::::::::::::::\ l _ィニニア二二二ニヽ、j._ /::::l/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l | 0Lj/-‐-レノ ノ_ヽ:::`ヽ l:::::::::::/l/lノノ/_イ:::::l レ:r、/ イ゚テ ピト`|::| l:::::::::/ rtテ、 .ィtq l::::::| l:lヘ '" ,j '"/ノ |::lヘ!j ´ ,j !;:::/ ヽヽ、 r‐-, /' レリー 、 ,...., lノ/ lヽ、  ̄ / `ヽ、lヽ 、  ̄ /´ _,r┴‐-`v´-‐j-、__ , -‐-、_r┴─'ー‐チト / ̄/:.:.:.:| ̄ ̄`T ̄´|:.:.:.:l´ `ヽ / ヽ ̄`ー-‐'´`''''⌒ヽ. / ,':.:.:.:.:.l l l:.:.:.l \ _r‐、-、-、r, 、 ', |:.:.:.:.:.:.! ! !:.:.l ,. -‐ゝ/// 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 ! ', l:.:.:.:.:.:.l | l:.:.:l / 人〈〈〈〈 ' ' ' /っ l l l:.:.:.:.:.:.! ! l:.:.:.ト/ / ```´-ァ‐'''" / l 、__/:.:.:.:.:.:l | |:.:.:ヽヘ l // / _ ィノ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:! l |:.:.:.:.:l `ーヽ、_ノ´l、______/lニ二」 ____l:.:.:.:.:.:.:.| l |:.:.:.:.:! |_ ( ( ) )_〕| l l`ー‐‐'匸二l ̄ ̄l二フーイ /  ̄ `‐‐'´ ヽ | うふへ la.txt の方が詳しいと思うw test もういちど なんかaccess controlがおかしい もういちどで あなるふぉど おかけな あとはread.cgiだけだ 文字化けもなおた 復活 >>299 Hey trick-san! Long time no see >>309 No good. “偏”と“旁”をかき分けましょう。 お絵描きってツールボックス左にできませんか? 使いにくい。
普通ペイントツール類は 左がツールボックス右が編集窓になってるんで上は使いにくい
>>313 My method is called 连体字 haha >>311 Hi, It's a long time. Have realistic job is busy. . >>316 おk、You Learn More&More 漢字 if You Your do so, method if so will strongly!ww . Yourが余計だったorz これだから英検4級レベルの語学力は‥‥‥
What is new server name? There are potato, ?, ?.
>>322 potato, hanabi, ramen I like to eat ramen and watch hanabi
>>329 Thank you. When do ramen and hanabi will be published? test テスト ちょい重たいかな?>>read.cgi >>340 Now okay. New read.cgi is experimental still :D >>337 Ah okay. Do you have suggestion for new server name? jellyfish is taste good. Jellyfish is namori. Namori server is cool. New read.cgi is little heavy. I found the problem is `lazy fusion`. unstreamChunks/outer Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion 1045 2073 0.6 0.0 1.1 0.1 unstreamChunks/inner Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion 1046 40678 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 unstreamChunks/resize Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Fusion 1047 5029 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 >40678 wow!
kanae -> tamae please be remembered promised it. hehe. 無政府状態の穴実でスレ立て規制されるのなんでなんです? 櫻子のおしっこスレ乱立できなくて困ってるのです。。。
>>355 なにやってんだw あそこもやり過ぎると規制受けるぞ >>341 Hi,Code monkey-san. Please give me a CAP for chat. I love Rise Matsumoto! 運用情報臨時でMangoさんに誘導されてきました。 potato鯖の不具合報告っす。 日本語ですみません。 potato鯖に移転した板にあるスレ、フォントや広告サイズがおかしくて、 スマホでほとんど読めないっす。 例: バイク板のスレのスクショ このスレのスクショ(正常) potato鯖のpvもserviceに無いんだよねー
Hai. My be photo is not displayed. bug ? Hey mr.manco i have a question >>1 isn't seen by a 2Channel exclusive browser, but why is the cause? |_ _ |・ω・ ) めちゃめちゃ落ちるの早いんですねここ |⊂ ) ゲームのスレッドとかやるならスクリプト必須
>>364 MADOSMA Q501(Windows Phone 8.1)です。 2chブラウザアプリが存在しないので、閲覧環境は壊滅的です。 全然関係ないんですけど メロンショップで買ったアイコンが 掲示版だと404になっちゃうのはどこに問い合わせすれば良いですかね? 多分LAが高いまま Status HP: 1000 pts. たぶん(0) load averages: 4.37, 5.30, 5.89(3473.765625) I am almost finished with an update for read.cgi I built a cache layer and developed some new algorithms that should lower server load a lot.
