Jailed Russian says he hacked DNC on Kremlin’s orders and can prove it BY KEVIN G. HALL DECEMBER 27, 2017 05:45 PM UPDATED 12 MINUTES AGO ロシアで投獄されているハッカーが、独立系TVの取材に、彼はロシア政府の諜報機関 FSBの命令で米国大統領選挙時に民主党全国会議の電子メールをハックしたと表明、 証拠を提示できると言う
WASHINGTON A jailed Russian who says he hacked into the Democratic National Committee computers on the Kremlin’s orders to steal emails released during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign now claims he left behind a data signature to prove his assertion.
The newest allegations are potentially significant. If the FSB did in fact direct Kozlovsky, then it debunks Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertion that his government had nothing to do with hacking that all major U.S. intelligence agencies put at his feet. It also calls into question the view of a hack that was conducted as a closely held, organized FSB campaign directed from central offices. Kozlovsky says he worked largely from home, with limited knowledge of others and that the political hack was just part of larger relationship with the FSB’s top cyber officials on viruses directed at other countries and the private sector. 彼の言い分が本当ならば、ロシア政府は米国大統領選挙に一切の干渉がないとした プーチン大統領の主張と矛盾することになる The jailed Kozlovsky told RAIN TV that he had a relationship with Dokuchayev that preceeded the latter’s rise to a prominent post in the FSB.
Special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly begun to question Republican National Committee staffers about the party's digital work with the Trump campaign last year. The report indicates that Mueller may be homing in on yet another facet of Russia's election interference ? its social media influence campaign and targeted political advertising. Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner managed the Trump campaign's data operation and recently hired a crisis public relations firm to handle all press inquiries. トランプ大統領の女婿、Jared Kushnerが選挙キャンペーンでのデータ・オペレーションを指揮 していた
Special counsel Robert Mueller has begun to question Republican National Committee staffers about the party's 2016 campaign data operation, which helped President Donald Trump's campaign team target voters in critical swing states. Two sources told Yahoo News that Mueller's team is examining whether the joint RNC-Trump campaign data operation ? which was directed on Trump's side by Brad Parscale and managed by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner ? "was related to the activities of Russian trolls and bots aimed at influencing the American electorate." 報道に拠れば特別検察官のチームは、トランプ陣営がスイング州のクリティカルな有権者 に対してキャンペーンを集中していたことに注目。そのオペレーションとロシア陣営のSNS などへの煽りやロボット投稿の集中との関連を調査中
The FBI has been scrutinizing Kushner's contacts in December 2016 with the Russian ambassador to the US and the CEO of a sanctioned Russian bank. The special counsel's office declined to comment on its ongoing investigation. Multiple requests to various current and former RNC officials on Wednesday went unanswered. A source close to one of the Trump campaign's data firms said they were "unaware of anyone being questioned."
It is not surprising that federal investigators have begun to examine the possibility that Russia and the Trump campaign helped each other during the election. Investigators have been looking into whether Russia provided the campaign with voter information stolen by Russian hackers from election databases in several states, and whether the Trump campaign helped Russia target its political ads to specific demographics and voting precincts. 調査はトランプ陣営のオペレーションとロシア側のハッキングに依る選挙関連データ ベースからのデータ窃盗との関連を調べている
The general counsels for Facebook, Twitter, and Google gave enigmatic replies when asked by the House Intelligence Committee last month whether they had investigated "who was mimicking who" when it came to online ads promoted by both the Trump campaign and Russia during the election.
Facebook said in September that about 25% of the ads purchased by Russians during the election "were geographically targeted," though many analysts have said they find it difficult to believe that foreign entities would have had the kind of granular knowledge of American politics necessary to target specific demographics and voting precincts.(後略)
華為技術はこの1年で国内でスマホ首位、世界でも3位に浮上し、アップルとサムスン 電子の主要な競争相手となっている。中国最大級の非上場テクノロジー企業である同社 にとり、今回の幹部拘束は痛手だ。 滕氏の拘束については中国メディアの第一財経が先に報じていた。 原題:Huawei’s China Consumer Sales Head Detained in Corruption Probe(抜粋) Construction Starts on China’s First Privately-Controlled High-Speed Railway Line CHEN SHANSHAN DATE: THU, 12/28/2017 - 21:15 / SOURCE:YICAI 中国初の民間出資による高速鉄道の建設が始まった 中国・第一財経 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Comrade Balding@BaldingsWorld(北京大学) 18分18分前 その他 Comrade BaldingさんがYicai Global 第一??をリツイートしました Investment starting down the barrel of a regulator or being given endless bank loans. With a couple exceptions, HSR doesn't come close to covering operational costs. 少数の例外を除いて高速鉄道はオペレーション・コストをカバーできるに程遠いが
The Trump legal team reportedly plans to slur former national security adviser Mike Flynn as a liar if the retired general implicates the president or his senior aides in the Russia probe ? but that could potentially backfire.
“It seems there’s a lot of positioning behind the scenes,” she added. “There is, to some degree, a level of anxiety, even though the legal team said privately they are not concerned. That could be a bit of an overconfidence bluff.” “I do wonder if leaking this is going to backfire,” Stein said. “I mean, if you’re Michael Flynn and you read a piece like this, does it make you say, ‘Ooh, I’m not going to work with Mueller?'”
トランプ氏の指摘する「現行犯」が何を指すのかは不明だ。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 5 時間5 時間前 Caught RED HANDED - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea. There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen!
red‐handed 形容詞叙述的用法の形容詞 (悪事の)現行犯で. catch [nab] a person red‐handed 人の悪事の現場を見つける, 人を現行犯で捕らえる.
北朝鮮は24日、国連安保理の追加制裁決議は「戦争行為」にあたるとして、米国および 決議に賛成した国々への報復を宣言した。 北朝鮮との国境から約80キロメートルに位置する韓国の平昌では、6週間後に冬季五輪 が開催される。 原題:Trump Warns Against Illicit Chinese Oil Sales to North Korea(抜粋)
By many measures, 2017 can be called the year of Twitter in the US, characterized by endless tweets from US President Donald Trump. His predecessor Barack Obama offered stern advice to those in powerful positions without mentioning Trump's name: Don't use social media to foster division. (略) Too much fraudulent news on social media fuels chaos and stokes hatreds. Since social media has become part of people's lives and its popularity is irreversible, the question is how to manage digital communication. A responsible US government should regulate online information with the advancement of internet technologies. Such management may be at odds with free speech and affect the values of US society. It tests the wisdom of the US leadership about how to utilize social media as a tool of engagement with its people and in governing the country. Rachel Maddow closes 2017 by beating the pants off Sean Hannity By Eric Boehlert DECEMBER 28, 2017 MSNBC landed its largest audience ever this year and now has Fox News in its sights for 2018. (リベラル色の強い)MSNBCは昨年に比べて視聴者が大幅増加、ニュースショーのホスト であるRachel Maddowの人気がFOXの人気司会者のSean Hannityに迫り、来年は凌駕の勢い 今年はMSNBCにとって、過去最大の視聴者数の増加を記録し来年はFOXを超える可能性も
MSNBC averaged 1.6 million primetime viewers this year. For context, that compares to the 900,000 viewers MSNBC averaged in 2011, and the paltry 385,000 viewers the network claimed in primetime during 2006 when the channel was barely a blip on the cable ratings screen.
全般的に言ってトランプ大統領はMSNBC, CNN, and Fox Newsについて視聴者数の増加をもた らした。混沌とした政治ニュースが人々をしてニュース番組に向かわせたが、中でも MSNBC が昨年比で最大の視聴者増加を記録した Overall, Donald Trump was very good to MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News this year. All three boasted big audiences gains as viewers scrambled to keep pace with the chaotic news events surrounding the historically unpopular president. But MSNBC posted the largest gains over last year. 今年を回顧すると5月がターニング・ポイントであった。大統領がJames Comey FBI長官を 解雇しロシア疑惑が問題視されるようになってMSNBCの視聴者数が急増 Looking back on 2017, the cable news ratings turning point came in May when Trump fired FBI Director James Comey and basically all hell broke loose on the Russia election story. Filled with endless revelations that rocked the Trump White House, the month of May motivated MSNBC fans to tune into their favorite programs.
これまでFOXに比べて競合とはみなされてこなかったMSNBCが、今年は急速にライバルになり 来年は凌駕する可能性すら有る Suddenly Fox News, which hadn’t been in a serious ratings fight for at least a decade, was challenged nightly by MSNBC.
GT: China and the US are considered the two largest players in the game of AI, while they are also undergoing fierce competition. In your opinion, what are the advantages of each side and who will be the possible leader in the future?
Hu: Both China and the US have their own advantages in terms of AI development. The US enjoys favorable conditions in its underlying infrastructure, semiconductor and software ecosystems. For example, the current competition is under the GPU system driven by Nvidia, and the programmable chips used by China are also mainly from Nvidia and Intel. China is weak in these areas and the software ecosystem still needs further construction.
However, China is stronger in production and application than the US, which can be reflected by data and practical solutions. China's Internet development is faster than that of the US, allowing China to rapidly accumulate massive data from multiple industries. This has given China a chance of surpassing the US at the AI application level. For instance, in urban management, in Paris, the original city benchmark, we can see the big city drainage gallery under the Notre-Dame de Paris. But today, as AI's power increases, rainwater and wastewater can be automatically separated and processed. Maybe we can take a new definition of the benchmark city, like the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province.
Alibaba Cloud has become one of the world's top three cloud computing companies, and in the next few years we hope to catch up with and even overtake Amazon. I believe China is promising in AI development and it is highly possible that it can become the world leader in this industry. But the outcome also depends on how China fills the gaps in basic science during its next stage of development. (後略)
>>30,31 トランプ大統領の言う「Caught RED HANDED」現行犯を抑えた、というのは、この事件 を指しているのは明白
>>61,62 このウィンモア号を操っている勢力が、どの国のものなのかが問題であろうけれど、 大統領がvery disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea. と言っているのだから、中国外交部の否定にも関わらず、中国が動いていると見るのが 自然ではないかと思う
South Korea’s foreign ministry says the country has seized a Hong Kong-flagged ship that transferred oil to a North Korean vessel in international waters despite United Nations Security Council sanctions. Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, reports South Korean custom officials say the Lighthouse Winmore vessel transferred “600 tons of refined petroleum” to a North Korean ship October 19. South Korea seized the Lighthouse Winmore on November 24 when it sailed into South Korea’s Yeosu Port, the news agency says.
Yonhap reports the Lighthouse Winmore was chartered by the Billions Bunker Group, a Taiwanese company. The news agency said the ship’s “claimed destination” was in Taiwan, but instead the ship “transferred oil to a North Korean ship, Sam Jong 2, and three other non-North Korean vessels in international waters in the East China Sea.” The Lighthouse Winmore is reportedly on the list of ships the U.S. has proposed blacklisting for their prohibited trade with North Korea. S. Korea Seizes HK-flagged Vessel Suspected of Shipping Oil to N. Korea December 29, 2017 5:15 AM
Yicai Global 第一財経?認証済みアカウント @yicaichina China’s Environment Ministry Names and Shames Local Governments, Enterprises Violating Overcapacity Reduction Targets
Comrade Balding @BaldingsWorld(北京大学) Comrade BaldingさんがYicai Global 第一財経をリツイートしました As an economist, I can definitely debate whether a policy is the what I deem the best policy, but the biggest inhibitor in China is everyone just ignoring rules/laws. People who never been here think it operates like robots when it is really rule of the jungle chaos エコノミストとして最善の経済政策を論じることはできるのだが、その実施を阻む最 大のものは法の支配の不在である。 中国では法の支配が通用しないので此処に来たことのない人は、物事がロボットのよう に進められると思うが、実際にはジャングルの掟の混乱が支配している
US President Donald Trump Friday morning tweeted in a strong tone about US satellites capturing photos of "Chinese ships" selling oil to North Korean boats in the West Sea.
"Caught RED HANDED - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea," he wrote. "There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen!" (略) China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and voted in support of UN Security Council resolutions against North Korea. The Chinese central government and local government will seriously implement the resolution. It cannot be concluded from the photos that China is supplying oil to North Korea in disregard of resolutions.
It's universally known that the ownership of a vessel cannot be determined from the logos and flags on it. It's hasty to assert that the ship is connected to China just based on its appearance. Moreover, if it was indeed smuggling, it is highly likely that the vessel would use false logos.
What motivation would China possibly have to secretly supply oil to North Korea? How would Beijing benefit from risking its national reputation for such petty actions? Amid increasingly tough sanctions on Pyongyang, there are indeed some people smuggling for huge gains. But these smugglers might be mainlanders, South Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, groups from Southeast Asian countries or even Westerners.
If Washington wants to accuse Beijing, it should hand out tangible evidence. It should point out which shipping company those vessels belong to and with which Chinese authority they are associated. If the US finds illegal acts by anyone from the Chinese mainland, Beijing welcomes the tipoffs and will punish the lawbreakers.
Some radicals from the US and South Korea do not speak in a responsible manner, but we hope President Trump has a broader vision. US policymakers should better know that China has made tremendous efforts to push forward and implement those resolutions. It is hoped Trump and his team will not be hijacked by irrational opinions and add fuel to the flames. Posted in: EDITORIAL
The newspaper quoted one official who was not aware of the interview, which was posted on Thursday evening, as asking, “What interview? Today?" Another official was reportedly irked the sit-down took place and referred to it as “embarrassing.”
White House communications director Hope Hicks reportedly checked in on the interview "from afar" after word began to circulate that the president was speaking with the press. The Post reported the president as being enthusiastic about the interview and that he was happy that it was largely covered on television Friday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump displays delusions in his New York Times interview John Harwood | @johnjharwood Published 13 Hours Ago Updated 11 Hours Ago
●What made the president's year-end New York Times interview notable was repetition of a particular brand of untruth. ●Even as his administration struggles with historic unpopularity, Trump ascribes to himself qualities that surpass all predecessors ? even reigning Republican icon Ronald Reagan. ●Taken together, his comments signaled an inability to grasp conditions in the country, the limitations of his own capacities and the nature of the office he holds.
Hazama Hisatake@Hazama_Hisatake Comfort women deal with Japan ignored victims, says S Korea … SK activists estimate that up to 200,000 women were forced to 他、主に朝鮮人と いう説明も。日本政府が多くが日本人、数はずっと少ないと発表すれば、BBCも両論併記 してくれる。説明しない政府も問題 ------------------------------------- 貴文@kannotaka 恐らく日本政府が発表しても無駄だと思いますよ。 以前BBCのウェブサイトの苦情担当の方と慰安婦に関する記事の内容に関してメールでやり 取りしましたが「日本は河野談話で女性の連行や監禁への日本軍の関与を認めた、日本の 外務省のHPで声明(談話)を読め」と言われましたから。 ------------------------------------- こひわる?@K8lTx 返信先: @kannotakaさん、@MaggieQ2000さん、@Hazama_Hisatakeさん ウォールストリートジャーナルは慰安婦報道に関しては偏向報道をやめ、かなり中立的な 記事になりましたよ。挺対協についても説明があり、独自にきちんとした取材をしたこと が感じられます。BBCは日本の新聞の英字紙をコピペしたような記事で無責任です。 勉強不足丸分かりです
Iran's leaders were confronted by unauthorized protests in major cities for the third straight day on Saturday, with crowds aiming their anger at the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and some demanding that he step down.
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 7時間7時間前 Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. The world is watching!
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 7時間7時間前 The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran’s people are what their leaders fear the most....
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 23時間23時間前 Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching! #IranProtests
David Sanger@SangerNYT In this piece, worth reading to the end, @RichardHaass describes difference between a declining power - which we are not - and one that voluntarily abdicates power out of a different, narrower, almost 19th century view of sovereign interest. Don’t miss it. この評論でRichard N. Haass氏は、衰退中の覇権国(米国は此れに当てはまらない) と自主的に引きこもる覇権国の違いについて書いていて、後者は19世紀的な国民国家 の国益についての狭い見方に関連する。読むべき評論(注:サンガー記者はNYTなど に書くベテランの外交国防分野のジャーナリストで評価が高い) America and the Great Abdication Don’t mistake Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the world for isolationism. RICHARD HAASS DEC 28, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *リチャード・ハースは、米国が自主的なAbdication(退位、放棄、棄権)にある けれど、それは孤立主義isolationismと異なって国際社会での責任分担から自主的 に退いているという、でもそれは一部論者のいう中国の台頭、米国の衰退と言った ものとは異なるという。
Trump is the first post?World War II American president to view the burdens of world leadership as outweighing the benefits. As a result, the United States has changed from the principal preserver of order to a principal disrupter.
This change has major implications. It will make it far more difficult to deal with the challenges posed by globalization, including climate change and nuclear proliferation, to regulate cyberspace on terms compatible with American interests, or to help relieve the plight of refugees on terms consistent with American values. It will make it more difficult to build frameworks that promote trade and investment and to ensure that the United States benefits from them.
●Lenin power prize: Xi Jinping ●Sato award for longevity: Shinzo Abe ●Graceful departure award: Emperor Akihito ●The balancing act award: Moon Jae-in ●The Beatles award for lasting popularity: Narendra Modi ●The “Crocodile Dundee” prize for political survival: Malcolm Turnbull ●The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde prize: Aung San Suu Kyi ●The snatching defeat from the jaws of victory prize: Bill English(ニュージーランド) ●The Icarus award: Yuriko Koike ●The shoot first, ask questions later prize: Rodrigo Duterte
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said “bitcoin is successful only because of its potential for circumvention, lack of oversight.” “So it seems to me it ought to be outlawed,” Stiglitz said Wednesday in a Bloomberg Television interview with Francine Lacqua and Tom Keene. “It doesn’t serve any socially useful function.”
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will suspend the production of 553 passenger vehicle models that have failed to meet the government’s fuel consumption standards, state news agency Xinhua said on Sunday. The suspension will take effect from Jan. 1, Xinhua said, citing the China Vehicle Technology Service Centre.