I cant see this board thread. why?
and I use 2ch broeser of V2C.
>>375 New read.cgi not show me the ID. Could you fix it? >>379 Okay I will check that. >>377 I thought V2C has been discontinued? You can try to use twinkle for mac. Code Monkeyさん、こんにちは。 Hi Code Monkey-san. メロンショップで買ったこのBEアイコンが、表示されず404エラーになります。 This BE icon bought in melon shop will be the 404 error is not displayed . 原因がわかれば修正お願いします。 Cause will fix ask you if you know . 404 error BE ICON >>379 What device and browser do you use? When is a server changed?
>>383 I used IE. I just use 2chmate. >>385 I am testing a new upgrade now. If it is successful, then the server will change soon. >>382 I will ask racequeen to fix that. >>386 IE for windows phone? or IE for PC? >>391 Which version of IE? >>389 thank you very much! >>393 No problem. Unfortunately I think they have already finished work today. Probably they cant fix it until tomorrow morning. >>393 I just called and the administrator for that server is stuck in traffic. He will fix it when he gets home. Please wait a bit. >>394 ,395 OK, I'll try to check in later tomorrow . thanks!! >>392 sorry. Now I'm outside. I put the PC in my house. I will check later. I became good at reading English after CodeMonkey came.
No.This board's king is CodeMonkey.
The king of this boardの方がいいか
>>395 Code Monkey-san. Thank you so much for modification of the BE icon . It is displayed properly ! 2chmate chrome >>392 I'm sorry to be late. version 11.0.25 read.cgi ver 06.0.0でお絵描きが見えない? Oekaki is not functioning at read.cgi ver 06.0.0? Test >>408 やっぱ直接表示されないな でもなぜかこのスレの上の方で表示される絵がいくつかある 違いは何だろうか Oekaki images are *temporarily* disabled. I will enable them later this evening.
Thank you for your hard work
I will enable oekaki tomorrow. I am rewriting the oekaki algorithm still.
Please fix an issue that read.cgi doesn't emit <base href tag and ">>1 " style link doesn't work properly. >>414 I dont understand. Can you show me an example? >>417 Okay I understand. Thanks. >>418 What is that board for? >>417 This problem is fixed now. >>422 Cheers. Tell me if you see any more bugs. >>424 Nice! Should I add that option here too? Hi CodeMonkey What browser are using?
Nice to meet you, Code Monkey-san. These BE icons in melon shop will be the 404 error is not displayed . Cause will fix ask you if you know . 404 error, total 12 icons . I am sorry to cause you trouble . >>428 Chrome. >>429 Okay I will ask racequeen to check these. >>429 This should be resolved now. Oekaki images are now displaying on potato server. Sorry for the inconvenience! Okay. I'll give it a try. Once again. 404 error might be detected with other icons, too.
>>420 Talk about good omochi recipes and many varieties of omotchi (ex.Sakuramochi,Kusamochi,Hishimochi,Daifuku,etc). >>431 Thank you for your rapid response . Thank you very much . >>435 Sorry. It has been resolved. Just my dedicated browser cached invalid link. I made the BE icon. If you like, plz use it. >>442 I will ask Jim-san if he can put it on へー この鯖だとレス番と名前欄と投稿日時が改行されて全部違う行に表示されるのな
As you see in >>447 , ttp://www.2ch.net/ is replaced with ttp<a href="http://www.2ch.net/">http://www.2ch.net/</a> in read.cgi. This is very odd. oh I understand. maybe a parsing error. Ill check it
This server will be offline for a few hours this morning. We are doing some last minute hardware maintenance before finishing board moving. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>442 Nice. I want to use fast. There is another scheduled downtime for potato starting approximately 12 hours after this post.