この対象車種はフォルクスワーゲンとの合弁企業、ベンツとの合弁企業、日産との合弁 企業の生産するものを含む The models include products from several major domestic producers and joint ventures such as FAW-Volkswagen, Beijing Benz Automotive, Chery and Dongfeng Motor Corporation. “With the war on pollution in full swing, China has been pushing for green transportation by toughening emission limits and encouraging the use of new energy vehicles,” the report added.
TORONTO (Reuters) - Some 36,000 homes and businesses in British Columbia lost power due to ice storms in western Canada on Saturday, and workers rushed to restore service before nightfall as forecasters predicted extremely cold temperatures across the nation.
Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld Comrade BaldingさんがArmin Navabiをリツイートしました I only know two things here: 1. All Persians I have had the privilege of knowing either as students or friends from LA with large immigrant population are wonderful people 2. This scares China profoundly
Patrick Chovanec@prchovanec 2時間2時間前 Patrick ChovanecさんがComrade Baldingをリツイートしました #2, very much #2. Especially how quickly this has all developed. 確かにそうで中国政府はこういう暴動を恐れるね。特に急速に事件が展開しているので;
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 5 分5 分前 Instant Insight: Hardliners' attempts to undermine President Hassan Rouhani have inadvertently lifted the lid on a Pandora’s box of Iranian discontent イランの強硬派(ハードライナー)はローハニ大統領を引き下ろそうとして 迂闊にも、イラン人の恨みのこもったパンドラの箱の蓋を開けてしまった
Among them, Dockless Shared Bicycles, High-speed Rail, Alipay and E-commerce stand out with a reputation of China's "four great new inventions" in modern times, which have made the daily life of the public more and more convenient. (Xinhua/Jin Peng) @自転車シェアリング、A高速鉄道、Bアリペイ、CEコマースが中国の現代の 四代発明である ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comrade Balding@BaldingsWorld(北京大学、経済学教授) 1 時間1 時間前 China for all its advances did not invent bike sharing, high speed rail, e-commerce, or electronic payments. Period. Full. Stop. 中国は@自転車シェアリング、A高速鉄道、Bアリペイ、CEコマース、電子決済 を発明していない。そういう宣伝は止めたら?
Reuters Top News?認証済みアカウント @Reuters Macau casinos post first annual revenue gain in 3 years マカオのカジノは3年ぶりに年間の収入が増加した
Patrick Chovanec@prchovanec 6時間6時間前 Patrick ChovanecさんがReuters Top Newsをリツイートしました So the rebound in China's economy is real. ?? といいうことは、中国経済のリバウンドは本当のようだ
一方、ホワイトハウスは12月31日「私たちはイランの人々が平和的に意見を表明する権 利を支持する」との大統領報道官名の声明を出した。イラン当局による強硬なデモ対応 やソーシャルメディアの利用制限などを批判する趣旨とみられる。 声明は「彼らが平和的に自己を表現する基本的権利を保護し、検閲につながるいかなる 行動も慎むよう、全関係者に促す」とした。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald J. Trump?認証済みアカウント@realDonaldTrump 2 時間2 時間前 Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food & for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!
●Will Theresa May remain prime minister in 2018? メイ首相は今年末にも首相の座にあるか? Yes.
●Will Emmanuel Macron secure a commitment from German chancellor Angela Merkel on a eurozone budget? マクロン大統領はEU予算についてメルケル首相のコミットメントを確保できるか? No.
●Will the Democrats take back the majority in the midterm election in the US House of Representatives? 米国民主党は中間選挙で下院の過半数支配を奪還できるか? Yes ? by an eyelash.
●Will impeachment proceedings begin against Donald Trump? トランプ大統領の弾劾は始まるのか? Yes
●Will Trump trigger a trade war with China? トランプ大統領は中国との貿易戦争を始めるか? Yes. Making China Great Again As Donald Trump surrenders America’s global commitments, Xi Jinping is learning to pick up the pieces. By Evan Osnos 中国をして再び偉大ならしめる トランプ大統領が米国のグローバルなコミットメントから降りる事によって 習近平総書記が、次第に、その位置を占めることを学びつつある 雑誌ニューヨーカー、January 8, 2018 Issue 掲載記事 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 外交評議会(CFR)代表のリチャード・ハースのコメント Richard N. Haass認証済みアカウント@RichardHaass 7時間7時間前 Excellent piece by @eosnos on how America’s pulling back from its traditional leading role in the world has accelerated China’s emergence on the world stage ...and on its terms rather than ours. 従来の米国の、世界の指導的地位からの後退が、中国のワールドステージへの 加速的台頭を如何に助けているかを論じている優れたもの。しかも中国のやり 方は米国のそれではなく・・
The turmoil in Iran has lasted days. US President Donald Trump's backing of protesters in a series of tweets has attracted worldwide attention to Iran. 数日間続いているイランの抗議行動にトランプ大統領はツイッターで支持を表明し 世界的な関心を集めている
Since mass protests broke out Thursday last week in Mashhad, Iran's second- largest city, demonstrations have spread to cities including Tehran. Yet the scale of the protests has not yet surpassed that of 2009. In the beginning, demonstrators seemed to be expressing their dissatisfaction with the country's deteriorating economy and soaring prices but soon political slogans like "political prisoners should be freed" and "freedom or death" emerged. Tehran's backing of Shiite militias in the Middle East has also come under fire. Any sign of turmoil in Iran makes the Western world happy. Although chaos in a few Middle Eastern countries brings no tangible benefits to the West, when Western nations see a country like Iran falling into turbulence, they are glad. イランの如何なるトラブルも西欧諸国を喜ばせる。中東の混乱が西欧諸国に具体的な 利益を与えるわけではないのだが。
Iran has multiparty elections and its resilience to street protests is stronger than that of other Middle East countries. But as a religious authoritarian country antagonistic to the West, social unrest can greatly impact the entire country. イランは複数政党制の選挙を採用し街頭の抗議行動には他の中東諸国より寛容だが宗教的 権威主義の国なので西欧と相容れない。社会の混乱は国全体に影響を与え得る。
Generally speaking, most non-Western countries have different degrees of authoritarianism. When large street protests occur, they challenge stability. For non-Western governments, efficient communication with their public at such a time is usually fraught with difficulty. Non-Western nations must first of all concentrate on improving their people's living standards. While making their own society into a community of common interests, the government should also make it into a community of common thoughts and values. Facing difficulties, their society should have the ability to form a consensus. They must also be resilient when it comes to unexpected events and accidents. No matter how well a country takes care of all kinds of interests and demands during its development, some people will always be dissatisfied and that can lead to regional and even nationwide turbulence. 一般的に言って非西欧諸国はそれぞれに程度の差はあれ、何らかの権威主義である。 大規模な抗議行動は社会の安定性に挑戦するものである。非西欧諸国の政府にとって 騒乱時に大衆との効果的なコミニュケーションを持つことは困難である。非西欧諸国 にとっての最高優先順位は人々の生活水準の向上である。社会が共通利益を共有する ためには政府は社会の共有できる思想と価値観を必要とする。騒乱時には社会のコン センサスを作る能力が必要だ。さらに、突発的の事件や事故を防ぐことの重要だ。 国民の諸階層の要求や利益をいかに尊重しても、一部には常に反政府の満たされない 不満を抱える人がいて、彼らは地方的に、あるいは全国的に騒動を起こすことが出来る
Western nations often jointly support unrest in certain non-Western countries. With a lack of self-confidence in politics, those developing countries facing protests are easily caught up in chaos. 西欧諸国は屡々、一部の非西欧諸国の抗議行動を支持するが、こうした非西欧諸国は 容易に混乱に陥り得る
But the government systems of this world are not up to the West to decide. Each country's history, culture, economy and social development differs from another. The one-size-fits-all Western political standard will only create blood and pain and is not in the interests of the general public in developing countries. しかし世界の諸国の統治システムは西欧諸国の決めるものではなく、諸国は固有の歴史、 文化、経済社会の発展段階に有る。西欧諸国の政治的標準がすべての国に当てはまるわ けではない。西欧諸国のそれ(の押し付け)は流血と痛みを与えるだけで非西欧諸国の 公衆の利益に寄与しない。 Kuwaiti report: US gives Israel go-ahead to kill powerful Iranian general Newspaper says Washington and Jerusalem have overcome the differences that saw Americans tipping off Tehran about Israeli attempt to kill Qassem Soleimani 3 years ago By SUE SURKES 1 January 2018, 4:10 pm クエートの新聞報道:3年前にイスラエル政府とアメリカ政府はイランの有力な軍人で あるQassem Soleimaniの暗殺について意見の相違を克服することが出来た イスラエルタイムズ
Qassem Soleimani has commanded the Quds Force ? the branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards responsible for military and clandestine operations outside of the Islamic Republic.
masih alinejad@AlinejadMasih 52分52分前 President Rouhani says #IranProtests have no demands Not true: Try 1) Free Elections, 2) Equality between men and women 3)Fair distribution of national wealth 4) End to corruption 5) Independent judiciary and a Free press ロウハニ大統領は抗議行動が政策要求を持たないと言うが、それは誤りで @自由選挙、A男女平等、B国富の公正な分配、C腐敗追放、D司法独立 と自由な新聞
Armin Navabi@ArminNavabi 1時間1時間前 Protesters in Iran chant: "The motto for every Iranian is an Iranian Republic [rather than an Islamic Republic].” #IranProtests 抗議行動の叫ぶのは「(イスラム共和国ではなく)イラン共和国」
Drew Liquerman? @DrewLiquerman GRAPHIC VIDEO: peaceful protesters gunned down in the streets of Iran - the international community and the UN must act NOW! 抗議行動者が銃殺されている(ビデオ)
2009年に大統領選の不正を訴える反政府デモで数十人が死亡して以降、最大規模の衝 突。国営テレビなどによると、中部ナジャファバードでは1日、男が猟銃を発砲した。 【共同通信】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hossein Abedini@HoAbedini 3時間3時間前 #Tehran Vali Asr square uprising spreads throughout the capital: Down with the dictator is the main slogan all over the country #FreeIran #Iranprotests
Hossein Abedini@HoAbedini 1時間1時間前 #Tehran 3am in the morning. A dictatorship in a state of panic and unable to stop massive uprising in the capital and throughout the country #FreeIran #Iranprotests
Robert Geller (@rjgeller) 2013年秋に多少リバイズされたSTAP論文はネイチャーに再投稿され、採択。だが、初投稿論文についての査読者のコメントに十分答えなかったようだ。 なぜ採択されたのかは謎だ。リバイズした原稿と一緒に編者に送った「査読者のコメントへの回答」とリバイズ原稿についての査読結果をみたい。
Robert Geller (@rjgeller) ちなみに、NHKなど複数の報道機関はSTAP論文の謎への解決のカギとなる資料を持っているが、いまだに公開されていない。ぜひ、どなたか、公開して下されば幸いだ。
Resumption of flows in pipelines in North Sea and Libya offset by concern antigovernment protests in Iran could disrupt its production
Oil prices edged off a 2?-year high on Tuesday, after supply disruptions eased in the North Sea and Libya, while rising tensions in major oil exporter Iran underpinned the market. Crude-oil futures settled above $60 for the first time in more than two years to wrap up 2017.
Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan 44分44分前 #IranProtests: Regime forces guard television station in city of Sari amid fears protesters will overtake airwaves, disrupt state-media propaganda 政府はSari市で、抗議運動側がTV局を占拠することを恐れて、その防衛にあたっている
David Burke@ConservativeTht 3時間3時間前 Perhaps the most amazing story coming out of the #IranProtests is the strong participation of Women. You would think anyone who wants to advance Women’s Rights would be cheering. But the Silence from the Left & “Feminists” like Linda Sarsour is deafening. 驚くべきは抗議行動への女性の参加が強大であることだ。女性の権利擁護に熱心な 人たちは歓迎しているが、左派や「フェミニスト」は沈黙している
英がEU離脱後にTPP参加を非公式に検討 英FT紙が、英政府がEU離脱後にTPP参加を非公式に検討しており、英国際貿易 省から打診していると伝えている。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financial Times 認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 10時間10時間前 FT Exclusive: The UK is looking to join a flagship Pacific trade group ? a deal would make it the only member country that does not border the Pacific Ocean or the South China Sea. 英国はパシフィックオーシャンに接していないけど
<イラン情勢の情報更新> Farnaz Fassihi認証済みアカウント@farnazfassihi 31分31分前 #IranProtests Day 6 Wrap: 1.Protests across nation, many in small & rural cities. 2. 21 Dead. Over 2,000 arrested. 3. #Khamenie's center set ablaze & his posters torn up. 4.Heavy deployment of Security Forces. 5.#US calls for #UNSC emergency meeting on #Iran. Tokyo-Canberra ‘quasi-alliance’ threat to peace By Li Ruoyu Source:Global Times Published: 2018/1/2 18:28:40 The author is an associate professor at the School of History and Culture, Sichuan University. 日豪の「準軍事同盟」はアジアの平和に対する脅威である
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 3 時間3 時間前 North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
The government “can consider measures to spur FX outflows,” one of the people said. A spokesperson for the finance ministry declined to comment on the matter. Rising domestic interest rates, strong exports and heightened U.S. scrutiny on South Korea’s foreign exchange regime have made it harder for Asia’s fourth largest economy to tame the won’s gains.
Measures that encourage capital out of the country could help policymakers remove some of the upward pressure on the currency without needing to use direct intervention in the foreign exchange market, a sticking point in Seoul’s relations with the Washington.
The U.S. Treasury Department kept South Korea on a “monitoring list” of countries in its report on foreign exchange policies of major trading partners in October last year, along with China, Japan and Germany.
Bannon said, are Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and his son in law and senior aide Jared Kushner. “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon said in interviews for the forthcoming book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff, portions of which were read in advance by The Guardian. Michael Wolff氏の近く出版する著書“Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” の中でバノン氏はトランプ氏の長男のトランプJrや女婿のクシュナー氏について、ムラー 特別検察官のマネロンの調査対象で事件が問題化するだろうと語った
“You realize where this is going,” Bannon reportedly said in the book. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f------ Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” 「この捜査は進行中で、ムラー特別検察官のもとマネロン調査の専門であるWeissmannが それにあたる。ポール・マナフォート前選挙キャンペーン議長、トランプJr、女婿の クシュナー氏が対象になる」
“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner s---. The Kushner s--- is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me,” Bannon said. The former White House chief strategist, who left the administration over the summer and returned to his role as the head of the alt-right publication Breitbart, characterized the White House’s response to the ongoing investigation as “sitting on a beach trying to stop a Category Five.”
Bannon was also critical of the decision by Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner to meet in the summer of 2016 with a Russian attorney who claimed to have incriminating information about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, in the form of hacked emails, sourced from the Russian government. He told his interviewer that the meeting should never have happened, especially inside Trump Tower and without any lawyers present. “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad s---, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately,” he said, adding that if the meeting were to happen, it should have occurred “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people” and then the information “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”. バノン氏は2016年夏にNYCのトランプタワーで行われたロシア側関係者とトランプJrらとの 会議について、トランプ側に一人の法律顧問も出席せず、ヒラリー陣営の攻撃材料について 話し合ったことについて「反逆的とか非愛国的とか言われかねず、問題であって、FBIを呼 ぶべき類」とした。どうしても会議が必要なら「ニューハンプシャー州のマンチェスターの ホリディインで(人目につきにくい地方の超高級ではないホテルで)」法律顧問を同席させ て行うべきだったと述べた。
●President blasts strategist considered campaign architect ●Bannon is said to have disparaged Trump and his family in book バノン氏は本の中のインタビューで、トランプ大統領と家族を誹謗したと報道されている
“When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind,” Trump said in a statement issued after the publication of excerpts of a new book in which Bannon criticizes the president and his family. “Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.”
And so threats and bluster may turn into violent realities. And if they do, not tomorrow or the next day, but some time in 2018, a Second Korean War could very well make it one of those years in which history swings on its hinge.
9日に発売されるマイケル・ウォルフ氏執筆の暴露本「Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House」の抜粋によると、バノン氏はジュニア氏がお膳立てし、大統領選 中の2016年6月にトランプ氏陣営幹部らが出席したロシア人グループとの会合に ついて、「反逆的」、「非愛国的」だと指摘した。
1. Trump expected to lose the presidential race to Democrat Hillary Clinton and had already planned to return to private life after the campaign was over. Wolff explains what Trump was thinking toward the end of the campaign: トランプ氏は大統領選に負けると予想していて、選挙戦後のプライベートライフを説明 していた
"Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary. His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable-news star. Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn't become president, could return to inconspicuously lunching. Losing would work out for everybody. Losing was winning." メラニアはトランプ氏に、大統領になることはないだろうと言われていて、目立つことのない 生活に戻れると期待。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 20 REVELATIONS FROM TRUMP ‘FIRE AND FURY’ BOOK ABOUT GOLDEN SHOWERS, IVANKA, BANNON AND MORE BY SUMMER MEZA ON 1/3/18 AT 4:14 PM
ノルウェーのソルベルグ首相は17年、フィナンシャル・タイムズに対し「課題はある。 EVを購入してもらう非常に明確なインセンティブを持ちながら、徐々に増税する方法 をいかに探るかだ」と語った。By Richard Milne (2018年1月4日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙
(c) The Financial Times Limited 2018. All Rights Reserved. The Nikkei Inc. is solely responsible for providing this translated content and The Financial Times Limited does not accept any liability for the accuracy or quality of the translation.