When hanabi server and jellyfish server will be introduced?
Jerryfish yo, code monkey. displaying res number, name, date is odd at threads on potato server. they should be diplayed in same paragraph, but now they are not. you should fix it. -example- good status--- 100 :no name:2015/11/04(水) 05:58:39.58 ID:aaaaaaaa bad status 100 : no name 2015/11/04(水) 05:58:39.58 ID:aaaaaaaa
p.s. the odd phenomenon appears when you call logs from 'read.cgi'.
Please remove 'soko' command from Kenmo. I cannot understand why you allow someone to install it again.
Mango is fuck. He broke Kenmo with BBS_SOKO. When he is criticized, he spits immediately rant. Please do something about it. http://f ox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1448035209/102 102 Mango Mangüé ★ (★ **ef-z6OL) そうだ2ちゃんねるしよう!©2ch.net agete 2015/11/21(土) 01:19:12.08 ID:???* BE:249718815-S★(824721) >>72 人間のカスってお前らじゃん🌱 (You're human waste.) http://f ox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1448035209/225 225 Mango Mangüé ★ (★ **ef-z6OL) そうだ2ちゃんねるしよう!©2ch.net agete 2015/11/21(土) 01:36:44.70 ID:???* BE:249718815-S★(824721) >>216 じゃなんでこの板に居る? どっか行きな (Why you're here? Get out.) http://f ox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1448036306/7 7 Mango Mangüé ★ (★ **ef-z6OL) そうだ2ちゃんねるしよう!©2ch.net agete 2015/11/21(土) 01:21:03.01 ID:???* BE:249718815-S★(824721) スレ立てる暇があったらさっさと逝けよ じゃまじゃま (You are die quickly. You're disturbing.) http://f ox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1448030768/716 716 Mango Mangüé ★ (★ **ef-z6OL) 좋아요!!©2ch.net agete 2015/11/21(土) 01:15:11.25 ID:???* BE:249718815-S★(824721) >>700 ど底辺に何を答える? (What should I tell to human scum?) テスト 関連するレスも全部貼れよグズ >>465-466 Post a also the associated posting, bitch. :) >>465-466 これで満足か?旧★さんよ🌿 You Okay? ancient CAPS. :D sssp//img.2ch.net-i.imgur.com/AmpQvK9.jpg
>>468 必死に言い訳しに来ててワロタ まんちゃんおこなの? >>468 Still it isn't the reason to which you may say an irresponsible utterance. >>468 人違いでーす ★なんか貰ったことないよ >>468 なんでもかんでも○○の所為 もうやめにしない? ,, --──-- 、._ ,.-''"´ \ / ̄ ̄ ̄\ / ヽ、 l お 反 ん l / / \ ヽ l い 論 ? l l ● ● l l ら が l .| , , , | l の 無 l l _ """ l l 勝 い l l l l ち な l `、 l < す ら l \ _/ l 。 l  ̄/ ̄ ` ―‐ ^ ̄\ l 。 l / , \____/ ./ | | i └r ┤ ├ r┘
http://example.com `ttp` parsing should be correct in read.cgi now If you find any more errors with the url parser, please tell me. Thanks! >>481 The new read.cgi assumes the '-' to be a range delimiter between 2 numbers. I dont want to support the old format because 'n' is not a number. In the name of forward progress, I suggest converting your URLS to the new format. >>484 >>485 No problem in my Firefox(Safe Mode), IE11 on Windows7/64bit. Code Monkey-san. Please disable SOKO in KENMOU. Thread is not extended. Everyone is annoying.
>Code Monkey don't ignore >>462 ! >>491 Can you show me a screenshot of how it looks in your web browser? Because I want orpheus.2ch.net/sugiuraayano/, I've made a banner. hahaha >>496 I'm talking to Code Monkey-san. Hi Code Monkey-san, what kind of rights do you have as an administrator of 2ch? You must have the right to set up a new board (as frenchfry, worldskb and so on) Are you able to configure settings of the board?