イラン状況の情報更新 Nazanin Boniadi認証済みアカウント @NazaninBoniadi 53分53分前 Day 7: At least 22 people killed, more than 1000 people arrested and internet disrupted. Regime stages rally in support of itself. Iron fist is out. Where is the world media? #IranProtests South Korea appears to be alienating Japan right as they face the same nuclear threat A clash between Seoul and Tokyo over the issue of comfort women could throw Asian geopolitics into disarray Bilateral tensions could limit international cooperation on North Korea as well as push South Korea closer to China, experts said Nyshka Chandran | @nyshkac Published 8:53 PM ET Tue, 2 Jan 2018 Updated 21 Hours Ago
TRUMP VS. BANNON -- THIS IS WAR -- “Trump lawyer sends Bannon ‘cease and desist’ letter,” by Andrew Restuccia: “President Donald Trump’s lawyer sent former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon a ‘cease and desist’ letter on Wednesday, accusing him of violating an agreement signed during the 2016 campaign that prevented him from disclosing confidential information or disparaging Trump and his family. トランプ・バノン戦争が勃発。トランプ大統領の顧問弁護士はバノン氏に対して 彼が2016年大統領選挙キャンペーンに参加の時にトランプ氏と合意した秘密保持 契約をもとに、バノン氏にトランプチームの内部情報の開示を止めるように求め る書簡を送付
THIS IS CLASSIC Trump retaliation. He and his organization have threatened lawsuits and sent similar letters to adversaries over the years. … AND BY THE WAY: The White House can’t argue simultaneously that the book is completely incorrect and Bannon violated a non-disclosure agreement. If he violated a non-disclosure agreement then something he said was right! この手法はトランプチームのいつものやり方だが問題が一つ有る。ホワイトハウス は暴露本の内容が完全なでっちあげと主張しながら、同時にバノン氏が秘密保持 契約に違反していると主張することは出来ない。秘密保持契約違反があれば、彼の 言っていることが、何らかの事実ということになる
WASHINGTON ? President Trump escalated his attack on a new book portraying him as a volatile and ill-equipped chief executive on Thursday as his legal team demanded that the author and publisher halt its release and apologize or face a possible lawsuit.
In an 11-page letter, the president’s lawyer said the book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by Michael Wolff, as excerpted in a magazine article, includes false statements about Mr. Trump that “give rise to claims for libel” that could result in “substantial monetary damages and punitive damages.”
“Mr. Trump hereby demands that you immediately cease and desist from any further publication, release or dissemination of the book, the article, or any excerpts or summaries of either of them, to any person or entity, and that you issue a full and complete retraction and apology to my client as to all statements made about him in the book and article that lack competent evidentiary support,” the letter said.
While other presidents have avoided direct confrontations with publishers over unflattering books in part out of fear of giving them more publicity and promoting sales, Mr. Trump is furious about Mr. Wolff’s account and unwilling to let it go, according to advisers. Through a long career in real estate and entertainment, Mr. Trump has repeatedly threatened lawsuits against authors, journalists and others who angered him, but often has not followed through, and it was unclear whether he would in this case.
Mr. Wolff did not immediately reply to a request for comment, but on Wednesday night he said by email that he was “wholly comfortable with my numerous sources.” His editor, John Sterling, said by email on Thursday, “We haven’t yet responded to the letter.” 既に暴露本はアマゾンの売上#1となっている The book, which quickly shot up to No. 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list following articles about it on Wednesday, presents Mr. Trump as an unengaged candidate and president who grew bored when an aide tried to explain the Constitution to him and refuses to read even one-page briefing papers.(ry
Bannon knows that Donald Jr. and Kushner are potential liabilities for the president, especially in the context of a sophisticated money-laundering probe. And he also knows how ill-equipped the White House is to contend with the legal hurdles and financial inquiries that lie ahead of it. He knows all of this, even if he has lost his mind. That's why the president wants to shut him up and shut him down.
(Reuters) - Any lawsuits by President Donald Trump against former chief strategist Steve Bannon or the author and publisher of a book depicting a chaotic White House and Trump as out of his depth would almost certainly fail and could lead to more damaging disclosures, legal experts said. 法律専門家は、そうした訴訟は失敗し、より大きなダメージを与える情報開示に 繋がりかねないという。
Alan Dershowitz, an emeritus law professor at Harvard Law School, said a libel lawsuit by Trump would be a “terrible mistake” and “a nonstarter” that “no reasonable lawyer would recommend.” ハーバードのロースクールで法学名誉教授を務めるAlan Dershowitzは、そうした 訴訟を起こすなら大変な失敗で、まともな法律家の避けるところという。
Dershowitz, who has often publicly defended the legality of the president’s actions over the past year, said it is very difficult for public figures to prevail in libel suits. Trump would need to show Wolff and publisher Holt knew statements by Bannon and others were false or they acted with reckless disregard for whether or not they were true. Dershowitz教授はこれまで屡々トランプ大統領を擁護してきたが大統領はじめ公人が この種の名誉毀損訴訟で勝つことは困難という
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders described the book as “some trash” filled with “mistake after mistake.” The publisher defended the book. “We see ‘Fire and Fury’ as an extraordinary contribution to our national discourse, and are proceeding with the publication of the book,” Holt said in a statement.
OPINIONS PROTECTED Some lawyers said Bannon, Wolff and the publisher could all argue that many of the comments in the book were opinions, which are protected by the First Amendment and cannot be the basis of a libel action. Andrew Wright, a former associate counsel in the Obama White House and professor at Savannah Law School, said that would include Bannon’s “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” quotes. “I don’t think Bannon would have a hard time establishing that he meant it as an opinion that it was disloyal and improper rather than as a statement of law,” said Wright.
ホワイトハウスは福祉制度の見直しや大掛かりなインフラ整備イニシアチブ、トランプ 氏が公約の目玉に掲げてきたメキシコ国境の壁建設など、政権の政策課題の進展を図り たい考えだったが、突然の展開によってそれも危ぶまれる事態となっている。再開した ばかりの予算協議で民主党指導部に対する大統領の立場も弱められた形だ。 原題:Trump’s Momentum Vanishes After Wolff Book Leads to Bannon Split(抜粋)
ジャーナリストのマイケル・ウルフ(Michael Wolff)氏の著書「Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House(仮訳:炎と怒り──トランプのホワイトハウスの内側)」につ いて、トランプ氏は「いんちき本の著者をホワイトハウス(White House)出入り禁止にし た(実際に何度も彼の取材を拒否している)! 本のため彼の取材に応じたことは一度もな い。うそだらけ、虚偽まみれ、実在しない情報源ばかりだ」とツイートした。
暴露本はトランプ氏の最側近らの発言を引用し、同氏の大統領としての資質に大きな疑問 を投げ掛けている。ツイートに先立ちトランプ氏は代理人を通じ、本の出版差し止めと宣 伝の中止を出版社に要求したが、出版社側は拒否。今月9日に予定されていた発売を5日に 前倒しすると発表している。【翻訳編集】AFPBB News ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント@realDonaldTrump 2 時間2 時間前 I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist. Look at this guy’s past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!
China's Communist Party adopted a secret plan in September to bolster the North Korean government with increased aid and military support, including new missiles, if Pyongyang halts further nuclear tests, according to an internal party document.
The document, labeled "top secret" and dated Sept. 15?12 days after North Korea's latest underground nuclear blast?outlines China's plan for dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue. It states China will allow North Korea to keep its current arsenal of nuclear weapons, contrary to Beijing's public stance that it seeks a denuclearized Korean peninsula.
Chinese leaders also agreed to offer new assurances that the North Korean government will not be allowed to collapse, and that Beijing plans to apply sanctions "symbolically" to avoid punishing the regime of leader Kim Jong Un under a recent U.N. resolution requiring a halt to oil and gas shipments into North Korea.
A copy of the four-page Chinese-language document was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon from a person who once had ties to the Chinese intelligence and security communities. An English translation can be found here. CIA spokesmen had no immediate comment on the document that could not be independently verified.(ry
<中国政府の北朝鮮密約文書> ------TOP SECRET------ Document of General Office of the Communist Party of China GOC Issuance (2017) No. 94 The Decision of General Office of the Communist Party of China on Conducting Communication and Coordination Work between Our Country and The Democratic People's Republic of Korea for Further In-depth Solution of Its Nuclear Issue International Liaison Department of CPC
1. To greatly promote increasing trade with Korea to ensure the normal operation of the Korean government and raise the living standard of the Korean people. As for products under international sanctions such as crude oil products (except for the related products clearly defined as related to nuclear tests), under the condition of fully ensuring domestic demand of Korea, we will only make a symbolic handling or punishment.
2. After closing down Korean businesses in China according to the terms of the Resolution, our country will not for the moment restrict Korea from entrusting qualified Chinese agencies from trade with Korea or conducting related trade activities via third countries (region).
3. To further strengthen and increase assistance for the daily life and infrastructure building of Korea, 2018 related assistance funds will have a one-time increase of 15% more than 2017, and in the following five years, they will be increased each year by no less than 10% over the previous year. 4. Regulations that our country would suspend all banking business with Korea will only apply to state-owned banks controlled by the central government and some regional banks.
5. To increase investment in Korean defensive military construction and further provide Korea with high-level military science and technology, such as more advanced mid- and shortrange ballistic missiles, cluster munitions, etc., assisting in strengthening Korea's ability to maintain stability according to the stability maintenance experience of our country and Korean characteristics.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The U.S. created 148,000 jobs in December, the slowest pace in three months. Economists polled by MarketWatch had predicted a 198,000 increase in nonfarm jobs. The unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1% for the third straight month. Worker pay increased 2.5% from December 2016 to December 2017, up from 2.4% in the prior month. The average workweek was flat at 34.5 hours. October and November job gains were trimmed by a net 9,000 jobs due to revisions. Colombo complex can benefit all parties using Indian Ocean shipping lanes By Hu Weijia Source:Global Times Published: 2018/1/4 22:28:41 コロンボの複合施設開発はインド洋航海レーンを利用するすべての人に便益をもたらす
Some observers have claimed that China seeks to boost its influence in the Indian Ocean by building the huge complex. But exaggerating the impact of the project just serves to fuel the "China threat" theory. If India or other countries feel uneasy about the Chinese investment, they can perhaps comfort themselves by persuading their companies to open offices in these buildings.
“We learned two important new things about where this obstruction of justice probe may go based on this story,” said Matthew Miller, former spokesman for the Justice Department. He said Wolff’s reporting on President Donald Trump instructing the White House counsel to talk Sessions out of recusing himself in the Justice Department’s Russia probe ? where the attorney general would be a witness or potentially even a target ? would be important to investigators.
“Proving intent of obstruction of justice is always a hard thing, because acts that would otherwise be legal ? like firing the FBI director, for example ? are illegal if you’re doing them for the purpose to thwart the investigation,” Miller said. “It now seems clear the president was trying to thwart this investigation. He wanted his attorney general to block it.
Miller said the book also demonstrated the potential scope of the White House conspiracy to impede the Russia probe, which he said appears to include the attorney general himself. “We learned that ? the Justice Department denies this, but (New York Times reporter) Michael Schmidt reports that an aide to the attorney general was up on Capitol Hill before the director’s firing asking congressional staffers to dig up dirt and get it to press about the FBI director (James Comey),” Miller said. “If that was something the attorney general was doing as part of the conspiracy to obstruct justice, if that was an overt act he took to further that conspiracy, the attorney general himself could now be a subject of that investigation.”(ry
“I think what we learned from this new reporting is that firing Jim Comey was Plan B,” Bash said. “Plan A was to keep Sessions in place and have him obstruct the investigation. Sessions had no choice, he had to recuse himself, and I think at some point we have to ask this larger question of, what does a cabinet official do when the president of the United States repeatedly asks you to do the unethical?”
5日に発売されたマイケル・ウルフ氏の暴露本「炎と怒り」では、トランプ大統領に は知性と集中力が欠落しているとコーン氏がこぼしていたと記された。同書によると、 コーン氏はトランプ氏を「救いようのないばか」と見なしているという。 原題:How Long Will Gary Cohn Work for Donald Trump? ‘I’m Here Today’(抜粋)
15 HOURS AGO 容赦のない内幕本が、大統領を更に孤立化させる 本に記述されたトランプ大統領のインナー・サークルからの不信は、忠誠心を尊ぶ 大統領を傷つける FT
Associates say the president repeats the same stories “over and over again”. Mr Murdoch calls the president “a f***ing idiot”. Mr Trump, Mr Wolff writes, was “like an instinctive, pampered and hugely successful actor. Everybody was either a lackey who did his bidding or a high-ranking film functionary trying to coax out his performance ? without making him angry or petulant.”
さらに「私は非常に成功したビジネスマンからテレビスター、そして米国の大統領にな った。賢いというより天才だ。非常に安定した天才なのだ!」と投稿した。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald J. Trump?認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 3時間3時間前 Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.....
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 3時間3時間前 ....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
Donald J. Trump認証済みアカウント @realDonaldTrump 3時間3時間前 President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
Other Twitter users were astonished and horrified. Anthony Oliveira@meakoopa nothing says "I am very sane" like an elliptically punctuated megalomaniacal rant
Emily G, Cville.@EmilyGorcenski I have seen lonely drunk men bragging about their high school sports career with more humility than this.
Amanda Marcotte@AmandaMarcotte The best way to convince people you are a stable genius is to frantically insist on it in hysterical tones.
Nicholas Kristof@NickKristof One hint that a public figure may be mentally unstable: He feels obliged in an emotional tweet to defend his mental stability and even describe himself as a "very stable genius." No, that's not normal.
1. Bob Corker上院議員(共和党、テネシー州) トランプ・ホワイトハウスについて White House an “adult day care center.” 成人用の保護預かりセンターのようなものと発言
2. James Comey前FBI長官 大統領との会談の時に the president seemed “outside the realm of normal” and downright “crazy.” とても正常とはみえず、キチガイじみていた
3. Rex Tillerson国務長官 did call the president a “f*cking moron.” (Tillerson denies it.) とびきりのお馬鹿さん、と発言、後に否定
4. Susan Collins and Jack Reed 上院議員のスーザン・コリンズ(共和党)と ジャック・リード(共和党) 会見時に、マイクが生きていることに気づかずに、二人で大統領の精神状態を危惧する 会話をして、それが報道されることになった。 “I think ? I think he’s crazy,” said Reed. “I mean, I don’t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.” “I’m worried,” Collins said. (ジャック・リード)大統領はキチガイじみていると思う、軽々しく言うべきことでは ないのだが (スーザン・コリンズ)私も心配だ
In less than 24 hours, more than $120,000 was raised in a GoFundMe for the Roy Moore accuser whose house burned down in a suspicious fire. Former Obama staffer Katie Jacobs Stanton started the crowdfunding page for Tina Johnson, whose family lost their home and belongings in a fire that is currently being investigated for arson. Johnson was one of several women who accused former GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct.
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday called on central bank governor Haruhiko Kuroda to keep up efforts to reflate the economy, but added he was undecided on whether to reappoint Kuroda for another five-year term.
David Frum認証済みアカウント@davidfrum 16時間16時間前 But Trump is kept in power by two group in the middle: a) by people who know he’s unfit but believe they can use him and b) by people who sense he’s unfit but care more about culture war than the governance of their country
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said on Sunday the country’s people and security forces had defeated unrest fomented by foreign enemies, as parliament and security officials met to discuss the boldest challenge to the clerical establishment since 2009. 2009年の(選挙不正事件の)暴動以来、最大の騒乱であった
Anonymous@ResistAnonymous 16分16分前 We are #Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive We do not Forget. To the #Iran Government, you should have expected us !
Add to this the evidence of Russian-backed attacks on key institutions of Western democracy: the European Union and Brexit, the Democratic National Committee and the Podesta e-mails. And top this off with a debilitating attack on the National Security Agency itself by an allegedly Russia-linked group called the Shadow Brokers. We are at "e-war": We've traded bullets for bots, soldiers for coders and the Berlin Wall for a firewall.
This battlefield ? social media and the dark web ? is the least understood piece of a new conflict. In essence, both the Russians and the Islamic State have weaponized information. The online ecosystem and their disaggregated strategy have kept them one step ahead of adversaries.
Recent research into both the Russians' and the Islamic State's models of propaganda, as well as interviews with defectors, unveil that: 1) people tend to believe something when it is repeated, 2) Russia and Islamic State fanboys gain the advantage when they get to make the first impression and 3) subsequent rebuttals may actually work to reinforce the original misinformation, rather than dissipate it.
The "weaponization of information" battle pushes governments to ditch our unwieldy bureaucracy and use the very same tools the terrorists and enemies of the State are using ? social media, slick viral campaigns and colourful emotive narratives.
This would be our 21st century version of the historic "Manhattan Project" to effectively mobilize technological talent. At the heart of this new-age conflict is a content war. We must bring in reinforcements from MIT, Cal-Tech, Stanford and elsewhere. Content matters; just look at the "1, 9, 90" model that sees 1 per cent of social-media users as content creators; 9 per cent as curators sharing content; while 90 per cent are simply consumers. We need to mobilize that 90 per cent, to get them off the sidelines to produce authentic content. Using the best digital tools (off-the-shelf or newly developed), we can ensure that the right stories reach the right audiences.
It was only a matter of time, then, before the troll army set its sights on special counsel Robert Mueller. On the website Hamilton68, the Alliance tracks some 600 Twitter accounts it says are associated with a Russia-linked influence network. According to newly released figures, in the month of December, by far the most popular articles shared by the trolls aimed to undermine Mueller and the Department of Justice's investigation into Russian interference.
In other cases, they seem intent on spreading rumors that prove irresistible to the alt-right internet. A popular recent example: On Wednesday, January 3, the second-most shared article by the pro-Kremlin network was "Executive From Comey’s Former Hedge Fund And Family Killed In Costa Rica Plane Crash." Now, Schafer says, it's beginning to gain traction in the dark corners of Reddit.