Code Monkey-san. Please be fired Mango. Many people have trouble with his thanks.
>>501 それだとCode Monkeyが焼きマンゴーであって欲しいみたいな意味に… >>501 ρ /⌒ ⌒\ | (´・_・`) | (ノ |) \__ / U"U でももしクビになったら蔑称でFired Mangoからの焼きマンゴーとか焼きマンって言われんるんだろなあ 🈵🈴 🔥🔥
Code Monkey-san. Please disable SOKO in KENMOU.
Good evening, Code Monkey-san. These BE icons in melon shop will be the 404 error is not displayed . Cause will fix ask you if you know . 404 error, total 13 icons . I am sorry to cause you trouble, too . Code Monkey-san. Please disable SOKO in KENMOU. Answer please.
Code Monkey-san. Please disable SOKO in KENMOU. Answer please.
>>508 Should be okay now. >>499 I know how to configure settings, but I dont usually change settings. Please ask Carpenter-san if you want to change settings. Hi Code Monkey-san. Are there any plans to create a new bulletin board?
>>518 Please to create the board "radiosaloon"(ラジオサロン). Now, it is not deployed the new information in the RADIO program! As the board "tvsaloon". >>525 Thank you. I am waiting for the new board fun. Sorry; that sugiura board cant go on orpheus. After you guys decide about settings for /radiosaloon/ and /sugiuraayano/, please tell me.
>>525 It's that you've temporary address? Many listeners would rejoice. Thank you very much. Please make a NINTENDO board & SEGA board. It is a very popular company in Japan. Fan is often.
I think we already have the /ghard/ board.
Hi Code Monkey-san. please make new board "dragonquest online" board! :D Dragonquest and Final fantasy is japanese rpg series, Final fantasy online game are using ogame board. but Dragonquest online game is not having only board. Dragonquest online game(DQ10) is great popularity. I thank you for reading it through. (cf) http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1424161325/781-783 >>530 O.K. I confirmed. Thank you, thank you. Belonging directory is "テレビ等". Between lines "時代劇" and "ラジオ番組". I saw a broken Oekaki. Please repair it!
>>543 What kind of news will sugiuraayano board talk about? >>544 It was written news in banner. I think we should I make a variety of news threads. Ohayou! CodeMonkey-san Do you like Sugiura Ayano? I love Omuro Sakurako.I want drinking her pee. So i would like you to make a new board“大室櫻子ちゃんのおしっこ飲みたい”(I want drinking Omuro Sakurako's pee.) Please think about this. 暇つぶしにラブやってみたら 想定外の若妻が・・ 思い出しただけでもあの体は反則だよ ついでに見返りもあって損はなかった 022it.SSt/d11/3786noos.jpg SSをneに変更する
>>520 Thank you for your ans! :-P >>551 Oh I understand. Okay I will fix that. >Code Monkey ★ Please create bbs 'ogame4' on netgame category. Content of that board is online games of dragon quest. Now there are too many threads of dragon quest 10(=online game of dragon quest), and in the future online game of dragon quest will be increased.
>>556 Is orpheus server used only for livejupiter? 大室 櫻子 ちゃん の おしっこ 飲みたい Omuro Sakurako chan no oshikko nomitai I want drinking Omuro Sakurako-chan's pee Please make a “大室櫻子ちゃんのおしっこ飲みたい”board!
>>565 > Demand is high. I want to tell. Really? Why do you think so? I have a question. What is frenchfry board?
"前100" link is invalid. It links to (last res num-100)-(last res num-1) range. Instead it should be (first res num-100)-(first res num-1) range.
Agree with him >>564 Please think twice >>571 Okay ill fix that! Thanks for the bug report >>568 I am investigating this. >>568 Can you find any more locations where this happens? >>568 The dat file is corrupt somehow. If you can find more examples of this problem, then I can more easily find exactly what is wrong. >>578 Unfortunately no other examples are found yet. As far as I've looked into the dat file I cannot find what is corrupted, but one thing I've noticed is that the problematic res #684 is just around 128KiB (0x20000 bytes) boundary. Carpenter-san was in favor of the creation of indie idol board. Let's create.