"It’s taking a minor thread of a story and making that the story, usually with a headline that isn't backed up by what's in the text," Schafer says.(ry
There’s been a bomb cyclone of revelations from and about the White House since New Year’s Day. But there’s a pattern. It all stems from President Trump’s contempt for the rule of law. The week began with a tweet from the President that, in a quasi-normal political environment, would have led to an impeachment investigation. トランプ大統領の新年のツイートにも法の支配への挑戦がみられる
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others 9:48 PM - Jan 2, 2018
Richard Nixon earned eternal disgrace for keeping a list of his political enemies, but he, at least, was ashamed enough of the practice to know that he had to keep it secret. Trump, in contrast, is openly calling for the Department of Justice, which he controls, to put his political opponents in jail. This kind of behavior is a trademark of the authoritarians he admires, like Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdo?an. It would be disgraceful under any circumstances, but it’s especially grotesque given that there’s no evidence that Abedin did anything unlawful. このつぶやきで大統領は自分の支配下にある司法省に、政敵を投獄せよという。それは プーチンと同じで法の支配の否定(後略)
Exemplifying this strategy, South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun called for an equidistant relationship with the United States and China, even mentioning that South Korea should play the role of “balancer” in the region. It is a precarious role for a middle power to play.
Is South Korea a middle power?
CSIS’s three-year project “The Korean Pivot: The Study of South Korea as a Global Power” concludes that South Korea is a successful middle power that is well positioned to punch above its weight in the international system.
Trump’s longtime friend Roger Ailes liked to say that if you wanted a career in television, first run for president.
Now Trump, encouraged by Ailes, was floating rumors about a Trump network. It was a great future. He would come out of this campaign, Trump assured Ailes, with a far more powerful brand and untold opportunities. “This is bigger than I ever dreamed of,”he told Ailes in a conversation a week before the election.
“I don’t think about losing because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.” What’s more, he was already laying down his public response to losing the election:It was stolen! Donald Trump and his tiny band of campaign warriors were ready to lose with fire and fury. They were not ready to win.
Nonetheless, given South Korea’s deliberate inaction over many years, any damage ultimately done to Seoul cannot be allowed to paralyze the United States in the face of immense danger to its own national interests, and to those of its other allies elsewhere in the world. North Korea is already unique in selling its ballistic missiles, to Iran most notably; it’s not difficult to imagine it selling nuclear weapons, too. 韓国が北朝鮮の脅威に対して何も有効な手を打って来なかったからと言って、その脆弱性 を理由に、北朝鮮のアメリカの国益に対する脅威を無視すべきではない。北朝鮮はこれま でミサイルをイラン他に売っている。原爆を売ることを想像することは容易い。
Another frequently cited reason for the United States to abstain from an attack ? that it would be very difficult to pull off ? is even less convincing. The claim is that destroying North Korean nuclear facilities would require many thousands of bombing sorties. But all North Korean nuclear facilities ? the known, the probable, and the possible ? almost certainly add up to less than fewer dozen installations, most of them quite small. Under no reasonable military plan would destroying those facilities demand thousands of airstrikes. 数千ソーティの空爆で主要な数ダース以下の核関連施設を破壊できる Crucial test ahead in squeezing out housing speculators in China By Wang Jiamei Source:Global Times Published: 2018/1/8 22:48:39 今年は中国の住宅産業の投機を押さえ込む為の重要な試練の年である
As 2018 will be crucial to China's efforts to tame the country's bubbly real estate market, authorities should be wary of any possible resurgence in speculative buying as curbs are relaxed.
China's property sector may see zero growth in transactions this year as a result of the continued clampdown on the overheated market, a UBS executive was quoted by CNBC as saying on Monday. If this forecast materializes, then there is a slim possibility that the government will relax purchase restrictions in 2018.
Lanzhou, capital of Northwest China's Gansu Province, announced last week the removal of purchase curbs in three districts. The news made headlines and triggered discussion over whether the national authorities will maintain strict controls over the property market. (略) Yet, China should be wary of relaxed rules in some smaller cities or the efforts of the past two years will be wasted if speculation resumes. In this sense, whether home prices stop rising in 2018 will be crucial to measuring the effectiveness of China's property control policies.
Steve Bannon is stepping down from his position as executive chairman of Breitbart News, the New York Times reported Tuesday. The Times says Bannon's departure was forced by his onetime financial patron Rebekah Mercer. It follows criticism by President Donald Trump over comments attributed to Bannon in Michael Wolff's book "Fire and Fury."
Ivanka Trump@IvankaTrump Just saw @Oprah's empowering & inspiring speech at last night’s #GoldenGlobes. Let’s all come together, women & men, & say #TIMESUP! #United … 11:54 AM - Jan 9, 2018
Reaction was swift and brutal: “Ew go away,” wrote Chrissy Teigen. “Great! You can make a lofty donation to the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund that is available to support your father’s accusers,” wrote Alyssa Milano, whose #MeToo tweet helped launch a national movement. “This is the most hypocritical, clueless statement in her regrettable time in the WH,” added conservative Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin. “Your father has a trail of victims and supported Roy Moore, Ivanka. YOU are indeed part of the problem Ivanka. #complicit” Newly released Senate testimony debunks a key conservative theory on Trump and Russia The big news Republicans didn’t want you to see. By Matthew Jan 9, 2018, 3:00pm EST 上院の諜報委員会での証言が公開されて、保守派のいうキイとなるトランプのロシア 疑惑のセオリーの誤りが明らかにされた
The FBI was already investigating potential links between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government before they heard anything about Christopher Steele’s famous dossier on the matter. That’s the key takeaway from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson’s extensive testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, released Tuesday by ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) over the objections of her Republican colleagues.
Simpson’s hearing lasted for hours, and the transcript is extremely long and mostly fairly tedious. But Simpson does clearly state that when Steele spoke to the FBI about his findings, the bureau “believed Chris’s information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing, and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump organization.” 証言に拠ればFBIはSteeleの話を信用できる可能性があると判断したが、その理由は FBIは別の諜報チャネルで同様の情報を得ていたため。その情報ソースはトランプの 組織の内部(告発者)である。親トランプ側の主張が崩れた。
Conservatives have recently been pushing a theory that the basis for the FBI investigation was an opposition research document compiled at the behest of Clinton’s campaign. Simpson’s testimony seems to confirm the Times account and thereby debunk a conservative counternarrative that places the dossier itself at the center of the story.
Steele’s investigation ended with a number of allegations, including that Trump is possibly being blackmailed by Russian security services with a recording of him paying prostitutes to pee on a bed at a luxury hotel at Moscow, and also that Trump’s campaign was the beneficiary of a multifaceted Kremlin plot to interfere in the 2016 US election.
BuzzFeed published Steele’s dossier in January 2017, setting off a firestorm of controversy and intriguing many liberals. But in recent months, the dossier has taken on new life as the centerpiece of a conservative counter- conspiracy theory, which holds that the whole Trump-Russia investigation was cooked up by the president’s political enemies. Simpson’s testimony is significant in the present context primarily for debunking that narrative. 一部の親トランプ勢力はdossierにまつわる調査が大統領の政敵によって捏造されて いるとしたが上院諜報委員会の証言で、その説は否定された。
As best as we can tell, this, rather than Steele’s memo, was the start of the investigation. And while the investigation has not yet proven the existence of anything like the vast conspiracy that Steele alleges, it certainly has uncovered real evidence of wrongdoing ? including a guilty plea from Papadopoulos himself, and serious charges against former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
We’ve also learned from the investigation that key Trumpworld figures, including Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr., were, at a minimum, eager to potentially collaborate with the Russian government on revealing anti-Clinton “dirt,” rather than emulating Downer in alerting the authorities to the existence of an active Russian intelligence effort aimed at the United States.
It also, obviously, continues to be an ongoing investigation that might yet reveal other criminal activity. Or it might not. But either way, Simpson’s testimony ? which Republicans on the committee didn’t want released to the public ? is more evidence that the question was taken seriously by law enforcement for reasons that had nothing to do with Steele or his dossier.
First Japan, and now China, is getting markets ? notably the bond world ? stirred up. Bonds are the topic du jour, especially after the Bank of Japan got everyone a bit worked up yesterday by trimming its government bond purchases. Then this morning, Bloomberg reported China is considering cutting back on its U.S. Treasury holdings.
Timing is everything. That news has been tanking stock futures and setting up a tough morning for U.S. government paper. That’s after the yield on the 10-year T-bond TMUBMUSD10Y, +1.12% hit its highest since March yesterday. With stocks trading at record highs, some do worry that stocks could get hurt if bond yields start flying higher.(ry
n official for President Donald Trump National Security Council proposed to draw down United States’ armed forces in Eastern Europe to please Vladimir Putin, The Daily Beast reported Tuesday. Kevin Harrington, the NSC’s senior official for strategic planning, suggested withdrawing troops in close proximity to the Russian borders to appease Putin.
Harrington had no military experience before joining the Trump administration, but had instead worked as a managing director for the Thiel Macro hedge fund, run by close Trump ally Peter Thiel. A former administration official alerted The Beast to Harrington’s proposal.
A former administration official alerted The Beast to Harrington’s proposal. “I sensed we were giving something and it wasn’t clear what we were gaining in return,” the former official explained. Harrington’s primary audience for the proposal was then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
The idea that this president and this White House would not step on their own message and not cut short what should be a post-tax-bill victory lap is laughable. Look at the last two days alone?the president’s braggadocio that his nuclear button is “Much bigger & more powerful”; the suggestion of jail for former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin and former FBI Director James Comey; Michael Wolff’s tell-all book on the Trump White House palace intrigue and former Trump intimate Steve Bannon’s accusation of “treasonous” behavior on the part of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort; and various threats of lawsuits.