>>580 Today I will make new boards, please wait a few more hours. >>583 If any of these new boards have large traffic, then I might move them to a different machine later. >>583 Thank you very much. I appreciate it >>585 I have some ideas about how to make SOKO good. I am currently implementing them. Ill let you know when its ready! Hi. CodeMonkey sokoは必要だ ただし、改良がいることも確かだ 知っての通り、age対sokoの争いには問題がある しかし、それ以外にも、 本来ならば、メール欄が空白でもスレが上がるのに、 空白だと上がらなくて、ゆっく下がっていくことが問題だ たとえば、 メール欄が空白のレスが5連続した場合に、 スレを上げることはできないか?
Hi,CodeMonkey-san Please make a new board "魔法少女板(Magical girls") 魔法少女 is a category of anime,manga and novel. They conquest bad men to use magics. This is one of the most popular category. ex).プリキュア(precure),魔法少女リリカルなのは(Nanoha),魔法少女まどか☆マギカ(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) But,there is no board about talk them. So,I would like you to make 魔法少女板.
Hi,CodeMonkey-san Please make a new board "魔法少女板(Magical girls") 魔法少女 is a category of anime,manga and novel. They conquest bad men to use magics. This is one of the most popular category. ex).プリキュア(precure),魔法少女リリカルなのは(Nanoha),魔法少女まどか☆マギカ(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) But,there is no board about talk them. So,I would like you to make 魔法少女板.
Hi,CodeMonkey-san Please make a new board "魔法少女板(Magical girls") 魔法少女 is a category of anime,manga and novel. They conquest bad men to use magics. This is one of the most popular category. ex).プリキュア(precure),魔法少女リリカルなのは(Nanoha),魔法少女まどか☆マギカ(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) But,there is no board about talk them. So,I would like you to make 魔法少女板.
Hi,CodeMonkey-san Please make a new board "魔法少女板(Magical girls") 魔法少女 is a category of anime,manga and novel. They conquest bad men to use magics. This is one of the most popular category. ex).プリキュア(precure),魔法少女リリカルなのは(Nanoha),魔法少女まどか☆マギカ(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) But,there is no board about talk them. So,I would like you to make 魔法少女板.
Oh,I'm sorry for posting many times.
>>ALL ikuzo mina-san! :3 Code Monkey, you have to check the generating logic of the strings now 嫌儲 forced by Mango like this. >7 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 5b16-VeSj)[] 投稿日:2015/11/30(月) 23:59:24.93 ID:GTrBAhBs0 If the string "ワッチョイ 5b16-VeSj" was generated with invertible transformation from the writer's IP address the inverting logic can make great amount of money by selling it secretly.
indieidolって・・・インドのアイドル板かぁ ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
>>604 I will talk to mango about it. Dear Code Monkey-san. We ask you to change board setting. Board URL http://wktk.2ch.net/steam/ Vote thread http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1448719276/ [BBS_JP_CHECK] Approval:78 Opposite:11 [BBS_SLIP] Approval:73 Opposite:1 Changes of Board Setting: BBS_JP_CHECK=checked & BBS_SLIP=vvvvv Reason for changes: At present, steam board is inundated with trolls. Therefore, we decided to appeal to you to change the board setting. Regards. My testing is finished for now. Maybe Mango will do more testing later. Thanks guys. Ill fix settings and stuff tomorrow.
My testing is finished for now. Maybe Mango will do more testing later. Thanks guys. Ill fix settings and stuff tomorrow.
>>518 Please make a new board "魔法少女板"(Magical girls). URL:http://potato.2ch.net/magicalgirls/ 魔法少女 is a category of anime,manga and novel. They conquest bad men to use magics. This is one of the most popular category. ex).プリキュア(precure),魔法少女リリカルなのは(Nanoha),魔法少女まどか☆マギカ(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) But,there is no board about talk them in 2ch. So,I would like you to make 魔法少女板. I made frenchfry board banner. I'll reboot httpd. It's sorry if you can not post. I am trying to post... Okay. Next... a little fixing. Okay. Next step.. Okay. Next step2.. Okay. Next step3.. NG Next step3 again... NG? Restart to repair. Retry Retry Why return 504. ?? >>Script timed out before returning headers: bbs.cgi Hm. Test001. Test002. for 'use LWP::Simple' problem. Test003. Test004. Umm. no error return. but looping. Test006. >>657 Hi CodeMonkey Please add purple name command. There is blue,yellow,red,black,brown,gold,green,orange and pink command now. red command test redcommand test Test008. I think good for color code available. Test009. >>662 I'm expecting. Thank you. Test010. >>664 you're welcome. :) Test011. 運営になるにはどうすればいいんですか? むむむさんの後を継ぎたいです
レスとレスの間が狭い 困った これは方針なのですか? >>671 Are you vandalism? You look like a vandalism. Code Monkey-san. I have something to discuss important to you. You're tricked by Mango. He gives an answer like a good man in English,he may seem to be managing 2ch seriously. But the conversation to the Japanese who goes in his Japanese is rude and irrational, point at the user unpleasantly, only something to make them get angry. All residents suffer from the alteration to which he sent everyone in KENMOU board. Everyone has dissatisfaction to your service now. I'd say that Mango tell you "an increase in the number of writing in KENMOU board" and so trick you. As actual condition was the user harassing increased in KENMOU board. All users is angry with everyone in a decline of your service. All users wishes for dismissal of Mango. The true form of Mango is a feces man. Please don't be tricked by a Mango.
その意見はごもっとも だが、Kenmomenの俺の意見は違った 運営が個別にクソBEに対応してくれないから、 sokoは住民ができるクソBE潰しの有効な手段である
Code Monkey-san. The part is fanaticism-like, well, as the pinprick user is abusing SOKO system. Please check it by yourself. It should be understood with that.
soko is as sort of poor man's BE saku.
Test012. Test013. >>674 困ってるやつらなんてほとんどいないしな 毎回騒いでるのサキオタとマクドナルド乞食野郎くらいだし >>681 サキオタが困ってる限り やめてとも言いづらい悩ましさよ サキオタ限定ならsakuでも効くけどな Test015. from new-bbs.cgi Test016. In the new cgi a link starts with https is wrongly replaced with http.
なぞって協力バトル『ぼくとドラゴン』 今なら招待ID入力でレアガチャが引ける「レアガチャ剣」や 豪華なアイテムがザクザク貰えるよ! ●招待ID 229,939,778 ●今すぐぼくドラを始めちゃおう♪ http://store.bokudora.jp/ 誘導されたのでこっちにも お絵描き機能がIEで使えないうえ テキスト機能で少し文字数の多いコピペやAAを貼ろうとすると 右側が欠ける症状があります また、potatoサーバに入ってるスレをIEで開くと 色々と表示がおかしくなるんで、これらの症状を修正してほしいです (IEは9使用)
ちなみにタイトルロゴとURLは実際にこのOPシーンで使われたうずらフォントを使って再現しました >>693 今夜新鯖出来るっぽいよ そっちで申請したら >>696 かつて戦場実況板現場実況板選挙実況板の三つが作られた時マンゴーは言っていた そんなん気にしてたら禿げる、と Let's make a new board to tamae server.
マンゴー用BEアイコン作った I made BE icon of Mango. magicalgirlsは更新してくれたのに なんでnetidolとindieidolは更新してくれないの。
Hi Code Monkey-san, Mango Mangüé-san https:// It is not possible to write https://→https:// >> Code Monkey ★ -san Read-permissions of some files and directories on potato, tamae, and hanabi servers seem to be wrongly set, and to be corrected as the following rough sketch. o-r SERVERNAME.2ch.net/BOARDNAME/dat/*.dat a+r SERVERNAME.2ch.net/BOARDNAME/dat/ SERVERNAME.2ch.net/_bg/logs/ SERVERNAME.2ch.net/_service/ ---------------- http://carpenter.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operatex/1449671994/23-25n etc. "前100" link is still broken when reading thread with suffix like "l50".
Code Monkey-san. Let's talk.