チャーリー・クックの暴露本の評価は Even if only a third of Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is accurate and not the product of exaggeration (my guesstimate), it would constitute both a scandal and major threat to any conventional White House. Instead it amounts to just another week or two in the tumultuous Trump era. トランプ政権下では毎日のように話題が出まくって大統領がツイッターで派手な言辞 を振りまくので通常ならインパクトの有りそうな暴露本でさえ話題の一つにすぎない。 とは言え、この本の示スホワイトハウスは・・
The Wolff book, meanwhile, provides a lens through which to view this White House?though likely an imperfect one. Reportedly, Wolff was allowed to hang out in the West Wing, mostly unescorted, while staffers and Trump confidants, perhaps thinking that they were talking off the record, bared their inner thoughts and worst suspicions. My hunch is that there is a more than small amount of literary license, if not outright hooey, in the book, but there is a reason why White Houses in the past haven’t allowed the practice of allowing potentially unfriendly journalists the run of the West Wing. Trump’s campaign and now his White House are a model of indiscretion: people talking out of school, knifing each other with glee, and placing their boss in the worst possible light. This is true even if much of the book is exaggerated, if not made up.
中間選挙に向けて・・ Yet even with partially mitigating factors such as Republican-friendly congressional district boundaries and a Senate map that could hardly be better for the GOP, this is shaping up to be an ugly election for Republicans. A wave that in past years might translate into a 40- to 65-seat House loss might just be 20 to 30 seats this November, with 24 seats the tipping point for control. That same wave might normally result in the loss of a half dozen or more Senate seats, with this map translating into a wash or possibly the shift of just a seat or two in either direction. Ironically, given the House lines and Senate seats up as well as the patterns of midterm-election losses for the party in power, had Hillary Clinton won last year we might well be talking about whether the GOP could reach a 60-seat supermajority in the Senate and a massive House edge.
TV personality Oprah Winfrey is the likely winner over President Trump if the 2020 election were held today, but there are a lot of undecideds. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters would opt for Winfrey, while 38% would choose Trump. But a sizable 14% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
For the right, it represented the rotten core of the Russia probe: proof that the president’s political enemies paid some shiftless ex-spy to first write a bunch of lies about Trump ? and then to leak those lies to anti-Trump FBI agents, who proceeded to mount a bogus investigation as means of executing a deep-state coup. トランプ擁護派はFusion GPSノ元スパイがトランプの政敵の要請でトランプについて 捏造した情報をアンチトランプのFBIにリークして捜査を行わせたと主張してきた Here are three bombshell claims in Simpson’s newly released testimony: 議会証言の公表でわかったことは
1. The FBI was looking into Trump’s Russia ties before they got wind of the Steele dossier ? because a whistle-blower from the candidate’s inner circle had already snitched to them. FBIはSteeleがトランプのロシア疑惑で接触を持つ以前に、独自にトランプ組織内部の 告発者の情報を得て、ロシア疑惑を調査していた
2. Steele stopped cooperating with the FBI in late October, out of fear that the bureau was biased in Trump’s favor. SteeleはFBIがトランプ陣営に好意的なバイアスを持つと感じてFBIへの協力を止めた
3. Simpson’s lawyer claimed that “Somebody’s already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier and no harm should come to anybody related to this honest work.” Simpsonの弁護士は、この情報の開示に関連して、既に誰か殺された人がいるという BOOKS BOOKSHELF Review: For India, ‘Our Time Has Come’ In the not-too-distant future, India could have a $10 trillion economy, the world’s third largest military and the world’s largest middle class. Tunku Varadarajan reviews ‘Our Time Has Come’ by Alyssa Ayres. WSJ書評:Alyssa Ayres著、インド「我々の時代がやってきた」 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard N. Haass認証済みアカウント@RichardHaass Excellent review (“lucid and erudite”) of new book on India by @AyresAlyssa of @CFR_org. Raises major 21st cen question of what India will do with its growing might and what others (especially the United States) should do in response.
ロシアの富豪オレグ・デリパスカ氏が有する企業が、ドナルド・トランプ陣営の選挙対策 本部長を一時務めたポール・マナフォート氏を詐欺の疑いで提訴した。少なくとも1890万 ドル(約21億円)の投資金をマナフォート氏とビジネスパートナーが不正に流用したとし ている。 デリパスカ氏の投資会社サーフ・ホライゾン(登記地・キプロス)は10日、ニューヨーク 州の裁判所に提出した訴状で、マナフォート氏と長年のビジネスパートナーであるリチャ ード・ゲーツ氏が2000年代終わり頃、デリパスカ氏が投資した資金を「消滅させた」と主 (後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ex-Trump aide Paul Manafort is sued by Russian billionaire in wake of Mueller’s Russia probe PUBLISHED : Thursday, 11 January, 2018, 4:26am UPDATED : Thursday, 11 January, 2018, 4:26am
The suit, filed on Wednesday in New York state court by Deripaska’s Surf Horizon Ltd, claims Manafort and his former associate, Rick Gates, used the investment as “their personal piggy banks,” moving funds in and out “without any apparent business reason.” Deripaska is an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.(ry
この間暫定首相を務めているメルケル氏は11日、ベルリンでの協議再開前に記者団に 「ドイツにとって正しい政策を見つけようとしている。今日は厳しい1日になると思う」 と語った。SPDのシュルツ党首は協議が12日まで続く可能性を示唆した。メルケル氏と シュルツ氏主導で両陣営は7日から協議を行っている。 原題:Merkel Faces Crunch-Time Redux in Search for Her Next Government(抜粋)
Where it stands: Senate Republicans stepped up their attempts to educate Trump on the benefits of NAFTA in the late fall, going to the White House and speaking to administration members to make their case. Almost every senator I spoke with say they think it's working, but some are still more nervous than others. 大統領を教育しようとする努力を強めている
Several noted that in his remarks to the American Farm Bureau on Monday night, the president didn't threaten to withdraw from the agreement, saying instead he wants the best trade deals possible. "I think if you look at his statement very carefully, he did not mention termination ... I think he’s made some real progress," said Sen. Pat Roberts, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee and a leading pro-NAFTA voice in the Senate. Some senators say they think Trump only began to understand their position once they increased their outreach to him. “That’s why we’re taking the time to share our message with him. But I think it’s made a very positive impact," said Sen. Joni Ernst. Trump has been bringing it up with some senators to get their opinion lately, not the other way around. Sen. Bob Corker said that on Monday, he visited with the president to discuss Iran, but Trump brought up NAFTA.
●Many employees were not informed of the closures ahead of the time, according to reports. 従業員は店舗閉鎖を知らされていなかった ●10 of the closed stores will be turned into ecommerce distribution centers. 10店舗についてはEコマースの配送センターに転換する
President Trump said in a new interview Thursday that he "probably" has a “very good relationship” with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a day after expressing his willingness to enter talks with the country over its nuclear program.
“I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un,” Trump said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “I have relationships with people. I think you people are surprised.”
When Trump was asked if he has spoken with Kim, Trump said he didn’t want to comment. “I’m not saying I have or haven’t,” Trump said. “I just don’t want to comment.” Trump also told The Journal that his tweets on North Korea, in which he’s dubbed Kim as “Little Rocket Man” and labeled him a “maniac,” are part of a larger strategy.
“You’ll see that a lot with me,” Trump said about his fiery tweets. “And then all of the sudden somebody’s my best friend. I could give you 20 examples. You could give me 30. I’m a very flexible person.”
Trump’s remarks to the newspaper come one day after he told South Korea’s leader that he was open to direct talks with North Korea on its nuclear program. On Saturday, Trump told reporters he would be open to speaking with Kim, but not without preconditions. “Sure. I always believe in talking,” he told reporters at Camp David. “If something can happen and something can come out of those talks, that would be a great thing for all of humanity.”
Trump has previously dismissed the idea of direct talks with North Korea, tweeting in October that negotiations with the country were a waste of time. “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man,” he said on Twitter. “Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done!”
プーチン大統領はモスクワで開かれたメディア編集者らとの会合で、教養があり大人の 政治家だと金正恩氏を評価。どこの標的でも到達可能な核弾頭の開発に成功したと述べた。 北朝鮮は今週、約2年ぶりに韓国との高官級会談を行った。トランプ米大統領は10日、 米国と北朝鮮の危機が戦争なしに解決されるとの見通しを示した。 原題:Putin Says North Korea’s Kim ‘Won This Match’ on Nuclear Weapons(抜粋)
Fire, fury and the real trouble with Trump The discord revealed in Michael Wolff’s expose is all too plausible. Yet behind it is a story that should worry us much more
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO! 13:57 - 2018年1月12日
昨年11月には、英国の極右団体ブリテン・ファーストが投稿したビデオのツイッター投 稿をトランプ大統領がリツイート。メイ氏はこれを「間違っている」と述べ、両者は衝 突した。最近では、メイ首相はトランプ大統領とのクリスマス前の電話会談で、英国の 欧州連合(EU)離脱や中東地域情勢について協議している。 (英語記事 Donald Trump cancels February visit to UK)