攻撃あったり鯖調子悪かったりクリスマス前でもあるし 何かと忙しいのかもね
The bug noted in >>727 is not fixed yet on the hanabi and tamae servers; it was fixed only on the potato server. もう9日もTwitter更新してないしここには24日も来てないしどこ行ったんだろ
Hi Code Monkey-san. Please display the banner at random in liveanarchy. http://maguro.2ch.net/liveanarchy/ img = new Array(); img[0] = " ;; img[1] = " ;; img[2] = " ;; img[3] = " ;; img[4] = " ;; n = Math.floor(Math.random()*img.length); document.write("<img src='"+img[n]+"' border='0'>"); Code Monkey-san. Thank you very much for repairing of Oekaki.
>code monkey can you move the category of board 'idolmaster' from '漫画'(=anime, cartoon) to '雑談系2'(=chat2), please. in that board they apt to talk about not only games but also anime, voice actress, opposition to lovelive, and so on. you know, idol master is a kind of game. so moving board 'idolmaster' to the category 'ゲーム'(=game) seems to be right, but now it is impossible. because there is board 'aimasu' for talking about the game idol master. 2 boards of idol master should not exist in same category. and they recognize the board 'idolmaster' exist for general topics about idol master. thank you.
Hi Code Monkey-san potato server
He is busy. because he is Man of the Year. HAHA
マンゴー まだここを見てるか はよカラーコードをくれ
newsのread.cgiなんだけどポイント特典で立ったスレの>>1 のbeリンク失敗してねえ? 愛誤、72円!w 地域猫を推奨する虐待プロジェクトが始動しようとしています。 小学生が書いた作文がきっ,かけだそうです。動画に低評価お願いします。 78円の命プロジェクト ダウンロード&関連動画>> VIDEO ※作文の作者は今では14歳美少女です。 CodeMonkey oru? give me meron 最初に無があった 無は有を生んだ これが全ての真理
マスカルポーネ少佐 彼はコテハンレートSSSの神コテだ VIP筆頭エンターテイナーとして流行の最前線を行く真の神コテらしい そしてそんな神コテが3日後にこの板を蹂躙しにやって来るという情報が入った、みんな早急に他版に避難してくれ そんなマスカルポーネ少佐から一言 『この板の住人諸君 "衝撃"に備えよ』
SAKIWOTA931 Ticket #:2e854c7710c52e57-NRT Dear, Jim. I am SAKIOTA. Be ID is 342992884. I can't write and build a thread in NEWS SOKUHO, KENMO, OOKAMI, NEWS JIKKYO+ and NAN-J. When I try to write to the thread, this message is displayed. 431 名前:SAKIWOTA931 (SAKIWOTA SAKI-WOTA)[SAKIWOTA931] 投稿日:2016/09/26(月) 15:37:45.30 ID:SAKIWOTA SAKIWOTA931 Ticket #:2e84b583f34c2e63-NRT 反省!?なにそれおいしいの!?ヒャッハーwwwww When I try to build a thread, this message is displayed. ERROR: もうスレッドは立てられません。さようなら。ばいばーい。もう帰ってくるなよーwww VIPでやれwwwww I will obey local rules from now on. Please release regulation.
Dear, Code Monkey. I am SAKIOTA. Be ID is 342992884. I can't write and build a thread in NEWS SOKUHO, KENMO, OOKAMI, NEWS JIKKYO+ and NAN-J. When I try to write to the thread, this message is displayed. 431 名前:SAKIWOTA931 (SAKIWOTA SAKI-WOTA)[SAKIWOTA931] 投稿日:2016/09/26(月) 15:37:45.30 ID:SAKIWOTA SAKIWOTA931 Ticket #:2e84b583f34c2e63-NRT 反省!?なにそれおいしいの!?ヒャッハーwwwww When I try to build a thread, this message is displayed. ERROR: もうスレッドは立てられません。さようなら。ばいばーい。もう帰ってくるなよーwww VIPでやれwwwww I will obey local rules from now on. Please release regulation.
Code Monkeyさんへ サキオタと申します。BeIDは、342992884です。 9/19にここでマルチポストと報告され、直後に●を焼かれ、ν速にスレ立てできなくなりました。 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1473864134/250,263 その後、他の板にもスレ立てできなくなり、書き込みもできなくなりました。 現在、ν速、嫌儲、狼、なんJ、ニュース実況+に書き込みとスレ立てができません。 書き込むと、書き込みが次のようになります。 234 名前:SAKIWOTA931 (SAKIWOTA SAKI-WOTA)[SAKIWOTA931] 投稿日:2016/09/29(木) 19:02:57.27 ID:SAKIWOTA SAKIWOTA931 Ticket #:2e9e9a3921b70b2c-NRT 反省!?なにそれおいしいの!?ヒャッハーwwwww スレ立てしようとすると、次のエラーメッセージが表示されます。 ERROR: もうスレッドは立てられません。さようなら。ばいばーい。もう帰ってくるなよーwww VIPでやれwwwww これからはローカルルールを守りますので、どうか規制を解除していただけないでしょうか。 2chに書き込めないのは本当に辛いです。どうかお願いします。 板復帰(OK!:Gather .dat file OK:moving DAT 122 -> 69:Get subject.txt OK:Check subject.txt 122 -> 122:Overwrite OK)2.39, 1.95, 1.85 age subject:122 dat:69 rebuild OK!
急な出費などで、今月の生活費?家賃、携帯代が足りなくてお困りの方。 ヤミ金でお困りの方。 保証人、担保不要です。 是非ご相談下さい、詳しくはHPをご覧下さい。 会社にお勤めの方、自営業、フリーター、風俗・水商売など業種にかかわらずお気軽にご相談ください。 エヌピーオー法人 sta
Even if you press front 100 button with read.cgi ver 06.0.0, only 1 will be displayed.
板復帰(OK!:Gather .dat file OK:moving DAT 327 -> 200:Get subject.txt OK:Check subject.txt 327 -> 327:Overwrite OK)1.37, 2.45, 2.33 age subject:327 dat:200 rebuild OK!
【超悪質!盗聴盗撮・つきまとい嫌がらせ犯罪者の実名と住所を公開】 @井口・千明(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−16) ※盗聴盗撮・嫌がらせつきまとい犯罪者のリーダー的存在/犯罪組織の一員で様々な犯罪行為に手を染めている 低学歴で醜いほどの学歴コンプレックスの塊/超変態で食糞愛好家である/醜悪で不気味な顔つきが特徴的である A宇野壽倫(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−21ハイツニュー青戸202) ※色黒で醜く太っている醜悪黒豚宇野壽倫/低学歴で人間性が醜いだけでなく今後の人生でもう二度と女とセックスをすることができないほど容姿が醜悪である B色川高志(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−21ハイツニュー青戸103) ※色川高志はyoutubeの視聴回数を勝手に短時間に何百何千時には何万回と増やしたり高評価・低評価の数字を一人でいくつも増やしたり減らしたりなどの youtubeの正常な運営を脅かし信頼性を損なわせるような犯罪的業務妨害行為を行っています ※色川高志は現在、生活保護を不正に受給している犯罪者です/どんどん警察や役所に通報・密告してやってください 【通報先】 ◎葛飾区福祉事務所(西生活課) 〒124−8555 東京都葛飾区立石5−13−1 рO3−3695−1111 C清水(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−19) ※低学歴脱糞老女:清水婆婆 ☆☆低学歴脱糞老女・清水婆婆は高学歴家系を一方的に憎悪している☆☆ 清水婆婆はコンプレックスの塊でとにかく底意地が悪い/醜悪な形相で嫌がらせを楽しんでいるまさに悪魔のような老婆である D高添・沼田(東京都葛飾区青戸6−26−6) ※犯罪首謀者井口・千明の子分/いつも逆らえずに言いなりになっている金魚のフン/親子孫一族そろって低能 老義父は息子の嫁の痴態をオカズに自慰行為をし毎晩狂ったように射精をしている/息子の嫁をいつもいやらしい目で見ているエロ老義父なのであった E高橋(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−23) ※高橋母は夫婦の夜の営み亀甲縛り食い込み緊縛プレイの最中に高橋親父にどさくさに紛れて首を絞められて殺されそうになったことがある F長木義明(東京都葛飾区青戸6−23−20) ※日曜日になると風俗店に行っている